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Wazza matter,,,,, get run off the Forest thingy Forum board an came back here,,,,,,thingy??????
Or did you drink all the money from that million dollars worth of trees ya sold,,,,,,,didja get a new computer thingy????????
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Problem Poster
I knew it was too good to be true. OK we you know you are still alive :'(now go ahead and crawl back under your stump or rock or what ever you crawled out of.
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Problem Poster
It is now 3 PM on the Left Coast so we are well into happy hour in Bugtussle or wherever he is from.
Between the last two posts and the alkafluence of incohol we should see the "real" thingy emerge any minute.
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This guy must be a real work of art. It seems he has made a big impact on TP prior to my arrival.
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he-he. Just wait, SG. You're in for a treat! Like a train wreck, you can't help looking...
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Problem Poster
Now,,this is more like it!! Tell me what you really think,,don't hold back,,,let it all out,,,richard x
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Also,,a reminder to the youngsters out there,,,don't try and copy this behaviour,,,I am a professional,,,amatures can end up in places they don't want to be at,[hurt,,sad,,depressed,lonely,etc],so if you are a learning brain,stay away...richardx
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Problem Poster
After all the build up it better be good, I'm on the edge of my seat.
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Problem Poster
Well,it'll get better,,,we just got to be patient,,,,course,,on the other hand,,richardx,,,[just like typeing that,,,,richardx,,,,sounds scary],,,,,thingy
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Well,well,and another well,,I am back and offering my services to you guys but you don't want to take full advantage of them,,humm,,,,see you later,,,,richardx
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