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H Clinton
This is what she said, "Speaking during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event, Clinton also offered an apology to a group of Hurricane Katrina survivors "on behalf of a government that left you behind, that turned its back on you." Her remarks were met with thunderous applause by a mostly black audience at the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem.
The House "has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about," said Clinton, D-N.Y. "It has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard."
"We have a culture of corruption, we have cronyism, we have incompetence," she said. "I predict to you that this administration will go down in history as one of the worst that has ever governed our country."
Talk about being out of touch with reality? Re-read what she said again (Do it now) and think about what this country has been thru in the last 6 years? Is this a spoiled rich NY CITY (wanna-be) woman speaking or what? With words like those being used and her running for the top spot next time (we all know its coming) I predict she will get beat like a (well lets leave it at that)? There are 50% of this country approving of what our leader has done, Probably anouther 10% that are on the middle ground and could be swayed one way or the other. With words like those, she, will sway them all right! Right to the other candidate's.
This woman has the goll to say our govt. turned its back on its own people? That in MY opinion is close to treasonous words.
What is she trying to say? That our Govt. turned its back on the minority's because we are all racists? Remember she was talking to the folks where the huricane hit and talking on Martin Luther Kings day. She beat the bush but I think she is beating the wrong bush. The minority will support her but not in the fashion she thinks and she will be beat by 20% of the vote if she continues this hard line attitude. (In other words)
Rich ^%#(* that thinks she is all that just because she did not do what the mainstream woulda done if their spouse was impeached and cheated, also lied to the whole country? I cant wait till the next election. I used to be very scarred of what could happen if she ran but after she has opened up her mouth (on many occasions lately) I can see she wont have a chance in hell of winning.
My advice to our fellow republicans (Keep your mouth shut and let HER run hers" She will beat herself.
If I was her head election campaign person I would tell her to" Keep her mouth shut and just nod your head" She may have a chance if that happened.
I am extremely happy to hear from the "smartest person in the world". She has just made my year
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H Clinton
If you watch FOX news you will know all about H. Clinton. CNN will only bash Bush and the War. I never saw any army or national Guard in Florida, South Carolina, Georgia. I went through Hugo in Charleston never saw any FEMA. Only people who helped me were family and friends. What would she know about a plantation.
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H Clinton
Luckily Walter Cronkite (Remember? The most trusted man in America?) told us that we are too ignorant to elect our own leaders. Inferred: he and his ultra liberal Komrads should do it for us.
Wheew, what a load off my mind. (what a jackass)
And to think, he was America's anchorman for 25 years. What a joke. Mainstream media without it's veil on. Oops.
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H Clinton
The way she stated it means she must be a changed woman! I never saw anything in the papers or on the news. Or is she really as good as an actor as her husband.
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H Clinton
I'll make you a trade. You take Harry Reid.....
Oh, Never mind!
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H Clinton
To win the primary she has to appeal to the hard left....after that she will go immediately to the middle for the presidential election...She's already beed building her stock as a 'moderate' ( ) for over a year....She, like all politifcians will abandon the radical comments after she has the nomination...
She's nowhere near as good as her husband when it comes to acting...like someone on the news this morning commented, the spectacle remined him of a "bad white performer trying to be a rapper"....
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H Clinton
Unfortately, she does have a significant amount of people bamboozled. The GOP isn't helping matters any by their holier than thou attitude and actions. 2008 may be Hillary's best chance as DeLay and Company appeal to the far right wing, they are annoying the middle of the road people. Add in the medicare part D fiasco and 2008 could be her best chance. Many will vote for her because she is a woman.
We all realize she's power mad and was part of the most corrupt administration in the history of the US. So it's ironic she's calling the Bush administration the same thing. Seems she forgot that she fired the white house travel personnel so the contract could be given to a big donor to Bill's campaign. Never mind the "lost" billing documents, the S&L scandal/ripoff she was part of, etc.
But do not forget or write her off. People are stupid and ignorant and she has the mass media on her side. Bush and the GOP had a great opportunity, but squandered it.
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H Clinton
"Bush and the GOP had a great opportunity, but squandered it."
I agree, but in '08 we need someone from the real America in the seat, Not from the left or the right and H. Clinton ain't IT. I'd like to see John McCain run.
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H Clinton
Politics are a joke! You have two sides that fight one another never getting anything done, other than wasting our hard earn money.
Read Glenn Beck's book THE REAL AMERICA. It is one o the best books I've ever read as CHRISTIAN and an AMERICAN.
He has a talk show on am Radio 9am to 12 weekdays.
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H Clinton
Miss Hillary and "Massa Bill" goonna have evvvvythin all figga'd out for evvvybodys in 2008. Even dooos nasty ole' Plantation oownna's in the House a Representatives. Dey even gonna find out who blew up the cannal dikes in New Orleans during Katrina. ;O)
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