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Islam is outraged
no doubt there have been many wonderful jokes with a Polish twist. However, some of the greatest people I have ever laugh with were of Polish heritage.
If memory is correct was it not the simple Polish people who really lead the USSR into breakup?
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Islam is outraged
Religion is the ONLY thing some of these people have had for decades. They need Education and employemnt to distract their crazy minds. I really don't see where Religion can be cinfused with Heritage..... That's only my opinion
To take care of the Hard Core, we should publish photos of Terrorists being casterated. then those 79 Virgins would be useless to them.....
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Islam is outraged
amazing how history is twisted to suit political agenda; please tell me how the simple Polish people led USSR into breakup? USSR was a rotten structure by mid-seventies, long before "Solidarity" came on the scene. Giving "solidarity" and the polish pope the credit for the fall of the soviet union is like giving a pig credit for digging up and taking down an oak tree, not knowing that the oak was all rotten inside and was gonna fall of it's own all along. It's important to see the history with clear eyes and avoid conclusions that result in dangerous mistakes later on. I'm gonna bring a load of wrath on my head for saying this, but the the nitwits in Washington sponsored mujahedeen in Afganistan all through the eighties, destabilizing a benign, semi-socialist regime (that wasn't any more socialist than that in Sweeden or France, for that matter) and ended up creating and nurturing fanatical jihadists. If we can just stop messing with foreign quarrels, we'd all be safer and better off.
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Islam is outraged
horse farmer,
I guess you are giving me credit for over stating credit to the Polish people. I do think the some of the Polish people took a stand that at least no others I know of did.
How about this. Let me say wow, you are 100% correct. What a genius! What a brillant mind!
Now where in this am I serious? You pick it to suit yourself. My dog has better things to do than hunt this.
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Islam is outraged
How was US support of the mujahedeen destabilizing? The US supported Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion. When the Soviets finally gave up and withdrew in the late 80s, Afghanistan fell into civil war. I don’t see how “nitwits in Washington” are to blame. Sure, we were protecting our own self-interests, but the fact is, we helped an Arab nation defend itself against a non-Arab nation. So, I’m not sure what you are talking about.
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Islam is outraged
It wasn't my intention to make a personal attack; I am truly interested to know the rationale of crediting Poland with the fall of the Soviet empire. I still haven't heard a coherent response from anyone on that matter (sorry, but sarcastic comments about my "brilliancy" do not qualify as a valid response) The fact that some Polish patriots "stood-up", as you put it, is certainly commendable; that however was of no consequence on the collapse of the soviet union, since the polish strikes occurred in the early 80's when, as I mentioned, the soviet economic, political and cultural structures were, but a rotten facade. My personal humble opinion is that the idea that the polish resistance was responsible for the take down of soviet union has been fostered in this country by the CIA and the State Department who had spent a lot of money financing the polish resistance, same as they recently did in the "colored" revolutions in the former soviet republics of Georgia and Ukraine. So there was an incentive on the part of the US to claim some return on that investment and they did. Bottom line is, the winner gets to write the history and the winner in the cold war (thank God Almighty) was the United States. Having said that, a sober analysis of the past conflicts can teach us valuable lessons, and, unfortunately, the prevailing view of the events that concluded the cold war lead us to making the same mistakes we made while confronting the soviets, specifically fomenting turmoil in foreign lands.
I am glad the picture of the recent Afganistan history is so clear in your mind. I have a sneaky suspicion that most of your information on that conflict came from the neocon school of thought as preached on the FOX news channel. The facts of that conflict are as follows. There was a soviet-sponsored socialist coup in Kabul in 1979 which actually had some measure of public support among those in the population who were fed up with living under the feudal system of goverment which hasn't changed much since the middle ages. Shortly after that the soviets sent their troops to help the new regime and establish military presence on their march to the Indian Ocean. Not wanting any soviet navy bases so near the persian gulf, the US went all out in financing the mujahadeen who directed their operations from their bases in Pakistan. Had there been no US involvement, the soviets would't have had to leave and Afganistan would not go through a civil war (which, by the way is nothing new to Afganistan). Today Afganistan would have been yet another dirt-poor socialist country trying to convert to capitalism. The point that I'm trying to make is that communism/socialism is a self-destructing ideology incompatible with human nature. It wastes away on it's own. It does not require massive overt and covert military operations to contain. The history proves me right. China was as communist as they get and where is their communism now? Was it any American military involvement that led to the fall of communist practice (if not ideology) in China? Our meddling in the middle east has produced the islamic revolution in Iran (1979), our sponsorship of "democracy" in Palestine led to the rise of Hamas. Now, how are we any safer for all the meddling that the imperious nitwits in Washington have done around the world? We are not. And the reason is - American safety is not their concern. Their concern is the defence of global trade and access to new markets which generates obscene wealth for those who control this government (same as any other government).
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Islam is outraged
horse farmer,
I was not trying to be a wise donkey. I am not an expert on the USSR or any other country as you seem to be.
I suspect, as a person who does pay at least some attention to what is going on, there were many factors which combined lead to the break up of the USSR. Some the general public has no idea of.
An aside to the break up of the USSR, keep watching Russia, per God's word she may be down but not out.
As to my dog hunting, I have things I know and have need of my time better than this.
In reading some of what you wrote to MacDaddy, can you not find some public support for any government? There will always be some in any county that like things just like they are, is that not true?
I do wish you well.
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Islam is outraged
In the grand scheme of things, dog hunting is a far more worthwile use of time than following politics. It's not like you can change a thing, if you follow it. God, in His infinite wisdom, has a master plan, and things are gonna happen according to that plan whether you or I follow politics or not (and thank God for that).
With regard to your comment on people content with their government, that's absolutely right, and really ties in with the first point. Not to get overly religious here, but the most important work, the work of Salvation, has been done and no political tribulations are worth our attention as we prepare ourselves for what is to come in our afterlife. That point was really driven to me by Mel Gibson's "Passion". Just look at what God has accomplished, what does anything else matter?
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Islam is outraged
Prof. HorseFarmer,
Thank you for your enlightening words. Without knowledgeable people such as yourself (and perhaps Sean Penn) we ignorant “neo-cons” could not possibly understand all the complexities, and nuance affecting the world today. If only Reagan had talked to you first, he could have spent a lot more time eating jelly beans instead of wasting his effort pursuing the Cold War… a war that would have won itself according to you. The only problem is, your argument uses 20/20 hindsight to judge the fall of communism then tacitly leaps the same rational to terrorism. “History proves me right”. No. History only proves you right when you voice your theory BEFORE history actually happens. The Berlin wall did not just fall on its own. And as you’ll recall, it took a whole lot of “meddling” for that event to occur. Additionally, I don’t think it’s such a crazy notion that our leaders put up a resistance against Soviet bases advancing towards the Persian Gulf. But apparently you think that was no big deal. And naturally, the whole Arab world should hate us for it.
““The point that I'm trying to make is that communism/socialism is a self-destructing ideology incompatible with human nature.””
Yes. And so was slavery. Perhaps Lincoln was wasting his time too by trying to hurry-along the “self-destruction”.
And how about terrorism? Maybe we should just let that ideology work itself out as well. Why waste any resources fighting it? Eventually they’ll get tired of blowing things up.
HF…. Please don’t mistake my sarcasm for hostility. I don’t claim to be an expert in foreign policy, but I do pay attention. It just gets my dander up when people suggest that we brought this hostility upon ourselves. Sure, we’ve muddied our hands in foreign affairs, but for the most part, it has been for good reason. (Hitler would disagree) And the insane rage exhibited by these Islamic fanatics is disproportionate with anything we’ve ever inflicted upon them. In reality, I believe it has more to do with the fact that their 7th-century ideology doesn’t stack up in a 21st-century world.
And by-the-way, I’m not a neo-con. But yes, I do prefer Brit Hume to Dan Rather.
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Islam is outraged
My philosophy is simple: leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
Commies didn't attack the US and it would have been wiser to leave them to stew in their own commie juices.
Islamic militants are after our blood (two holes in the ground in Manhattan is the proof) and need to be exterminated like so many rats. I don't know how building schools and sewage treatment plants in Iraq accomplishes that purpose, but that's what the current administration is bent on doing. We have a lot of good bombs in our arcenal and we need to start using them. I would even drop Sean Penn as a "stink" bomb.
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