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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
Well after taking 2.5 million in bribes and defrading the tax payers out of millions, Duke pleads guilty and gets a 1.8 million file and 8.5 years in prison.
With his blatant abuses it two a few years to pin him down. I wonder how many others are less blatant and continuing to feed at the trough.
He provided no explanation for what he did. Sorry for himself and not the broken public trust. Personally, I don't think they should give him the country club. Get him to bunk with Bubba. It might help his prostrate problem.
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
You can bet the farm, that there are MANY more on the take, not just in congress either.
If memory serves correct, RI Governor, NJ Governor, CT Governor, Mayors, Representatives from many states, etc ended up in the penitentiaries.
The darndest thing is, is that they KNOW that they have done seeeeerious wrong to the public, yet continue to
a)carry on doing it (sure, what they don't know - they don't need to know)
b)vehemently deny even after they have been absolutely proven without a doubt that they are guilty of said crimes
Too many back door deals are concocted, without the slightest bit of remorse from these people as every day practice.
I agree - NO Country Club, "Bunk up with Bubba" !
- Willie H
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
Bill and Hilary got away with far, far worse than Duke.
How does a guy commit suicide and his brains end up a mile from the body?
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
I can't argue with the punishment he got. I DO have a REAL BIG problem with the whacky, senseless and out of control sentencing that is doled out by our so called justice system. Rapists, robbers, child molesters, drunk drivers, insurance company executives and the like get far less punishment for what I consider far more serious crimes.
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
So Bill and Hillary, made Duke line his pockets at tax payer’s expense? What is the connection? I can not even see that Duke was a lodge member like Bill.
Do you think Duke is the victim of partisan politics? If the dogs that were unleashed on every item in Bill’s life could not convict him, what right do I have to say he was guilty of all his supposed crimes. Duke called out all his friends to protect him and he was still convicted. Not to say that that I think Bill is a choir boy and I would trust him with my daughter, let alone the country.
As I stated to start this it boggles the mind to consider what the less blatant or better connected are getting away with. You can not get much better connected than the Skull and Bones and the CIA. Humm?
To me stealing from the public trust, by an elected offical is the same as treason. He has stolen from every person in the US. To me this is different than the local drug dealer who is influencing one neighborhood. More than one person in the US has be put to death for treason. The US is not a company, this is not like the corporate crime cases of Enron and Tyco, we should not consider this part of the cost of doing business. Hopefully this is the difference between a true democracy and totalitarian regime.
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
Bill and Hillary and all of their Hope Ark buddies were theives, Jim McDougal got time and the Govenor that took over after Bill got time, Guy Tucker?
Yeah! Kennedys and the mob, isn't that how the Lobbyists get to be heard, BRIBES and under the table money?
Term Limits with Senators and Congressmen would help reduce this nonesense, for many who are busted have been around for awhile.
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
Personally I think nothing will change until we have a party that looks for candidates that have some other talent than the ability to B.S. You can not fill a room with exlawyers and expect to get anything constructive done. The same could be said for MBA's, teachers or any other single profession. They might work well individually but if you put them in a group, help!!!
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
We already have term limits.............they are called elections. The average person who votes in this country should not be allowed to vote. If you think that is an unreasonable position; just watch Jay Leno when he does his interviews in his "Jay Walking" segment. Most people have no idea who their elected representatives are! Most are worried about ONE THING........."what's in it for me" NEVER does the thought enter their mind "what's good for our nation. That is why we keep elected people like Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Diane Feinstien, and I could go on for pages of the social communists that get elected in this country.
Until the very culture and fabric of our nation changes for the better; it will continue to get worse.
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
Peters... I am not sure how you got all that from what I said.
The plain fact is that the Clinton's set an example that went far and wide and opened a Pandora's box. Unscrupulous and greedy people from all walks in life watched these two make millions and millions during their tenure in office and went to grab their share too.
Oral sex in school between teens and pre-teens skyrocketed with the only marker in time being the much publicized affair between Bill and Monica.
The Clinton's ironed a new wrinkle into the moral fabric of our society that lingers to this day. People like Cunningham have been discovered in politics before, but rarely have been so obvious and blatant.
If the above notion is offensive, I apologize. I usually don't enter into the political cul-de-sacs on this forum and maybe should stick closer to my rule not to.
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Duke SCummingham Gets 8
DRankin -
You said a mouthful (no pun intended), and I agree. I never had the correlation between B& H and preteens/teens oral gratifications posed in such a light, but it sure seems on target in hindsight.
What Chief pointed out, also proves a sad state that we find ourselves in today. Many times, watching Jay Leno's "jaywalking" blows my mind, that these off the street folks can be that ignorant, ill informed, or just plain stupid when it comes to goings on in the world, even country today that they reside in. The baffling part, is when he interviews college students, asking them about current affairs. I just shake my head in disbelief when I hear the answers that are given - or not!
Terrible, simply terrible.
(I fully recognize that not ALL students are of this level of brain activity, and are potentially sought out to make a point, if for nothing else - ratings)
-Willie H
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