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 03-05-2006, 20:12 Post: 125600

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 Duke SCummingham Gets 8

The good thing about (the folks on Leno's JayWalking" Is that most of them dont even know where they would go too vote! IMO Most of the folks that should not be voting (not that I think anyone in this country should not have the right to vote) But refering to anyone who may just "halfway" punch a chad,) Dont vote anyways.
My 4.0 top of her class wife (salutorian actuallly) voted for Bill the first time around against my wishes. She was one of those million of folks that voted for him because he did not have pimples/buck teeth, and could talk his ass off and still look HOT! By the second election she realized she made a huge mistake. All I ask of folks is that they actually spend a little time researching the candidates so they can make a decision for who they want to vote for on a basis of what they say and what will benifit yourself and the country the most, NOT because he or she is good looking or has a good line of bs.

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 03-05-2006, 22:05 Post: 125602

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 Duke SCummingham Gets 8

I think we can trace the modern credibility gap of senior politicians, back to Ike and his doctrine of plausible deniability. To him it did not matter what he did as long as he could deny responsibility or knowledge and it was plausible enough for the public to believe it. Unfortunately his work in the war had tied him to the intelligence community and deception became common place and acceptable. I think you will find that they all have used it since.
DR I guess you hit a note with me. There are a number of people in this country that spend time listening to rushite talking heads. Rather than talking about right and wrong they seem to want to talk about shades of evil. I believe the parties are equally corrupt, you just have to dig a little harder to find the republican's agenda. Personally someone like Rush or Cunningham standing on moral superiority makes me sick.
I can not tell you that Clinton’s peccadilloes undermined the moral fiber of the country more than Reagan or Bush. I am not sure they had prior data on the oral sexual conduct of children to compare with. Seems to me that my Californian room mates had some bizarre stories when I was in university 28 years ago and this was long before the Clinton. I know the Iran contra drug running definitely affected the moral fiber in the 80’s. Although I grew up in a high drug area, thanks to the hippies and draft dodgers from California, there was no cocaine until the 80’s and the pipeline was opened.
Sin is sin and the moral nature of the country suffers everytime respected leaders, play dirty. Personally I think the things done in secret are far more damaging than those in the light.

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