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Ever get that feeling
That China, Russia, and Iran (along with a few smaller others) Will someday team together to "get the fat West Country's". Does anyone here see a possible future
World War???? I sure hope that our allies start to take a long hard look at what is going on and who is compasionate for who in the world!
Building our strategic oil reserves is a great idea, we may need them some day, and NOT for traveling to MacDonalds! That untapped oil reserve up north (IMO) better get tapped ASAP!!!!!AND NOT FOR Americans to take
trips to WalMart!
It sure is starting to look like Russia and China are sucking up to Iran and what they "want", makes me think that an alegence is in those three country's future even though there is NO love loss between a few of them???
Maybe I am just paranoid?
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Ever get that feeling
Amercians have a very short "attention span" and with that "Memory' which is suppose to be used for comparisions, is also rather short.
Let's look at Russia, during the Nikta Kruschev era, there was a pact with Mexicon to attack the U.S. thru its Southern Borders, Hark, Hollywood took it and made the movie 'Red Dawn".
Many feel, well ole nikta is dead and gone and the Berlin Wall has come down and Russia fell apart and therefore te world and the U.S. can sleep. can we?
Why did Pres. Reagan push so hard for Star Wars? what did they know then that we seem to ignore and not want to beleive today? The key for a secure defense is to stay One Step ahead, if they have long range Nukes we put Defense Satellites in Space, when they get into Space we put a base on the Moon, if they go to the Moon, we go to Mars etc etc etc. We need to stay One Step ahead in order to neutralize any threats. Now Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan and soon India all have a Space Program.
In the last few weeks, even tho Iran is being defiant and daring the U.N. and threaten the world security, Illegal aliens are flocking our streets and War Protestors are marching. This is WORST than the 60s because the Americans at this time are TOLERANT and can NOT see past their noses. They will listen to the Illegal Aliens and strike a deal, they will lookat the Dumb Ass Liberal War Protestors and as in Vietnam strike a compromise. War is NOT about compromise it is about seeing it thru. Once you strike a compromise the Dead become a number and not a part of a cause. We need to get Our backbones back and I remember when Pres Reagan gave it all to us and we used it. Now we seem to have a Wishbone where are backbone should be, we all stand around waiting for someone else to make the move. Yet! the crude are taking to the streets and we watch. Why aren't WE who stand for Honor, Courage, Pride, Morals, Integrity taking to the streets? why do we alsways JUST SIT and watch everyone else so we end up feeling like we are the minority? Hell! we can at least write our Senators, I have sent letters to each and everyone I know of and not just my own.
Lincoln once said "United we stand, departed we fall" Wow! are we close or what?
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Ever get that feeling
"... Ever get that feeling? ..."
Yup. Every day now. It's comming. Only a matter of when. Thanks to those in power and the morons who keep re-electing them, we WILL loose.
Brush up on your mandorin (Chineese) or Spanish. The US will be gone within my lifetime.
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Ever get that feeling
Don't know about your life time but mine may be short if they try to take us, I have guns and WILL fight.
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Ever get that feeling
If I were to own any firearms, I would have bought them from rummage sales, flea markets, private sellers, ect so that not one of the firarms that I might own would be registered with ANYONE. Neither would the reloading equipment and supplies that I might have on hand. Or the thousands of rounds of ammo... Or... Or... Or...
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Ever get that feeling
I just hope the tv stays on long enough to watch those liberals screaming about why we did not do something earlier
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Ever get that feeling
Move out to the boonies, folks, stock up on canned pork and beans and your .22 ammo.. the slants are coming.
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Ever get that feeling
Probably not just what you want to hear but read the last book of the Bible. It says Russia and China (has to be them for the direction is from the North and East and they are the only nations with the population to suit) will attack Israel. I would have to look but I think the path is either through Iran or Iraq and right off I don't remember which.
There are those who believe Iran is baiting a trap to try and draw us in, and give a reason to Russia and/or China to attack.
This any wise person should realize, it is serious.
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Ever get that feeling
It says they will cross the Euphrates River, now where do you think that is at.
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Ever get that feeling
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