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Ever get that feeling
Even a simple minded "cheese head" like myself can figure out we are being baited. Todays BIG NEWS Iran say's they found more plutonium (spell real bad ). Cmon, if that is not adding another log to the fire!
I feel they are baiting us in more ways than just Russia and china, maybe trying to also get us to take a defensive (or offensive) position that will put even more wedge between us and Alah followers.
Horse farmer
Dont joke about that! I still have canned goods from 2001/2002 (BTW) When they near their expiration date, they make great donations to food drives for the kids and grand kids).
My wife had asked what I was doing with all that ammo? She was amazed that I already had invisioned what may happen in the event of a nuke or even a rogue nuke attack here. In the event of a plague or some form of human to human spread terror influenza type deal! I had told her that our drive way is long enough for any car that may pull into to turn around WELL before I shoot em! Makes you wonder what the next big movie will be about? I have a script already written! Folks in the sticks getting invaded by city folk looking for "safe havens" while we are being attacked. The city folk are carriers of infectious bacteria. It will be a free for all! I sure hope CNN is there to cover the Mexican border! Watch all the TRUE AND BLUE Meixican/AMERICANs running their butts off trying to get BACK INTO Mexico!
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Ever get that feeling
For anyone who has ever been to Northern Mexico, they only understand One language there....BRIBERY.
So you see these ILLEGALS marching in the Parades and the Demostrations carrying the Red White and Blue of the U.S. are they really caring about the U.S. or do they just want to jump in and enjoy the harvest and when the shit hits te fan, let the gringos worry about it?
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Ever get that feeling
My wife just brought up another good point.
If these people are getting paid wages that Americans wouldn't work for, it probably means they are not being reported and therefore no taxes, FICA or insurance or anything else is being deducted which means that these cheap labor people earning $5 per hour is actually earning an equilvilant of about $10 per hour and it is really the COMPANY that is saving the money and not the workers?
So let's go after the companies.
I emailed every single person that had an email address in the "11 million plus" reference addies. Kennedy did NOt have an email and so did not many others, McCain did and I included Govs as well.
I suggest everyone go to the 11 million plus thread and link to the two addresses and send emails to these jokers, flood them with email and let them know that 1.1 million illegals in the streets do NOT represent the 300 million legals that stayed home.
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Ever get that feeling
you may be right about Russia and China, but you don't have to go 1000 miles away from Israel to find nations who hate it. Directly north of Israel is Lebanon with Hezballah, Syria and Turkey (who killed 1.5 million Christian Armenians in 1915 and still haven't apologized for it). Directly to the east are Jordan (the proud homeland of Zarqawi) Iraq and Iran. Israel will be attacked by a coalition of the muslim countries, no doubt about that.
China has no gripe with Israel, the Chinese get too many weapons technologies from Israel to want to attack them. And Russia hasn't been able to put out a minor Chechen rebellion for 12 years now, do you think they are ready for a world war?
The fact is, Iran has every right to fear us, our Army is at it's borders, not the other way around. This whole Iran business reminds me a story. Once, a small shabby dog was runnig up the street when he crossed paths with a man. The man didn't like that the dog was shabby and spit at him. The dog growled. The man didn't like that and kicked the dog. The dog bit the man. The man really didn't care for that and yelled: "Hey, this must be a rabid dog!", pulled out his gun and shot the dog. The moral of the story is: just because we don't like Iran, doesn't mean we have to escalate our dislike into a military confrontation and claim that it was all Iran's fault. The 1979 hostage situation should have been dealt with 25 years ago; it's over now, let's sit down and have discussions, instead of escalating into another dead-end middle-east war.
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Ever get that feeling
It just dawned on me! The reason this administration is so pre-occupied with Iran's nuclear program is to divert the attention of Americans from the real problem, here in our own land! We have upwards of 11 million foreigners having crossed our borders illegally - that's bigger than ANY standing army in the WORLD! We are under a full blown invasion, our cities have been taken over by the hords of barbarians, but we're warried if Iran may threated Israel with nuclear weapons that are years away in development. Who cares about Tehran, if we're loosing Texas?! Let's stop the invasion at home before we worry about threats to others abroad.
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Ever get that feeling
Your dog story had a good basis to it, but I do NOT think the U.S. is trying to do a thing as in your story. Iran is being defieant and boasting about what it will do with it's weapons and even said it would attack the U.S. and other European countries. Your story should be about a Dog who is going around threatening to bite people and that it has sharpen its teeth and will bite harder than ever. That changes the moral of the story just a tad.
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Ever get that feeling
you said "The reason this administration is so pre-occupied with Iran's nuclear program is to divert the attention of Americans from the real problem, here in our own land! "
The administration is NOT preoccupied with Iran, all that you have heard is RESPONSE to waht Iran says, AFTER Iran says it. Th emedia is reporting what the President of Iran is constantly saying and doing and the ADMIN is NOT involved at all, I think Rice has made a comment and no one in the Administration, that I am aware of is telling me or anyone I know that we are going in militarily and to watch the news and don't listen to anything else but news on Iran.. Don't confuse the Media and their hunger for stories and their wide-eyed imaginations and far-fetched sensationalism to the Bush Administration, they aren't even remotedly related. After all that is what pissed the WHite Press Corps off when Cheney reported to a a Texas Media versus them.....smile. The WH Press Corps is NOT apart of any Adminsistration as much as they want to believe that they are....
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Ever get that feeling
as far as the rest of your post....OUTSTANDING and well said.
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Ever get that feeling
That nut in Tehran is definitely going to be responsible for whatever harm may befall his people. No president should be as stupid as to threaten to erase Israel from the face of the earth when he knows Israel is fully capable to do the same to his country at any moment.
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Ever get that feeling
The U.S. does NOT want to be blamed for a Political Assination but I think a Surgical Removal of a World Threat is getting close to being the P.O.D. (Plan of the Day for you Non-Dept of the Navy personnel)
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