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Outdoor Wood Burners
I want to start out by saying that I am going to be using one in the next 3 years. I have nothing against wood burners in the right envirenment. My buddys have em and they are no problem BUT they all live in a place that has hundreds of yards or more inbetween the houses.
My problem lies where I live now. My new neighbor installed a outdoor wood furnace last year. I did not notice it that much last year. WOW, This year, I can hardly go outside with out feeling like I am either choking (at worst) or smelling the crappiest wood ever burning, almost like its punky wood! Ill tell ya, it dont have that crisp refreshing smell of hickory or oak when its burning, it smells like friggen garbage!!!!!
I am starting to realize why some area's in the country are banning them from less than rural area's! Granted, I do live out in the county but, the houses are still pretty close. This guy lives one house away and it seems like ALL winter the damm wind is blowing in my direction. I hate to say it, but I am about ready to e-mail a complaint to the township. I know it wont do any good with this situation but I can see why folks are against them! I am not whinning, or pissing and moaning, it really does stink!
Anyone think they can figure out why? Ya think its his wood? Last year I did not smell it like this!
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Outdoor Wood Burners
Here in Northern Lower Michigan a lot of people have these type of wood burners. I know many personally and I know it is common practice to burn their garbage in them. I think most people sort out the stuff that doesn't burn or the stuff that will stink but I suppose some folks are not that smart. So........ maybe your neighbor is burning garbage???
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Outdoor Wood Burners
Yep here in upstate NY some of the towns have put aq moritorium on them for now. A lot of people are burning their garbage in them and of course it stinks like burning garbage. Can you talk with your neighbor and explain the problem, perhaps he does not realize that it's offending you when he burns his garbage in his furnace.
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Outdoor Wood Burners
The cheaper the burner, the worse it can be. The better ones get their heat from the exhaust so the fire burns at an effecient high temperature. This eliminates a lot of the pollutants and smoke.
I'm curious what model your neighbor is using.
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Outdoor Wood Burners
I have an old one, but only use it to heat the pool once in a while. I neighbour had one and I could smell it once in a while. The problem is the control on the system. You load the fire box and then it must keep the fire from boiling the water so it dampers down the fire. Basically unless you are calling for all the heat is a smudge pot or charcoal maker. If the wood is a little wet is is worse. Naturally as it will burn anything and creosote is not a problem .... 
Mine was expensive as it is all stainless, but I am sure there are better designs today. The stove Murf showed us a few years ago would burn anything without creating a smudge pot.
The pool requires all the heat of 110,000 BTU so you are basically throwing wood in as fast as possible so.... 
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Outdoor Wood Burners
A house up the road some has had one for years, it never made any visble smoke, or had any of the surrounding folks bothered.
Then the property sold. The new owner doesn't like buying or cutting wood, so he has been stoking it with cobs of corn, right out of the field!!!
He claims to get 2 days or more out of a firebox full of corn on the cob.
The neighbours aren't as exicted about this new fuel source as the owner is.
Another problem outdoor unit was causing a big stink (pun intended) locally, the owner worked for the local power authority and was burning scrap utility poles, creosoted and CCA treated, anything he could get his hands on. Apparently that stopped pretty fast when the mayor phoned his boss. No more poles. Now he burns wood pallets instead.
As was mentioned, the big problem is the burn rate, most of them smoulder for all but brief rapid burn cycles.
I've seen ads for some of the newer outdoor furnaces with a neat twist, they burn kernel corn, and only burn when the system calls for heat. Ignition is either accomplished by an electric heater or propane flame. Since they run a small, very hot, auger-fed, fan-forced fire, the fire goes out after just a few minutes after shut down.
Best of luck.
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Outdoor Wood Burners
My corn furnace at the rental unit is an indoor unit which is vented to the outdoors. The corn fumes do cause a slight stink that is kinda of a sweet smell that is not real pleasant. Luckily it is on the opposite side of the house than the entrance, so it isn't a problem. Neighbors are far away so they are also not bothered. It puts a brown residue on the siding. It is lots cheaper than propane but requires attention, cleaning and other maintenance.
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Outdoor Wood Burners
"I am not whinning, or pissing and moaning,...!"
Yeah, okay. Is there another name for it? But that's what we're here for 
Reminds of when I was burning old wood trim in my fireplace and a cop knocked on the door. He asked if my home was on fire. I asked him why he asked. Just then a super thick cloud of smoke came between me and him so thick I couldn't see him. He said "THIS is why--come tlkae a look outside. You can't see your neighbors, or the street in front or the street behind you" DOH! No more incinerator. But there's more---three days later a neighbor who I never met before knocked and told me that "three days ago there were FLAMES shooting out your chimney about 4 or 5 FEET!"
Puzzled, I asked him why he's telling me NOW! He returned the puzzled look and says, "Well, your place is still standing, so I thought I'd let you know."
Crimeny! 'preciate it there...rocket scientist.
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Outdoor Wood Burners
Peters: Didn't you say you had a buddy who was looking to build steel homes in 'sippi? I'd still like to hear from him. Things are suppose to "break loose" within the next few weeks home buildingwise.
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Outdoor Wood Burners
This winter is one of those half and half winters. The weather is warm enough to not call it cold outside (32-44 degrees) BUt it is also warm enough for the furnaces not to have to burn all the ime, maybe thats the problem (like you all refered to).
I am thinking about putting flyers in the mail boxes of the houses that have wood furnaces, (2) and I also have aneighbor a few houses down that has an indoor wood burner,
the other morning about 6am I was walking the dog and about gagged. He was with out a dought burning garbage/plastic. Im leaning towards the threatening flyer thing telling them that if any more garbage or smelly crap is smelt that the district has mat number will be called 
That will get their attention (maybe)
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