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Elections on Nov 4th
I have grave concerns on the future of the US in regards to the possible results of the elections on Nov 4th.
Most anyone who owns a tractor is a thinking person. But think carefully on the total and not just the glimmer and really listen to what is said and not just sound bites. This father and grandfather has real concerns for his children and grands and am asking each of you who believe in prayer to pray carefully for our USA.
May God continue to Bless the USA..and with our effots he may. kt
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Elections on Nov 4th
All thinking people share your concern, but a problem with the devotion approach is that there are millions of others who are praying even more carefully to their God for His help in destroying the USA.
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Elections on Nov 4th
I agree with all you said. The other day saw a lady from Canada who was on tv here talking about our election. Not sure now who interviewed her but she knew the truth better than many of the US citizens. Sad. kt
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Elections on Nov 4th
We just finished a Canadian federal election to choose one of five parties. The issue for many of us was which was the least worst. You have two, both so top-notch that it must be hard to decide who's the better.
If I may offer an outsider's opinion, with one as president, America will be more respected, with the other, more feared. And maybe your country and the world needs the latter for a while.
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Elections on Nov 4th
We'll be voting this weekend using our fraud prone mail-in ballot system. Oregon is happy to have many newly registered voters, and I'm proud to have my vote counted along with the votes of illegal aliens, excited puppies and dead goldfish.
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Elections on Nov 4th
Amazing how so much fraud can be committed by a party of supposed openness and fairness isn't it. The practice dates back decades, I recall even Kennedy's election had implications but Nixon overlooked them and said the country would be best off moving forward and throwing the elections into turmoil.
What makes some folks think that someone else is responsible for them other than themselves? To me, that is no more than a surrender. I can't support myself or my family so you will help me. Freedom has responsibilities.
I have prayed that our country is returned to its moral foundation. There may be other people around the world praying to their God, but, as they say, there can be only one.
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Elections on Nov 4th
I remember a time (no SO long ago) in which one presidential candidate would win in a landslide decision........not even close. Remember Reagan and Mondale? Mondale won just one State.......his home State of Minnesota.
Well, that is no longer the case. Today we have candidates who run neck-and-neck, with one on them winning by a nose.......or even by U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Why is this? The answer is simple. There is so little difference between the two candidates, and between the two parties, that we are essentially voting for candidates who hold the same views on every issue, making for an election that is based solely on a popularity contest. Policy is no longer an issue in these elections.
It would really help if we had a clear choice to make. Unfortunately, for all of us, we no longer have that option. We have our choice of voting for the Devil, or the Devil's son. Pick your evil.
For this reason, I'll be voting for a third party candidate.
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Elections on Nov 4th
Cando - I couldn't agree with you more - we have ourselves to blame. Everyone is so focused on bashing the other party and in the end it makes no difference - it's a circus. Not a single mention of policy on this thread - just nay saying, a mirror image of all the liberal press and conservative talk shows you care to listen to or read. They don't help or inform they just fan the flames of fanatic ignorance.
We are no longer respected in the world and no longer feared either, one thing we can count on is diminished US importance in a global economy where we are increasingly isolated and at odds with everyone else.
Obama, McCain - who cares we will have the same crappy administration that panders to the political and wealthy elite while the folk in the old boys club laugh at us arguing about stupid and irrelevant topics like Gun Control and Abortion rights that serve to distract our attention from the fact that we don't really have a say in our government anymore and we don't have enough money to join the club that does.
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Elections on Nov 4th
I partially agree with you both. I myself am voting for a third party candidate since I am a libertarian, but living where I live and knowing it is going to Obama, my choice is easy.
Right-on with the two subjects you mention AB, the government has no right to interfere with either. But that same mentality should extend to personal responsibility as well. At this point, we have a huge voting block that is casting a vote for "benefits". Even the lawyers have "benefits".
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Elections on Nov 4th
I forget who said this.........
"A government that robs from Peter to pay Paul, will always have the support of Paul."
How true.
Government's goal, of course, is to create a situation in which Peter is greatly outnumbered. Our government has succeeded in this endeavor.
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