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Cash for clunkers
Yeah, I too found AARP insurance offerings to be highly over-rated (and comparatively over-priced). But I saw through that outfit several years ago. When I discovered that my dues were being funneled to liberal PACs, the DNC, into Democrat re-election efforts, I canceled our memberships (wife's and mine) on the spot.
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Cash for clunkers
I did the same thing, dropped them about as quickly as I signed up. They continue to send notices, years later, about my "dues". Went so far as to write to them about why I dropped out, refused delivery of a few notices, yet they continue.
Guess I can feel good about them wasting postage on me and not on someone that might fall for their BS.
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Cash for clunkers
I didn't want to comment on the cash for clunkers thing till I did some research, and I'm not sure I fully understand it now, but here's my take on it.
1 - The average "Clunker" likely has less than 25K miles left in it. OK they save the difference of 18 - 22 MPG, or four MPG for 25K = 250 Gal. at whatever the price of gas may be.
2 - Supposed to help low income folks. OK, Government gives them up to 4500 towards the price of a new car that they likely can't afford even with the free money.
3 - Obama and the Republicans for that matter slobbered all over the domestic car makers with multi billon dollar bailouts and all kinds of promised help down the road. OK. WHY, if they want to help our domestic carmakers are we the taxpayers giving incentive mney to people who purchase foreign cars and the profit from those sales goes to the country of origin instead of keeping the profits from that car sale here in our own depleted coffers?????????????
Sounds to me like a program designed by the rich for the rich and will be as lax on safeguards and as ripe for fraud and corruption as the insurance company bailouts were.
Nuff from me.
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Cash for clunkers
I just heard that supposedly dealers are allowed to put any cars that they took on trades as of July 1, so part of the run on the program was from dealers dumping their used car inventory.
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Cash for clunkers
Sounds to me like a program designed by the rich for the rich ...
I was withya (sorta) up till there. How do ya reckon Cash for Clunkers is "for the rich"? What I see is just an extension of the sub-prime mortgage mess. That is, the government tempting insolvent folks to take out yet another loan they would otherwise never be qualified for.
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Cash for clunkers
You answered your own question about this "Obama Scheme", I'll call it. Do poor people own the sub-prime mortgage business? You are absolutely correct people without the ability to repay will be suckerd into loans they can't handle. The rich feeding off the poor, I have little time for those kind.
Dennis, is your message telling me that dealers may be able to unload excess cars without the cars having been a tradein on the clunker program?
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Cash for clunkers
.....Dennis, is your message telling me that dealers may be able to unload excess cars without the cars having been a tradein on the clunker program?
Yes that is my understanding, of course they would only want to do that if the market value of the cars on the lot were less than the Cash for Clunkers rebate.
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Cash for clunkers
....What I see is just an extension of the sub-prime mortgage mess. That is, the government tempting insolvent folks to take out yet another loan they would otherwise never be qualified for.//greg//
That is exactly what I thought, then I watched the video on the NY Times about a dealer here in NJ that I know of. Looked to me like the cars in his lot were not clunkers at all most looked to be worth at least $5000, just out of favor like 9 year old Jeep Grand Cherokees, Mini vans etc.
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Cash for clunkers
I guess I don't see how this program is for the "rich" unless you consider middle class rich. The truly poor can't afford a new car and the rich really don't make their purchases based upon trading in their old clunker (which is most likely a year or two old BMW), let alone a rebate.
The "poor" don't pay taxes, so they are not footing the bill. The rich and the middle class pay the taxes in this country, along with the oil companies, private utilities and other businesses.
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Cash for clunkers
I haven't done any research or know anyone that has taken advantage of the program. Since I'm close to the automotive fire so to speak, the news has been touting the aspect of creating some jobs from it, which is a Godsend here.
(My thinking leans toward global economy--good or bad--it's a reality we have to live with)
The other aspects touted locally are perhaps the unintended or collateral damage: scrap yards and separately used parts recyclers. Supposedly those certified clunkers cannot be resold and redriven. So their engines have to be removed and melted down. This is suppose to drive the cost of steel up according to the media. I don't see it. In fact, their will be glut of engine-type steel and aluminmum which drive costs down---unless things flip and there will be new demand for raw materials based on cars selling faster than they can be made. And potentailly there will be a glut of engineless cars that ultimately will have to be crushed since there will be less running cars to repair.
Frank mentioned foreign car makers taking their profits back with them. Not sure that's really accurate on the face of it for several reasons:
- Those cars that are built here use OUR people--jobs.
- They pay property taxes on plants and equipment HERE.
- They use OUR rail, air and trucking systems--jobs.
- They use some of the same parts makers as domestics.
However, even our domestic makers don't necessarily build their cars and trucks here--my last three Dodges were made in Mexico.
I'm jis' sayin'
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