Cash for clunkers
I've heard all that hash before. The foreign owned auto companies would close their doors here in a heartbeat if they couldn't take some of the profits home with them. Lets say this "Program" creates a need for five million cars, (just a number out of the blue), it takes a given number of people to build five million cars. OK, wouldn't you rather they be built in domestic factories and all the profits be kept here? We've given away enough of our manufacturing ability now, do you want that to continue?
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Cash for clunkers
Frank, of course they take a part of their profits--this is business, not charity .
Continue? We don't have a choice. It's called "protectionism". And laws won't change it--other countries (as do we) cry foul when we tell them we won't allow their goods here. It's politics. It's bigger than me, and I'm not an economist--I just play in the dirt.
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Cash for clunkers
Yes, I realize that my shouting about things like this only raises my blood pressure and the politicans could care less about my opinions, so goes the world.
Like someone said Chevron is not in business to produce oil, they are in business to make money.
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Cash for clunkers
The program is just too poorly thought out in so many ways. But the one that bothers me the most is who's paying for this. It's the "responsible ones" who are once again funding a disproportionate share. I consider myself to be in that group, with two cars that already get 26 and 35 mpg respectively (combined city/highway). The "other group" is comprised of those CfC participants, by virtue of them driving cars that get less than 18 mpg.
The responsibles are funding the $3500 and $4500 gifts that tempt the others to race out and buy a car, one that they likely wouldn't otherwise consider. Yes, some of the others pay taxes too. But they're getting a real time return of substance. The responsibles aren't.
Another example about how poorly this mess was thought out; only 1 out of the top 5 cars purchased under this program - is an American car. And now we're likely going to throw another two billion at it. I'm strongly inclined to agree with the opening post. This is just more redistribution of wealth.
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Cash for clunkers
The other irony is that many of the cars that are being traded in are cars whose owners drove them very little. College kids, train station cars.. etc. So the effect on gas consumption is next to nothing. The program is more like a lottery as Greg said, we all put in and only some benefit.
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Cash for clunkers
Some folks are lamenting that crushing all these "clunkers" is depriving the market of what may be classic car parts in the future. Personally - given the absurd EPA/NHSTA mandates over the years - I don't really see very many "classics" evolving from the graduating classes of 1984 to 2001.
More to the point, removing the $3500 to $4500 category of cars from the market place - is depriving an very large group of low income people of the only vehicles they can afford. There's a difference between taking a "clunker" into a dealer and financing a new car (whether you can afford it or not) - and just going out shopping for something ($3500 to $4500) that you can actually afford.
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Cash for clunkers
The clunker money an individual gets to help buy a new car will likely be considered as ordinary income on their 09 tax return, if the individual is subjec to taxes.
The next big farce being pushed on us by the Obama admistration is the health care reforme bill that he wants, "Rushed" thru before anyone can have time to read the two foot thick bill. We should at least be allowed to hear all the aspects of this "Reform" before he gets it made into law.
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Cash for clunkers
...is depriving an very large group of low income people of the only vehicles they can afford. There's a difference between taking a "clunker" into a dealer and financing a new car (whether you can afford it or not)- and just going out shopping for something ($3500 to $4500) that you can actually afford.//greg//
I think you are right, this is really not a low income plan, low income people really cannot afford a new car. It seems to be more of a windfall to families that have plenty of income and have a large fleet of cars, one of which qualifies.
It is sad that our government does not see that the cars that are being scrapped would be a blessing for the lowest income people in the US. It seems very short sighted to me.
How about changing the plan to Cash for Clunkers and instead of crushing them give them to people on welfare so they cna get a job!
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Cash for clunkers
Got an email from GM today offering 0 for 72 now with teh program.
I think it is going to leave a big void in the ages of good used cars available although I think there are still plenty available in dealers lots.
I'd like a nice used car for occasional use but it wouldn't be from NY anyway. This new calcium they started using a few years ago on the roads here is killing cars in five years anyway from the rust.
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Cash for clunkers
nothing for nothing, I have been looking to buy a car to replace my CLUNKER (1995 e 150 conversion van with 200,000) on it and it,s not worth $4,500 any way. I live 2 miles from work and have driven clunkers all my life and really did not like the new car idea at all !!! I have been honestly working and paying taxes since the age of 14. When I started to look to replace my van there was nothing around !!! Now I own a brand new 7 passenger vehicle for the same price as a used vehicle with 30,000 miles and a payment equal to the nickle + dime issues I was dealing with on the van. I rationalize this as getting some of the tax money back from the system I have been paying into//I HAVE ALWAYS HAD A LEGITIMATE JOB AND HAVE NEVER USED THE SYSTEM BEFORE//NO WELFARE HERE !!!!and I thank GOD for (not being unemployed)//
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