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Where Murf
Thanks for the Update Murf. Glad to know you gotta buy gas for another season of mowing.
Only a couple of things better than fresh mowed grass.
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Where Murf
Ken, sorry for the mistake, believe was it Iowafun who worked for Maytag?
I think you're right. As I recall after the closure of the Maytag plant he sold is tractor and property and moved elsewhere. Hopefully he is doing well.
And I'm really glad Murf is still with us!
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Where Murf
Hi Harvey, Kthompson, Kwschumm, Murf,
Just a shout out to all of you founding TP'ers.
Hope you had a good summer, it sure was one of the wettest in recent years, no summer brown out, had to use the mower every week.
That rain fall from Irma was crazy at 50 inches, if it had been snow that would be about 60 feet of snow, and I guess if that were at all possible, would wipe out civilization ;-(. I am sure Murf would have the right snow gear for it nonetheless.
Been working on repairing my cedar deck got some rotten end grains. Doing a patch job which is tedious as you have to use a plunge saw and custom cut each piece. Just want to eek out a few more years out of it. I have sure gotten to be one of the SLOWEST workers alive.
My wife marvels at how long ti takes me to do any meaningful work ! Here is a spouse story for you.
Her husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months yet she stayed by his bedside every single day. When he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he said, "You know what? You have been with me all through the bad times. When I got fired, you were there to support me. When my business fell, you were there. When I got shot, you were by my side. When we lost the house, you gave me support. When my health started failing, you were still by my side. When I think about it now. ....I think you bring me bad luck!"
My best to all of you and yours.
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Where Murf
Well once again I'm both honoured and reminded of how people you 'hardly know' are so important in our lives. I am also glad to be included in such great company.
I just got back from a whirlwind trip to a) check on my Florida properties, and b) more importantly (to me anyways) attend a celebration of life of an old friend I served with at the National Museum of the US Air Force on the base at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH.
I am truly blessed, not just because of my friends, so many of which I've never met face-to-face, but because all three of my properties in FL are relatively unscathed, something I can't say for so many others.
I can't believe how many years has passed.
Thanks Dennis, for all these years.
Best of luck friends, best of luck.
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Where Murf
Thinking back through the years this site has helped many people with good advise! Enjoy all of the people involved. Thanks Dennis!
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Where Murf
Glad to see everyone still mowing the green grass. Art so often I get something really good from you always enjoy.
I'm in the cardiology ward at St Joes. Had a incident yesterday riding bicycle . Not a full blown MI but enough to cause me some concern and for them to keep me. Think I'll be back at it in a day or 2. Got a little lazy with diet and exercise since the other med issues. Get back doing the right things.
You gotta be tough to get old.
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Where Murf
...... Got a little lazy with diet and exercise since the other med issues. Get back doing the right things.You gotta be tough to get old.
You are so right. I am having all the mirrors replaced in my house, it will not change the situation but allow me to continue to be deluded. I have gotten a little bad on the diet, gotta get back on track.
Hope you are out soon and back at it.
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Where Murf
Sorry to hear about your issue Harvey, hope you are back at it quickly.
I know it is going to sound whacky guys, but you seriously need to give it a shot, have a probiotic yogurt every morning with your breakfast.
My dear lady got me to a homeopath a while back. I had pooh poohed the idea but she persisted and pointed out that I had originally said much the same thing about a chiropractor. Point taken.
I am not sure how it works, or even why, but it does. I changed NOTHING else as far as diet or exercise, a problem due to injuries anyways. In y months I went from 250 pounds down to 210 pounds!
As a bonus I rarely snore now either I am told, although I do not believe I ever did. Hehehe. ;-p
Best of luck.
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Where Murf
With results like that I have to ask what brand yogurt are you using and can you get it in the lower 48 and I assume it would be Plain Yogurt, whole milk, low fat, or fat free
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Where Murf
Hey Dennis,
I eat Activia probiotic yogurt, it's available everywhere. Lots of great fruit flavours, I even have a second one for desert some evenings. The commercials are correct for once, it really does taste good. 
Best of luck.
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