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 10-23-2017, 14:13 Post: 197207

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 Where Murf

I have been a long timer Dannon Plain Whole Milk yogurt consumer until the last 2 months.

And not for breakfast but as an evening snack, or feast actually, as I add cranberries, walnuts and a banana to it. Yup clearly over doing a potentially good thing.

I assume you are using the individual serving size. I think shifting my consumption to your model in the AM with the individual serving size instead of the Coma rendering evening size I had been doing would have many benefits.

Murf you have expanded your Tractor advisement practice into the healthcare arena!

Thanks for the Tip.

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 10-23-2017, 16:29 Post: 197208

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 Where Murf

I was doing a probiotic for a while. Did not see a change. My bigger down fall is portion control and not munching in front of tv after supper.

Catheterization Lab 3 more stents below the other 5. Doing good. Now to get back on the straight and narrow.

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 10-24-2017, 20:29 Post: 197209

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 Where Murf

Thanks friends for the kind words, but Dennis old buddy, you owe me a keyboard. The ‘coma rendering evening portion’ comment resulted in a sip of really great wine becoming terribly poor keyboard cleaner. Laughing out loud.

Harvey, stents are NOT like diesels, more is NOT better. Look after the engine or the rest of the machine is scrap.

Best of luck.

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 11-21-2017, 12:56 Post: 197274

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 Where Murf

Murf, my old friend.....

Great to hear from you again.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.


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