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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
Just curious if anyone knows why Iowa leans towards the democratic party? I have been there a couple of times but I have not learned what makes Iowa different than its red state leaning neighbors,
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
New schools teaching people how to better serve there masters, the government to take advantage of the new systems of freebies. Not that they are free, america is broke by any other persons money.
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
Just curious if anyone knows why Iowa leans towards the democratic party?
Dead simple; farmer welfare. The Republican party (and I) would like to see a gradual end to farm subsidies, starting with ethanol.
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
I don't worry to much about the bulk of farm subsidies. It's the non farm and freebie's for every one else that should be labeled as support programs that should be lumped together so we could see what really gets given away to those who give nothing to this economy. It is amazing to find that in NY alone there is 1.7 million people on disability for being obese! Then you have those that have grown up on the social systems! When the government gets so big that the people count on it for there existance that the country is in trouble. Our social programs dwarf many of the things that people complain about as far as our government spending.
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
No argument whatsoever Art, about the freeloaders. They just represent bought and paid for Democratic votes. But don't think I consider 90% of US farmers to be in that group. That said, just ten percent of America's largest and richest farms collect almost three-fourths of of the government handouts. And a huge percentage of that is corn for ethanol. Adding to that, I'm a diesel guy. My taxes subsidize ethanol that I don't even use.
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
If Iowa is considered a Democratic stae it would only have been in the last election, Iowa has pretty much always went Republican in past elections. Iowa's four largest newspapers have all went with the Republican side of the coming election.
OK, now about the farm subsidies. For anyone who has bothered to study the expired last farm bill you would understand that roughly ten to eleven percent of the money ever ends up in a farmers pocket, the lions share goes for social programs for anyone, not just farmers. Food stamps, WIC, school lunch programs, forestry programs, etc., on and on. I never was in the class of a large farmer, but I don't deny the subsidies to those who take the greatest risks to produce for a nation that demands cheap food.
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
Good point Frank. I forgot that SNAP was a USDA program. But the 2008 Farm Bill is a five year $288 billion dollar bill passed in 2008. What they're calling the 2012 Farm Bill is still sitting in the House. So while the 2008 bill hasn't technically expired, it's pretty much been spent into oblivion. That bill was partially based upon then-current food stamp participation, which was allocated $39 billion for 2008. Under this administration, participation exploded to $82 billion - in 2012 alone.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money" (Margaret Thatcher)
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
Hi Frank,
Do you get the feeling Iowa will go for Romney this time even though the polls are favoring Obama by 5 points?
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
I would be surprised if Iowa went Democratic again, but I am far far from bing a political expert.
Both Obama and Romney seem to be so far out of the common peoples class that we seem to be voting more for a king than a president.
Most all of us with even a hint of gray hair know that neither one of the candidates can or will do 99% of the things they are promising.
I did learn one thing about Romney this past week, his real first name is Willard, I had seriously wondered if his parents named him Mit.
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Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state
Iowa Precincts reporting: 1688/1689
President: Obama - 816,174, Romney - 727,545
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