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 11-08-2012, 08:05 Post: 185420
Art White

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 Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state

It's unfortunate that although we send our kids to schools many children are not learning world history. To study Argentina's fate wuold probably scare them although through innocent minds they might not believe it could happen here.
We have run amock with getting the benifits to those who don't need them and those that do, while to many of them are still to proud to ask for them. It is those that are to proud that I'll be more then glad to give to. Those that expect it after two or three generations, while it's time to get them off to work!

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 12-14-2012, 21:10 Post: 185725

Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Michigan lower
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
Posts: 103
 Why is Iowa a Blue leaning state

Art - your correct some areas the people may be too proud to ask for asistance but other areas watch out..you get trampled by the rush. It's a culture thing -watched the Ken Burns Dust Bowl series, said that people then were very conscientious of letting anyone know they took assistance and only did as last resort. Time/culutre has changed from then and now seems to have 'embraced' the new 'it's owe'd me'. Got the the following clip from a close friend who's training in the medical field in a large inner city, where he got it from not sure...he did say the writer hit the mark from what he has seen
Dear Mr. President:
During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of
evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive
Shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of
elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive
Brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone
equipped with a popular R&B ringtone. While glancing over her Patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"!
During my examination of her, the patient informed
Me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.
And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care?
I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the
Result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather,it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly
Acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based on the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever
I want to because someone else will always take care of me".
Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and
dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care
Difficulties will disappear.


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