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hey look
You ladies have been busy. Rather than tell me to stop "whining" why do you not counter my remarks with intelligent reasons why Kubota is a good tractor..it is becoming clear to me that most of you sell these orange clunkers why else would get so defensive. Let me respond to a few of your posts.
Oliver: "you did not do your homework." This response implies that if I had done my homework my choice would be another tractor most likely a Deere.
Murf: How can the cross bar touch the hood it is 3" above it? DA! I agree WHY WHY WHY. A more intelligent answer might be...because of a POOR design. If my Dad can make this error anyone can...
echo10mp: Yes I have no doubt it is good for the money. a Ford Focus is good for the money but wouldn't one rather drive a benz? especially if the price is damn near the same??
Murf: I am not sure what you are saying.........although I think it is assuming that we are not intelligent. My dad is suffering from cancer and so his hand eye coordination is limited needless to say he graduated from Cornell and MSU so he knows more than most of you people.. This tractor is NOT user friendly period.
Yes, I would much prefer the JD 4310 but since no one is willing to trade for my orange clunker I am stuck. Anyone out considering a Kubota take a GOOD look. It will be clear to anyone who "does your homework" these tractors once had the market but now are inferior to both Deere and NH. I now know what the "B" stands for in B2910 B...A....D!
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hey look
Petushead, I have no reason to doubt your complaints. I had originally recommended you sell your tractor in one of your original threads and buy a JD. (Not that I doubt all the other great things I hear about Kubota either). If you had the money to buy this tractor - then you have enough money to take a small loss and stop torturing yourself. If I had the money, I would like to own one of each.
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hey look
Funny Murf!!!!!
Click on line to see what happened to two of my mechanics:
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hey look
petushead, look at my picture # 6.
1) I didn't buy all those machines because they were junk.
2) About two thirds of those machines now have a FEL on them, there are no dents in ANY of the hoods. How can that be I wonder since "If my Dad can make this error anyone can...".
3) I am truly very sorry to hear that your father is not well. However I suspect your assertion "This tractor is NOT user friendly period." is a little inaccurate, I suspect the dent has more to do with "his hand eye coordination is limited"... So I guess you better roll up your sleeves and help him out.
It's also interesting that the wind changed again or something, now you're back to calling it "my orange clunker" but on May 20th you called it a "dependable machine", maybe your definition of "clunker" is different than mine, I wouldn't say a self-inflicted dent and a noisy from a hydraulic control valve made a "dependable machine" into a "clunker".
Best of luck.
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hey look
It's Friday afternoon and a rare sunny day. Should I stay in my office and get pulled deeper into an asinine argument with a faceless individual whom I suspect will never be happy with an orange machine, or should I go out and get some seat time on the 7510 that I like? Hmmm...
This argument reminds me of the upcoming election. What I find frustrating is that minds don't seem open; conclusions have already been formed and nothing will change them. How many self proclaimed conservatives, for example, have gone to see Farenheit 911? Likewise, how many liberals take the time to watch Fox news? In my mind, not enough. Rather than challenge oneself to be an informed, independent thinker, it's far too easy to sink to a level of badmouthing the "opposition". And even worse, people just talk and don't act. People aren't involved, even at the most basic level of voting. This argument seems similar. Rather than step up and do something about the tractor, whether its strengthen the crossbar, painting it a contrasting color (if this helps with the vision) or getting rid of the thing, it's far easier to criticize it, ridicule others who bought one, and continue to suffer.
If something caused me that much anger and unhappiness, I know I'd move on, but that's just me. And speaking of moving on, I'm going to go used the 7510 I happily bought and enjoy using...
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hey look
HEY OLIVER, Since you live in TAXICHUETTS I guess you are going to vote for JOHN SCAREY......MAYBE I am wrong, but why would anyone with a MIND want to see the movie you mention.....If a person wants to be informed they should watch C-span, c-span2, and c-span3...like I do about 20 hrs/week....then the would be truely informed.....
Sorry if I offended anyone......BUT I do not get my information from MOVIES.......
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hey look
You're right, people should not get their information from a movie. I used that example because I think everyone knows that it has a decidedly liberal slant, just as Fox has a conservative slant. My point is that too often people form opinions and then surround themselves with like-minded thinkers rather than challenge themselves by being exposed to people who do not share their beliefs. People are not hearing about different sides of the issue. And for the record, no, I have not seen it, nor do I have any desire to.
Might I vote for John Kerry? Maybe. Might I vote for George Bush? Maybe. I am one of the 17% of Americans who have not decided who to vote for in November. What is interesting is that in 1992, 66% of the population were undecided at this time.
Clearly I have digressed fom the intent of the site, and I apologize to all. My pentance will be to mow the field after the boys go to bed...
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hey look
GOSH, I DID NOT THINK fox had a conservative slant........Guess it is all in the eye of the beholder......I just know ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, ETC. do have a slant.....and I too have digressed....Sorry.....I just know I was a combat infantry soldier in Nam.....got 4 PH's and none of them sent me home........and none of them were self-inflected, and I was told that people might spit on us on our plane flight home because we were in uniform.....THANK GOD nobody did......and I know JOHN scarey......was part of the cause of that....and that he has voted consistently to cut the spying aspects of the CIA, AND weapons for our troops......
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hey look
Sorry guys.....I got carried away....really did get off the track.
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hey look
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