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hey look
I vote for moving this thread to the pointless and hostile forum.
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hey look
I second that motion.
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hey look
And I third that motion....I did not bring up the subject......just sweep it under the carpet......Do you know how many people have given their lives for this country....that would WANT their lives BACK if they knew what has happened to us here where we can not even talk about things unless we ARE P.C. or we will be SHUNNED! GO AHEAD....CHANGE THE SUBJECT...........
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hey look
I kinda got things off track -- didn't mean to. I just got back from cleaning out the barn and mowing which reminded me of why I started coming to this site in the first place -- to get helpful information about tractors.
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hey look
OK, I just found this thread and I'm curious about the hood dent. Is there a side view photo we can see showing bar, hood hindge & dent?
I looked at my B7800, supposedly the same body, and don't see how the hood can contact the cross bar unless you remove the rod that holds the hood up and also limits its maximum opening travel.
Yes, the bar can be a PIA when fueling. But really the pain is handling a 5 gallon fuel can, up high, at arms length, without a good place to stand. I have switched to fueling with a 2.5 gallon can and pretty well solved that issue.
I just bought one of those fuel filter funnels to protect my baby just in case I get some trash in the fuel. I think it also may help the filling issue out a little as well.
Is the hood dent fuel can related? I've only seen mentions "poor design" and not a detailled explanation of what happened.
No sarcasim intended, I'd really like to see a photo so maybe someone can see why this one tractor is having such a problem. Bar mounted wrong, upside down...
- JP
ps - I'll try to add some photos to my profile if weather cooperates tomorrow. Including a hood side view.
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hey look
If you tilt the bucket when removing the assembly from the tractor, the crossbar will rotate into the hood. This would be improper procedure but it could happen. It takes several seconds for it to move enough for to contact the hood. Following the proper procedure would prevent this. Can everything in this world be made foolproof? Probably not, and we all ready have more than enough interlocks and switches to malfuntion.
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hey look
Thanks for the heads up. I haven't had mine off yet.
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hey look
Your pics are too cool! Love the one with your buds on the hood also the camper! What the hell is that and howd U get it up there? Helicopter? Money make money Sell those pics man!!!
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