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 01-04-2006, 11:30 Post: 122230

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It’s the start of a new year, I just received my first seed catalog and it started me thinking about this year's garden, ...specifically tomatoes. In the past we've planted the "Big Boy" and "Better Boy" varieties and have had good to fair success. But, these hybrids just don’t seem to have the taste of the old-fashioned types.

So, this year I'm thinking about trying some of the "Heirloom" varieties. Any suggestions? Or, ...what's your favorite tomato variety.

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 01-04-2006, 11:43 Post: 122231

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This may not always hold true but often a larger fruit is not as flavorful as a smaller variety. This is also true with most nuts. My opinion, there is only so much flavor, the larger the fruit/nut the more diluted the taste.

I have noticed the smallest tomatoes are like eating candy.

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 01-04-2006, 12:42 Post: 122234

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We like to can plenty of salsa in the fall. For that we like a more acidic taste rather than the sweeter varieties that seed companies seem to want to produce which are good for slicing. I'll try to find out the varieties we planted last year if you're interested. Also, if you do like tomatoes with an acidy taste make sure your soil is somewhat acidic too.

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 01-04-2006, 15:42 Post: 122249

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I like the beefsteak types 3-4" dia, slab out .75-1" thick slab, 2 sheets of bread and a thick dollop of mayo...

Add some bacon...

AHHHH what ta heck let's find and add some fresh lettuce...

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 01-04-2006, 17:01 Post: 122253

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Tomatoe sandwich. Thought that was only local. But "sheets" of bread sure is not local term.

I agree with your sandwich...

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