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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
I felled 5 trees a month ago with my Stihl 026 chain saw, limbing one of them and cutting it into fireplace links. I went out yesterday to finish the job and could not get the saw started, saw gave no sign of life. Cleaned the air filter with compressed air, rinsed it in gasoline. Still no go.
Today, I tried to start it after the over night rest and it still would not start!
I then tried Murfs suggestion of splashing a little gas on the filter. This got it going but only as long as the fuel in the filter allowed it to go. Repeated splashing the filter 3 times with same result, starts runs, then runs out of gas.
So I guess this means the electrical system is good but I have some problem in the fuel system.
The saw is 11 years old and I am wondering if I should chuck it and get a new one. The last time I went down this road and had the shop rebuild it, I only got a year out of it before I had problems again. Comments!
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Sounds to me like a case of crud in the fuel system.
As you said, if it lights up on gas from an external source then dies when it runs out, it's just not getting gas.
My best guess would be the in-tank filter or the carb itself.
Don't over look the impulse line, if it has a leak (like it's gone hard) it won't pump any gas.
Best of luck.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Dennis, the fuel lines on both my McCullough and my Stihl are small gauge clear plastic tubing. Prolonged exposure to fuel will harden them to the point of actually cracking/breaking. For that reason, both McCullough and Stihl put extra fuel line inside the tank.
Expose the carb and fuel line, pull extra line out of the tank. Cut off the hardened line, refasten a fresh end to the carb
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Sounds like a fuel issue. BUT before I ever do anything, when doesn't run, I replace the plug.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Many years ago I worked with a gentleman who had terrible problems with his chain saw. After much the shop finally found water in the gas tank. Not much, but enough. The fuel should be checked as has been stated. kt
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
I pulled the filter out of the tank, the screen was so clean that it looked brand new, no crud or debris, so that is not the problem. The fuel lines are flexible black corrugated material and look to be in like new condition as does the carburetor.
I pulled the plug and it is the original 11 year old one, pretty black but the electode in good shape and gap ok. Anyway it runs great with a splash of gas, but a new plug is cheap after 11 years
I was thinking of pulling the gas line and filter out of the tank again and removing the filter end, and then sticking the nipple of my air compressor in the hose and pushing anything stuck in the line out. Is that a bad idea?
Then I was going to make some new gas mix up and give it a try.
I rebuilt many a automotive carburetor when I was a kid with uncertain results (meaning no improvement no worse).
The carb kit for the saw is only $14, but that saw now costs over $500 now so maybe having a shop mess with it is better approach. I only have some crapy schematics that don't really show how to disassemble the saw for this repair.
Getting an heating oil delivery today 300 gallons at $4.35 per gallon, about $1,300.00 bucks. So money goes fast these days, seems foolish to be pondering this item for so long, hey just the tinkering interest
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
go to arboristsite.com, chainsaw section. You will get more info. then you thought was available. If you search the site, use Google since the site search engine leaves a lot to be desired.
The saw is worth saving, don't dump it. Replace all those hoses and fuel pick up. New plug, and fresh mix.
Good luck and have a great one.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
go to arboristsite.com, chainsaw section.You will get more info. then you thought was available.If you search the site, use Google since the site search engine leaves a lot to be desired.The saw is worth saving, don't dump it.Replace all those hoses and fuel pick up.New plug, and fresh mix.Good luck and have a great one.
That Arboristsite is super paranoid over there, I registered yesterday. And complied with their email verification requirement. I did not think it was really necessary to give them my birth date and left many of their intrusive to me questions as "na" to be filled in later. I only registered so that I could see the referenced pix and pdf files and get more info on my 026. I never posted anything.
Well today I went there to find some more info on the Stihl 026, and found that I had been banned "forever" as a "spammer".
I wrote them an email explaining my situation gave them my name, address and phone number, and he replied he would have to discuss the matter with the other moderators.
My god what a crazy place!
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Today I put in a new Bosch spark plug (why not)
I pulled the in tank filter and tried to blow some compressed air thru the light weight tube. Oops! too much pressure broke off a piece.
Therefore I had to pull the carb to get the hose out. Blew compressed air all over it and jeez it looks like it just came off the production line.
Does anyone know if the impulse hose just pulls out with pin nose pliers, and shove a new one back in? It looked OK to me and I did not want to pull it out as if that is not the way to do it, it might be a real pain to put it back.
I guess I am lucky the local dealer has just one of the tank hoses in stock, I plan to put new hoses in and the carb back without rebuilding, get some fresh gas and give it a go. We will see, I did not see anything wrong so I am not optimistic.
I took a look at the Husavarna saws at Lowes and the 300 series seems to be made in Sweden, while the cheaper ones are assembled in the US. Sadly, many sites look at assembled in US as a detractor, mostly because of concern that Poulan may have more of the engineering sway there.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
There have been MANY trolls and spammers on the AS site so (heck, I was accused of "thread spamming" once and it was an innocent post (I am ENTS over there)) Yes,they do screen new registrations. Possibly your handle matched a previous offender (what handle did you use? (so I may inquire (not that I have any pull) as to why someone I referred was rejected). I'd be interested in knowing your out come. Did the person you conversed with identify themselves?
I'll see if I can get an IPL for that saw.
Just came back from AS. There is (amongst many "Dennis ..." one that has been banned. Possibly you id was close to that person and thus the reason for the reply you got.
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