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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Go to Google, advance search put 026 in "all these words" and IPL in the "this exact wording..." and specify arboristsite.com in the domain. You will get many discussions and requests for service man. and IPLs. One discussion relates to the fuel lines.
This one has a PDF copy of IPL in it (I'd post the file but don't know how to on this site).
If those above links do not work, just do the Google search and you'll get to them.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Dennis, it is my understanding the prices on Husky equipment is the same regardless of who sells it. I would sure suggest buying where it could and would be serviced if you buy one.
Was helping a friend recently who has two Huskys. No idea the model but his smaller one was a real pain to crank. Another person who was also helping had one in the same size range and said he has same problem. They both said it was the design of the saw somehow and there was nothing to be done. I have a Husky hedge trimmer with at least as large engine and it starts fine. But my engine has one of the pump bulbs and their saws did not. kt
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
I went to the local Stihl dealer today to get the fuel tank hose, I also bought the carb kit .
I put a new plug in yesterday, today I got new gas mix, installed the new fuel line with the old tank filter, put the warbol carb back in without rebuilding it. Why mess with it and introduce new headaches unless it is a must.
Poured a tablespoon (used a paper cup to pour it in) of mix in the open carb throat, got a little bit of start but no go for constant run, repeated this 3 times, and got it going. Helped suck the fuel into the carb which I had blown out with compressed air yesterday.
Now it runs great! Very happy camper.
Total repair cost $10.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Congratulations Dennis! Now you know how to fix the most common problem with the chain saws!
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Just a suggestion if you are not already doing this Dennis. Mix Stabil double strength in with your chainsaw gas mix. It DOES make a difference. Chainsaws get used a small amount of time during the year and set unused the rest of the time. Untreated gas can gum up the carb and cause problems over time. I also run a batch of Berryman's B12 or Seafoam in my first batch of 2 stroke gas mix for my saws to help keep the carbs clean.
Sounds to me like you need to keep your oil furnace as an emergency backup and change over to wood heat. If you have ducted heating, you can add on a wood furnace like this one.
This is the same wood furnace I use to heat my home but mine is a 1600M that I purchased from Tractor Supply Company.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Chief brings up a good point, as usual.
It doesn't occur to me because 2 stroke mix never lasts long enough to go bad, but I know the fellas that run it in the Rotax-powered ultra-light aircraft at my airport say that they won't use it if it's more 60 days old!!
The instructor says he can feel the difference in the performance of the gas/oil mix after as little as a month of sitting around. He also uses nothing but the best gas and 2 stroke oil he can get his hands on!
You should also, BTW, NEVER use ethanol mix gas in any 2 stroke engine. Bad news.
Best of luck.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Just a suggestion if you are not already doing this Dennis.Mix Stabil double strength in with your chainsaw gas mix.....Berryman's B12 or Seafoam ......Sounds to me like you need to....change over to wood heat.
Chief I do use Stabil, never heard of Berryman's. I burned alot of wood last winter in my Jotul Stove, but it is hard to heat the whole house that way. We kept the oil furnace at a constant 61 degrees the entire winter.
Might need a smaller bungalo to make living more practical.
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Stihl 026 chain saw does not start
Update seven years later....
Almost gave up on the 026 again this year. Even bought a new saw at Lowes, but also bought a new plug for the 026 as a last ditch effort to get her going again.
New plug new gas, resurrected. Returned new saw to Lowes.
That was 4 weeks ago. Got another tree to work on today. Will see if the 026 is ready to go.
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