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Just back from Winnipeg
That's Manitoba, was working with some nice folks up there. Funny thing was the first day I was wondering why I had to jump over these high guard rails made of wood to get to the restaurant across the street.
Then I noticed a couple of outlets, Hmmmmm Xmas lights how convenient.
Nope, It gets 40 below zero there for long periods of time so everyone at their job needs a oil warmer.
Also kinda cool to see the sun still up after 10PM. Weird going to the local mall in total daylight, only to see they are closed because its 9:30PM.
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Just back from Winnipeg
It's flat up there, isn't it?
I get up there once a year in early August. We fly out of Winnipeg to God's Lake for fishing.
Did I say it's really flat there?
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Just back from Winnipeg
Yes it is totally flat, they say the Red River floods every year up to 27 miles wide as deep as 30 feet.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Hey I didn't know you were coming to Cannuckistan or I would have met you and we could have done some snowmobiling!!! ....
BTW, most of Canada jokingly refers to it as "Winterpeg". You don't want to be there in the winter either, on the winter solstice, December 22nd, the shortest day of the year, the sun doesn't comes up until nearly 8:30 and goes back down at 4:30 giving you only about 8 hours of daylight, potentially!! .
In a couple of enterprising towns in northern Ontario they have things that look like parking meters, $25 cents gets you a half hour of electricity, the parking is free.
Do you ever get some strange looks if you put money in the 'parking meter' in the summer!!!
Glad you enjoyed it, now you have to come to Ontario and see the beautiful part of Canada, !!
Best of luck.
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Just back from Winnipeg
It seems to me the plates in British Columbia say Beautiful British Columbia, Ontario's say keep it Beautiful.
Winterpeg is not that far north, at the 56th parallel we only had the sun go down for a hour about this time of year. I can remember playing baseball in Terrace at 11.00 pm at night with out lights.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Ah Winterpeg. Been there a time or two when I lived in Northern Minnesota. Barren drive up there through Steinbeck. Yep, flat, wide open. I love the block heater plug-ins at teh airport. That was nice when I got off the plane in January. It was cheaper and easier for me to drive to Winterpeg to fly to Chicago than to drive to Grand Forks, ND to fly to Chicago. Same drive time.
Comedy club there was fun. We didn't get the Canadian political humor, but laughed at everything else.
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Just back from Winnipeg
I'm visiting your beautiful Ontario for a short business trip on Thursday. Going to Oakville (Ford assembly plant). Its been about a year and a half since I was there last.
We cross at Port Huron/Sarnia and head over to 401 (The Queen's Highway). Are they going to call it the King's Highway when Charles takes the thrown?
Last time we were trying to drive just a little faster than the flow of traffic (we were behind schedule) and were doing around 120 mph between Cambridge and the intersection with highway 22. The boost on the Bonneville SSEI was on the entire time (about a 60 mile stretch). I thought we drove fast in Michigan.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Well if you're going to Oakville you'll be close, only about 1.5 hours from here, unfortunately in the wrong direction though. .
On most highways in Canada if you're not going at least 25% over the speed limit you're likely to get run off the road, and that's just from the nun driving the school bus!!!
Yes, they will rename all the highways, they did when 'Liz took over the throne, it took them weeks to change all the signs. The only highways that will not be named are the ones named after her in particular, like the one that the Ford plant is on in Oakville, which is the "Queen Elizabeth Way".
BTW, they changed the slogan on the plates a few years back, now Ontario plates say "Yours to discover" on them.
Enjoy the trip. Long way to come for a short visit, are you staying over, or down & back in the day?
Best of luck.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Unfortunately it is only a day trip. The last time we spent the night and had a great time.
Years ago, I vacationed frequently in the Toronto area and enjoyed the food, shopping and sights. I also vacationed in Montreal and Quebec City on numberous occasions and many of the spots in-between all the way up to the Gasp peninsula including Nova Scotia. But I've missed all the good stuff North of the main road along the St. Lawrence. Am hoping to do that some time in the future.
Just got word the trip has been rescheduled for another week.
The Winters are nasty in the Winnipeg area. Some years back I designed some portable rail drilling equipment. When the weather is cold, track fractures more readily on the Canadien National railway. The guys where drilling track sections to repair fractures in weather like was discussed with blizzard snow conditions with a spotter checking if another train was coming. I deligated that factory support trip to another guy. Boy,am I smart at times! We normally lubricated the tools with an oil lubricant. Straight anti-freeze was clogging on us, so they thinned it with alcohol from the breast pocket of our guy. He was the hero that day! They barely had the section re-installed when the train came bearing down on them. They said it gets allot colder when a train is blowing by in those conditions when you are 10 feet from the train.
I've heard the National railway was shut down and only local spurs are run today. That's a shame if it is true.
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Just back from Winnipeg
YooperPete CN made 1.5 billon last year I think it is quite profitable. If you hit the link and hit the CN map link they are running you get the idea. I think like all the railways they have shut some spurlines, but the main track is there. You had me worried as one of their lines run just north of me in AL running to the east. We were at a local fair the other day and I was suprised at how busy it was. There was a train at least once an hour.
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