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Just back from Winnipeg
How about a TP Tractor Ride through Canada? That just might take a little longer than would be comfortable without a heated cab. That sure would be some trip.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Like YP says, if you stick around awhile you can find some cool spots. That's how we found Hopewell rocks in New Brunswick. We had driven up to Truro in Nova Scotia to see the "Great Tidal Bore" and what a friggin' bore it was. I was not happy about losing a day to that. But the drive up there was fun.
When we got back to New Brunswick that night after the great bore, I made a comment to a local and she pointed us to Hopewell rocks. That was a really cool day there.
There is a time for putting on miles and a time for seeing stuff. Just gotta find the balance.
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Just back from Winnipeg
That was the nice thing about the train as they had a games area and you could socialize with other passengers as you watched the scenery. As Murf commented.
I am afraid I have lived north south east and west in NA. I was born not far from where Murf is but grew up in northern and then southern B.C. I moved to the states about 15 years ago after I finished my degrees. I have been in AL about 7 years. Not sure where I will be next if we decide to move. Definately gives you a little broader picture on things.
Ken Across Canada is 5500 miles at 8 miles an hour or 1400 hours or four and a half months with 10 hours a day on the tractor. Then you need to get the worn out tractor home. Sorry count me out, even with a cab.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Canada is a real big place, although our friends to the south are aware of it, because their country is nearly as big, others are sometimes caught off guard and find it hard to fathom the size.
In high school I had a foriegn exchange student in one class, she was from Denmark, she came to school one morning all excited and asked who wanted to go for a drive on Saturday to meet her brother who was coming to Canada. He was in the merchant marine and his ship was going to be in Halifax!!! When I pointed out that Halifax was 2,000+ km's away (1,200+ miles) she just laughed and said Imust be wrong. When asked why she thought so, her answer was logical if not correct, she said "I looked a map, Toronto is about 1/4 of the way across the country from east to west, so it can't be very far to the coast.".
In another instance I told someone I had flown "to the coast and landed in the ocean" and they asked whether that was in the Maritimes or British Columbia to which I replied "neither, it was in Ontario!" at which point they stated "Your full of sh___!! Ontario is in the middle of the country, or do you mean the Great Lakes?".
It took some time for them to realize that 800 - 1,000 miles north of Toronto there is another ocean!!!
Best of luck.
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Just back from Winnipeg
Guess it really does not matter how much sense an idea makes there are those who go for it: yesterday on one of talk radio's programs a person said the reason Bush wants the open borders with Mexico and Canada was due to China. The caller said with Canada's natural resoures and Mexico's population we would be able to take on the Chinese. Folks, he was very serious. Wonder if President Foxx has signed on to that?
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Just back from Winnipeg
From a purely business / logic point of view, it makes sense.
However, having said that, experience has taught me that generally when a political leader starts to make sense, it means they haven't told the full story, we're msiing something, or both!! .
Canada is 3,851,788 sq. miles, the US is 3,794,083 sq. miles in area.
Canada has a population of about 32 million , the US has more than 271 million people.
There are more people in just the State of California than all of Canada.
A few years back I bought a new GPS unit, it did all sorts aeronautical calculations for you, one function was to plot a route that would be "X" number of miles from what the Government considered a "built up" area, usefull for noisey aircraft or hazardous cargo trips.
I asked it to plot a route from right coast to left using a 50 mile setback from any "built up" areas the entire way. It couldn't do it, it kept saying "too many possibile routes". So I changed to a 100 mile setback, it still would do the calc., I finally only got an answer when I changed it to a 300 mile setback, then there were only about a DOZEN possible routes.
Best of luck.
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Just back from Winnipeg
"Canada is 3,851,788 sq. miles, the US is 3,794,083 sq. miles in area."
Murf, I was about to call you a liar. I had to get a second opinion because I was SURE that Canada was almost double the size of the US in acreage. I'm usually pretty with it geographically but this time I was way off.
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Just back from Winnipeg
"Canada has a population of about 32 million , the US has more than 271 million people."
Okay, so Mexico has the other billion we need to meet their population?
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Just back from Winnipeg
Dave, if you are talking about *vacant* acreage it's more like 10 fold, not just double!! .
Kenneth, the 271 million only counts *legal* residents. If you include the illegals it's probably already getting close to the population of China..... LMAO!!!
Best of luck.
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Just back from Winnipeg
If you include the illegals it's probably already getting close to the population of China..... LMAO!!!
Sadly you may be correct. We are suppose to hit a total of 300 million I think this Oct was reported last week.
Wonder ratio of illegals worker output compared to Chinese worker. Does 1 illegal equal 2 Chinese or the other way or could it be 1 to 12 or 12 to 1?
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