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 12-19-2006, 13:15 Post: 138188

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 Merry Christmas

I'll start this off this year....Merry Christmas to all, and Happy Holidays to the ones I just offended. I'll be too busy the rest of the week, just needed to send everyone warm (do they make seat heaters for tractors without cabs?) wishes for you and yours, and a prosperous New Year!

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 12-19-2006, 21:35 Post: 138198

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 Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Blueman and to all on TP. Nice job on the home by the way.

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 12-19-2006, 21:58 Post: 138199

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 Merry Christmas

I'd like to wish all my TractorPoint friends Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Years as well. Let's all be safe and warm and take this time to regain perspective on what is really important in our lives.

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 12-20-2006, 00:54 Post: 138202

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 Merry Christmas

Happy marry chrismhakwanzicha every one at TP. and have a happy new year. Be safe and don't clear snow drunk, have a designated pusher.

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 12-20-2006, 05:24 Post: 138207

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 Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all on the board. I try to stay away form the shooping malls to help me better remember the real meaning of Christmas. Lets put the "Christ" back in Christmas. Frank.

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 12-20-2006, 09:18 Post: 138213

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 Merry Christmas

If at this time of the year you don't have a spot in your heart for others, you need to look carefully at the spot your heart should be.

Merry Christ-mas to all and may God Bless each of you not only this Christ-mas but next year also.

May he give you holes to fill, dirt to push, ground to plow and the ability both to do so.

God Bless each of you,

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 12-20-2006, 13:45 Post: 138217

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 Merry Christmas

To everyone on the board, "Merry Christmas" and "Best Wishes" for the new year.

Thanks to everyone for all the information and advice posted on the board this past year as well as in previous years.

I have not been a big contributor but I sure have been a big receiver of a lot of information. Tractorpoint is a gift I appreciate almost every day of the year.

Also thanks to you Dennis for all your hard work.

Dave H.

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 12-20-2006, 21:35 Post: 138230

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 Merry Christmas

Bah-Humbug to all of you! Coal and diesel fuel for yourself. Now get out with the flea ridden dogs and clear that driveway so your mother-in-law can drive up close to the house!

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 12-21-2006, 07:44 Post: 138240

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 Merry Christmas

Wish I had some snow to clear! There won't be a white Christmas here in the Pittsburgh area...not too likely that it will be a Black and Gold one either...the Steelers need lots of help.

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 12-21-2006, 08:00 Post: 138242

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 Merry Christmas

Blueman; Wowzer you must be sniffing too much diesel fuel, my baby Deere sits at the ready but I hope it gets a long winters nap. I don't know enough about football to make any comments, but the Steelers sound as good as anybody to win. No snow here but rained hard all night, real unusual for here on the first day of winter. Go Steelers. Frank.

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