Merry Christmas
The blizzard here along the Front Range has been nice to look at from here in the house yesterday. The snow and the wind are supposed to taper off early this afternoon (Thursday). The local stations are reporting that we got around 24" for the area. Looking out, I can see some drifting around the house amongst the patches of almost bare ground. The winds here yesterday and last night were reported to be around 30 mph gusting to 40 taking the snow into a white out condition.
I went into work yesterday morning sort of knowing that I would not stay the entire day. Operations were suspended at noon, so I was on my way home. A normal 25-30 minute drive took well over an hour, mostly watching out for the idiots driving thier jacked-up trucks and SUVs; I wish they would return from where ever they come from. I saw all sorts of vehicles in the ditches along the trek home, and it got worse throughout the day and into the night. I-70 has been closed from Denver to the Kansas border since early yesterday with I-25 being closed north and south of Denver later in the day; both remain closed except for in the Denver area. By the way, today (Thursday) was supposed to be my last day at work due to starting the Christmas break tomorrow (Friday) for a week and a half off -- and it still is "Christmas" to me and not the generic namby-pamby "Holiday" time that has come into our language lately. I guess that I got an extra day and a half off to enjoy my family and have time to get some things done around the house.
Anticipating the arrival of all of the snow, I got the little Case ready for action Tuesday after getting home from work. I am looking forward to getting out later to clear the drifts that swirled around the garage and on the driveway.
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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all. Hope the holidays are full of cheer and that everyone has the time to spend quality time with family and friends and remember what Christmas is truely about.
Sounds like you will get some quality tractor seat time in. You're just East of Loveland aren't you? I always loved that area and seeing all the Antelop along I-25 between Denver and Cheyenne. Did some camping in Estes in the mid 70's.
I remember once camping in late September in Estes with a couple of other guys. I had my North Face down mummy bag and remember waking from some weird chattering noise. We had about 6" of fresh snow on the tent. Found the noise was teeth chattering from the 2 guys next to me in the tent. Was a little cold in the tent.
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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone at Tractorpoint and their families! Maybe I can get my son to split wood over vacation now that I have an old 3 pt splitter 
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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all!
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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!!! As we get older and more infirmed, our independent nature drives us to not want to rely on others. On this day let us remember that God, the omnipotent being that created the world came in the form of an infant. He gave up His power to be our atonement for our sin and redeem you and me.
May we on this day strive to help others and accept the help of others with grace. Merry Christmas!!!
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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas 2012 to all at TP!
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Merry Christmas
Yes Dennis a Merry Christmas in return and to all the rest here at TP.
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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all of my friends here at Tractor Point.
My message of well wishes will likely arrive late, as the temperature here in Cando has been around -25 F for the last couple of days, and those little electrons don't move as fast at these low temps.
In the event of my message arriving too late for Christmas this year, maybe I can be the first to wish everyone a Merry Christmas for 2013.
Hoping everyone stays safe and warm.........
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Merry Christmas
I hope this finds everyone having had a Merry Christmas and looking forward to the New Year.
Nice to see an old thread pulled up and the names not seen in a while.
Thanks for pulling this up Dennis.
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Merry Christmas
Merry late Christmas to all and Happy New year. I hope everyone had a good one and the year to come will hold all you expect it to! [within reason] 
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