Photo of the day
Murf - I have been hiding on ebay! I have been making a healthy second income selling things on ebay, things I have had & things people give me that they just want to get rid of. One man's junk is anouther man's treasure. It is however time consuming.
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Photo of the day
I just returned from a Christmas with the family in Idaho and thought I would post a potential Photo of the day candidate. While there I got some great seat time in the New Holland Skidsteer blowing a lot of new snow!
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Photo of the day
Great Pic. We had a White Christmas too, here's a pic off the back of our deck.
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Photo of the day
I just happened to look at Just For Fun / Off Topic for the 1st time and seen my picture of the Poor Man's Pole Saw. What a shock!! The saw is Electric that I got for $20.00. You can't see the generator it's in my rear carryall. If you make one the saw has to be spring loaded so if you put too much down pressure it can move up.I just load the sring alittle and the saw goes right thru. It also has to move sideways so it's also spring loaded. If it's not spring loaded you well brake it off and bend your poles.
It works real well and very safe. Just keep the saw blade sharp. You can sure trim alot of trees in a short time.
The draw back is, on some trees you can't get real close to the tree.
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Photo of the day
I just looked at all of your pictures and you are one handy guy! What great ideas you have for the various pieces of equipment you have made.
I wish you were my neigbor!
Have a Happy (and inventive) New Year!
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Photo of the day
As tomorrows temp approaches a high of 62 on January 8th here in NJ it looks like my Snow blower may not see the conditions depicted in NY Shadows pix of the day!
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Photo of the day
Isn't it great Dennis! Here in CT it was 53 today & supposed to get up to 60 tomarrow! only 3 weeks ago we had 6" of snow after the two storms in mid December came.
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Photo of the day
Another unusual fall here in NJ multiple flooding storms with power outages, a freak Halloween blizzard with power outages, and since then balmy mild weather....go figure.
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Photo of the day
I don't have a great "photo of the day picture", but maybe you'll find those two blogs with pictures useful ;]
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Photo of the day
And with construction machinery! Maybe you'll find something you like! )
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