one theory on Jobs
Oneace and JeffR, as conservative as I am on other matters, it is high time for universal health care. I probably will be able to take care of me and my wife someday - but in this new brutal economy - there is a good deal of luck of the draw as to who survives and who doesn't. It has nothing to do with who is willing to work. Everyone has to be treated with respect and dignity - and if the corporate world has dished off this responsibility - then the government has to pick it up.
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one theory on Jobs
i agree. have you ever gone to the doctor with out health insurance and gotten the bill. at my doctor an office visit is 60 you sit in the waiting room for 45 mins after your sceduled appointment then the doc. rushes you out he is getting an average of 240 an hour i'm not even going to start on an er visit, i'll say this you get three different biss for the same thing what the h--l is up with that. you have to take out a second morgage to pay your med bills. and then you have these lazy no respect never worked a day in there life suing every body for stupid s--t. i bust my ass every day and get busted up like i said im 23 and my hands are so scered up from turning wrenches.... but i like what i do but i have to pay 150 per week for ins. that never pays with out threat of a law suit.
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one theory on Jobs
But i will say this at least i do have a job. and not laid off because of some money hungy corp. moving to some over seas country so they can get away with paying some one .50 an hour .
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one theory on Jobs
Wait untill you need a ride in an ambulance or heaven forbid the medi-copter. If you know the price before-hand you'd ask to be left for dead on the side of the highway!
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one theory on Jobs
and if the corporate world has dished off this responsibility - then the government has to pick it up.
Corporate world???? So I get the to pay 40k for an overpriced pick-up truck so the UAW gets's their health care paid 100% then what is left of my paycheck I get to pay for the lazy non working SS retirees on 43 medications with free hip replace ments, organ transplants and viagra pills???? I will treat anybody with dignity and respect but pleeeeees kiss me when you rape my paycheck to pay your medical bills while you sit on your FAT check book and bitch and moan what a tough time you are having. You won't pay for my pick-up truck so why do I have to pay your medical bills???? Where I live the vast majority of brainwashed people would vote against Jesus Christ running as a Republican. As long as a liberal democrat is promising "free stuff" from the goverment the REAL taxpayers that are 20 years from retirement have NO chance.
Oneace......I hate to be the bearer of bad news but YOUR age group WILL NEVER retire. Anybody that tells you different is LYING to you. You will not retire EVER because they have nobody to tax to pay for all the freeloaders getting free services that never paid in the sysytem to begin with. Today it takes 4 working people making in excess of 40k to support 1 person on SS disabilty or retirement. When the baby boom generation gets close to retirement the number will go to 8 people. Sorry to inform you but there won't be enought people working to pay the baby booms generation's medical bills. You are 23 years old and you are doomed to working all your live unless you hit the lottery. By the time you figure out who lied to you, that politician will be relaxing on the beach with a 125k income and the best medical benefits the US taxpayer can afford since these lying Congressmen and Senators DO NOT HAVE TO RELY ON SS becuase they are not on that system.
There is nothing that US Michigan Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow could EVER have done in their working lives that could ever compare with the wages and benefits of being the lying SOB's that they are now!!!! If you see a politician moving his lips ....he is LYING TO YOU.
An elected official's ONLY job is to tell you what you want to hear, blame the failures of society on the opposite political party, and get his pension and perks then get the hell out of office.
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one theory on Jobs
oh belive me i know that retirement is not going to happen but what can i do but bend over grab my ankles and let them all get me in the ass. im not so much worried about my self as i am about my 3 year old daughter and all the other childern that are going to have to deal with this shit. i predict in 50 years or less this country will be as poor as ethiopina. there there is nothing to do about it because the nature of most americans is now being as lazy as possible sue every body they can so there fat over wieght ass can sit on the couch and watch opra ansd all the other over paid gready no real skill ass holes on the tv.
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one theory on Jobs
Jeff R, I don't bitch and moan about the taxes I pay. And I pay plenty. I am one of those people that probably doesn't need government help. However, I still think we need universal health care and I am willing to donate my tax dollars to those with bad luck, who can't work, who's jobs are outsourced.
I know there are plenty of people who don't want to work, but I know also that in these times there are more that want to work or just can't compete. Not every person has the skill level to compete. Ever been on a jury in this country? I've been on two. One murder case, one civil. Have you met and talked with people in this country? Many people will not be able to compete with the Indians, the Koreans, the Japanese.
Do you think we in the US have a monopoly on the best ideas and intelligence in the world? Get ready, there will be more unemployment before we are done. Are we in the US all on the same team? If so, why woudn't we all want to take care of everyone on the team even though we aren't all playing in the game?
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one theory on Jobs
Universal health???? HEY,we have that already. When was the last time you read or heard about somebody getting turned away at a hospital emergency room because he has no insurance or didn't have any money?????? You think the gang bangering thugs are paying for their critical care gunshot wounds or the birthing of fatherless crack kids when they go to the emergency room??? FAT CHANCE DUDE!!!!! What you propose is SOCIALISM. I don't get up in the morning to pay someone elses bills because they are too stupid, lazy, down on there luck or any other lame liberal excuse you have in mind. Inner city hospitals are a open banks giving away free health care to jackasses who have one hand in my pocket and another holding knife to my my throat. Do you know who pays for free medical care for the idiots??? The people who pay too much for health insurance already that's who .....namely YOU AND ME. The hospital charges many more dollars to my insurance company to subsidize the expenses of the poor and stupid. If you want to pay your hard earned dollars to the jerks and jackasses that's your business, but for me I want to pay MY bills NOT other peoples's bills. If that makes me sound uncaring then I must be uncaring because the last time I went to the gas station nobody paid my gas bill let alone ANY of my other expenses.
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one theory on Jobs
I have watched this thread for several weeks and I think many of you have reluctantly arrived at the conclusion but just refuse to accept that there is no free lunch. It is NOT the government's job or responsibility to provide medical care. For nearly 200 years this country has done without it. Deal with it. Health care IS a PERSONAL responsibility. I can see taking care of those who cannot meet that responsibility because to the unsual twists life can offer; but everyone CAN'T jump in the life boat.
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one theory on Jobs
You are right Chief, but the for profit hospital's find it cheaper to add the cost of services for the uninsured to the insured as opposed to collecting it. Poor system for sure,but it is better than none.
This thread has gotten way off base,with my help as well.
The intention was a comment on where and why our jobs are
I was hoping some more might pick up on a thought I was starting with Hardwood,and share some positive US company
stories of success.It seems easy to bitch and harder to look at the positive.
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