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Any Piano Players out there
I have a seven year old daughter who is in her second year of piano. I am thinking of buying her a full size (88key?)
for christmas. Looking for comments on an Acustic vs. Electric/Digital?
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Any Piano Players out there
Some of the pricey electrics get awfully clost to the sound of a real piano, but I've never haead one I could'nt pick out from an acustic. But, you can get a prety nice electric for a fraction of the cost of a real one and eliminate tunings, problems with where to put it and of course lots of backaches trying to move the blessed thing. My vote goes for the electric. I play a diationic accordian (button) and it's amazing the difference in sound quality betwen an instrment with reeds and a electronic unit. Frank.
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Any Piano Players out there
Thanks Frank,
You are a man of many talents.
I too like the idea of just plugging it in. Ability to move,
no tuning,humidity issues.
Her instructor is from the old school and has no use for the electric.
I am looking at the Yamaha.
The one with headphone jacks!
Frank, I know you like woodworking,really like your bookcase.
I have posted a few pictures of this past summers projects you might find interesting.
The last two were on a renovation of a 1760 house, as the sill shows.
The windows were flashed with Birch Bark, still white and in tack.
George Washington was just a Boy.
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Any Piano Players out there
Grinder; When I said I "play" the "Botton Box", I should clarify that "play" to "fool around with". I seem to get lots of privacy when I pull it out. If her teacher is a real purist then it's likely going to be hard to please him/her. There are usually lots of free for the hauling acustic pianos, but most aren't worth the hauling, a really nice one used is probably a rare find. My button box is a Hohner, they have a website showing all their products and prices. I don't remember if they are into electic pianos or not, it might be worth checking. Yamaha has been around a long time so should have a good product too. I really like your picture #16 of the beams and the stonework. It seems to be a cost issue anymore here in the midwest to just tear it down and replace some real nice older buildings rather than to restore them. Those of you who will take the time to save some of our past are to be admired. I've really never helped do one, but I've helped try to find old hardware, etc. to try to match, but just being around it's quite evident that it's lots of hard dirty work. Good job. Frank.
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Any Piano Players out there
I like the looks and sound of the real piano versus the electric. My mom got on this kick to take lessons and bought a piano so me and my 3 brothers got to move it. Then she bought another one she liked better, then decide to sell the old one which she offered free delivery courtesy of me and my 3 brothers. Then someone gave my wife a piano which me and my 3 brothers had to move. In the past couple of years we have moved the equivalent of 10 pianos, some were moved twice. They are extremely heavy especially if you are short like me!!! You can find some really nice used pianos at decent prices. Both of the ones my mom bought were used and looked almost new and she paid $800 for one and $450 for the other but we had to move them.
Just think how cool it will be when she can play Christmas carols and everyone can join around the piano.
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Any Piano Players out there
I think the electric / accoustic question nowadays comes down to strictly two things, personal preference and whether you want one more nice piece of furniture or not.
My wife is bleesed with being a very talented musician & singer, as the rest of her family is. Until a few years afgo she had custody of the 'family' piano, a wonderful old thing that they brought here from the old country, one of the few things they did/could bring.
She was heart broken when it left for her brother's place.
I replaced it that year at Christmas with a Yamaha electric. She was at first apprehensive, she was hoping to get a baby grand.
When she first turned it on and began to play she was very pleasantly surprised at the sound quality. When I plugged it into the stereo system and ran it through the surroound sound system she was utterly amazed at the sound.
The part of the house it is in is a large open area with a cathedral ceiling, when she switches it over to organ mode you would swear you were sitting in a grand old church listening to a large pipe organ.
She absolutley loves it now and wouldn't part with it for the world. I had a chance to get her a baby grand this summer, when I mentioned it to her she simply stated "Where would I put my keyboard ?" I had my answer right then.
Best of luck.
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Any Piano Players out there
We're about to lose the piano that was temporarily loaned to us so I'll be looking for one or the other type soon. My 9YO is just getting to the point where her playing sounds pleasant and she's getting more positive attention from all of us because of that. Because you can hear it throughout the house, practice period becomes a family affair. I'm a little concerned that if we get an electric we'll be more tempted to have her "turn it down." Maybe I'm concerned over nothing but I do know how sensitive young kids are to attention which dictates how well they will do.
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Any Piano Players out there
Dave, several of the features that my wife likes the best about her keyboard is that;
- She can play a variety of musical instrument sounds, for children this would probably hold their attention even more,
- She can use head phones or merely turn the sound down and play anytime of day or night, and,
- It has a built-in disk drive so she can download music from the internet, convert them to MIDI files and learn to play the song before the album it's from has even been released, again, for kids this could be a BIG bonus.
Best of luck.
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Any Piano Players out there
I remember helping move a piano into the basement of a buddy. His wife wanted it. I also remember getting it wedged on the staircase going down. Man did that suck. We had to get it unstuck, then get it back up the stairs so we could remove the top. My buddy said if they ever moved that was staying.
I love to listen to music and have seen some wonderful piano players. I'm by far no expert, but some questions I would ask are:
1. Where will it go in the house?
2. How will it get there? Can it get there?
3. Will the floor support a real piano? Some don't.
If the answers support a real piano, then it comes down to a personal choice of a real or electronic version.
My little sister (we're 21 years apart) uses a baby grad that my grandparents had. So that wasn't a hard choice.
Good luck figuring it out. Not always an easy decision.
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Any Piano Players out there
Thanks for all the comments, I believe the "moving it" issue
will make the decision for the electric.
Thanks for the comment on my beams Frank. Those posts are
two cedar tree's right out of the woods. I just pealed them
and sealed them. Kind of tricky plumbing a tapered log.
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