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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Some of our gutters are very high and thus difficult to clean. The only way I can get to them is by renting a 45 foot boom lift. And they clog a couple of times a year. When they clog in the winter the ground is too muddy to support a boom lift so I just have to let them overflow until it dries out some.
So I've been looking for decent gutter protectors for a long time and haven't found any that would last, protect against pine needles and wouldn't require cleaning.
Today I signed up to have the Master Shield protectors installed. I have a three day right to cancel and was curious if anyone here had seen or heard anything about them. There are a few youtube clips online attesting to the effectiveness of Master Shield protectors, and I've got to say the product certainly looks like it will work. I honestly don't see a down side to them other than cost and they are spendy.
Basically they become an extension of the roof line over the gutter. The portion that is above the gutter is corrugated with slots in it to drain water. The corrugated portion is covered with a fine steel mesh, so fine that pine needles won't go through them and they can't get into the gutter. Maybe big leaves from deciduous trees would interfere with drainage, otherwise I can't see how they could not work.
Anyway, does anyone here have or know somebody who has this system and have any feedback?
See link for details.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Also thinking about it, same reasons, don't know. Check the Gutter Helmet site.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Also thinking about it, same reasons, don't know. Check the Gutter Helmet site.
Products like Gutter Helmet, Gutter Topper, and LeafGuard aren't all that effective against short fir needles. The needles happily follow the water right around the curve, which is supposed to separate water from debris, and right into the gutter. A few neighbors have tried those products with poor results and when the gutters do clog they are quite a bit harder to clean. If you have leaves they probably work OK. We got a quote for gutter helmet once, and he claimed if the gutters ever clogged they would come out and clean them for free - but that is not a manufacturer warranty, only a dealer warranty, and dealers come and go.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Ken, we recently had guttering installed on my MIL house. She has some good size trees close enough to get leaves in them. Pine trees and hardwoods are very common here. Short needles such as fir are not. But the guy who did her job and I talked a good bit about the different styles. He strongly did not recommend the covered gutter design. He may have meant a certain brand such as you have mentioned and may not even know of the one you have in mind for I don't remember brands but he said they will clog and are major problems to clean out. This guy has got good history with some of my family for many years. He was not even a fan of the mesh that many install on top of open gutters. Wash them out was his suggestion but that is short of hard for you and understand that.
So you are good a designs..wonder if you could run water line up to the high end of the gutters so from the ground you could flood them washing them out? Might require some sort of nozzles and line you could hook up to pressure washer but would seem reasonable compared to the effort as often as you have it to clean them.
One thing they do here very much is use the commerical size down spouts. Our last house we had lots of pines and residential size down spouts. Problem often. NO PINES as we made sure of before we built current house. But we do have some hardwoods close enough leaves do land on house. Very very seldon do they not was down the larger commerical down spouts. Now my oldest SIL has same type of gutters with lots of pines and he has to clean his about once a year. Single story so we can use leaf blower with sort of "U" end on it and do much of that.
Ken, there is a single story bank here who's down spouts are really really different,large light weight chains! I have watch them in action for a few minutes and they work very well. In their case the chain is in place of the enclosed down spouts and ancorched at the ground. May have one stand off. The water really does run down the chain guess the same way it wraps over the edge of the design of gutter cap you have in mind. But cloggs would be history. Also if the issue is at the down spouts you can often use a leaf blower to force air up and blow the down spout and any leafs from the top of it clear.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
KT, I've been looking for gutter protection products on and off for ten years and they all have shortcomings but the only shortcoming I can see on these Master Shields is how they might perform with big leaves (which we don't have) and on inside corners which might allow debris build-up but should be easily cleared with a hose. The fact that our roof is a fairly steep 12/12 reduces the inside corner issue to some extent.
For sure, most covers don't work with fir needles. These seem to be different. A very fine stainless mesh covers the corrugated slots. In fact they say that oils from the manufacturing process will tend to allow water to run off the tops of the gutters, rather than drain, until the oils wash away. Not much besides water can get through those. Maybe in a very heavy rain they won't keep up but *mostly* we get light rain for long periods of time.
I tend to be very skeptical of this stuff. Maybe we will regret the purchase but it really looks like they will work.
For downspouts, chains work but they don't get water away from the foundation. All the gutters tie into the foundation drain which exits down the slope 50 feet from the house so it would be hard to blow air up the spouts. The downspouts don't clog, but the opening at the gutter does. After pulling a handful of fir needles out of the opening in the gutter they always drain quickly, until the next glob of fir needles plugs them up again two minutes later.
Funny you should mention the nozzle cleaning method. I've been thinking that a pulsed sequence of nozzles could be used to sweep debris *up* the slope of the gutters, away from the downspout, and out the capped end which would have to be unlatch and hinged to allow the rinse water to drain. But it would be expensive even if it worked.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Ken, I don't think the way you mentioned the holes that system is used here. We get light showers and very heavy downpours. An inch an hour is not unheard of. Two an hour is rather rare but with a good tropical storm does happen.
I would ask for the largest downspouts they can install so the needles are able to wash through as much as possible.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Several years ago a nearby town put in new sewer lines and the homeowners were responsible for hooking up to them. The town made it plain they did not want water from eave spouts going into the sewer, it would overload the sewer plant. Well several folks did it anyway so to "Smoke" out the violaters the town had someone with a smoke generator come to town, hook a big hose to the manholes. If your dwonspouts were smokin you had to dig it up and do it over.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
KT, I'd go with bigger downspouts but they aren't replacing the gutters, they're just repositioning them and putting the protectors in place. If the protectors actually work the downspouts should be fine, if not... well I'll take advantage of their guarantee. The rainy season is only a few months away!
Frank, fortunately we don't have to worry about city sewers. All gutters tie into the foundation drain which drains to daylight 40 feet down the hill. At one point we had a problem with squirrels using the drain as an access to the roof but a screened cap put a stop to that.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Another approach I saw at a home show is a solid block shaped to fit inside the gutter. I think each piece is about a foot long. Solid material (green, like Styrofoam but extremely porous and very light) that goes inside the gutter so water runs through it but solids sit on the top and get washed over and down.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Another approach I saw at a home show is a solid block shaped to fit inside the gutter. I think each piece is about a foot long. Solid material (green, like Styrofoam but extremely porous and very light) that goes inside the gutter so water runs through it but solids sit on the top and get washed over and down.
Those might work but weak points might be that they would either break down under sunlight, or the pores would clog up with algae, moss, dust or roof granules, or if they don't fit tight there would be gaps that would clog up, or that big leaves would lay over the top and allow water to run right off.
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