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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Ken, in most places up here where leaves and or needles is an issue, they use a different approach altogether.
They don't use conventional gutters at all, but rather a type of louvers set horizontally and just a few inches wide, mounted just below the roof line on the fascia board.
On the ground below that they install a strip of clear gravel with drainage tile that carries the water away.
The big advantage in our area (likely not yours though) is the winter weather doesn't really affect it all. It is mounted low enough that snow and ice just slides right off over top of it and it can't fill up. Likewise, leaves coming down late in the fall can't clog it right before freeze up the way they can gutters.
They only use short pieces of gutters over doorways and such to give protection to people going in or out.
Best of luck.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Murf, I've seen those louvers but didn't think they'd help much with erosion given that we get 50 inches of rain a year. How much rain do you get in your area?
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Ken, while we do have less rain than you, probably a lot less, we still get about 30" of rain a year, bear in mind however, we also get about 60" of snow on top of that, all of which eventually melts of course.
There really isn't an erosion problem as long as the entire thing is done as a whole 'package'. The louvers disperse the water into a small area instead of a narrow single line of drops. It then lands in a gravel area that is immune to erosion compared to soil. The water then runs down through the gravel into drainage tile where it's carried of to a discharge point.
A lot of people (especially those in the rain shadow of the Great Lakes) find they actually have less erosion since the gutters discharge at surface and this method uses buried drainage tile to carry the water away.
Best of luck.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
So we had the Master Shield gutter protection installed and it really seems it should do the trick. I took a six inch piece, tilted it at various angles under a faucet running full blast. It was impressive, every drop of water went through the screen from nearly perpendicular to nearly parallel to the water flow. I never would have believed that. We haven't had any rain since it was installed but here are the pros and cons as I see them now.
- Completely encloses gutter so debris can't get in
- The enclosed gutter will keep wasps from building nests
- The screen is so fine that fir needles cannot get in
- I really think this will put an end to all gutter cleaning
- Wide color selection allowed us to choose a perfect match
- Difficult to install, it took two hard working guys two full days to install 270 linear feet (very complex roof line, steep roof and 3 story house) Lots of fabrication by hand necessary to fully enclose gutters
- It only comes in 4' sections so that affects the look. It's hard to make a bunch of 4' sections look seamless.
- Relatively expensive
- Protection is at it's weakest at inside corners, where water flow will be at the highest and gutter protector area at it's smallest. Installers said that in the worst case we may need to hose those areas down once in awhile to wash the debris completely off. In our case the worst areas are the easiest to reach so that should be ok.
I'm almost looking forward to the rainy season.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
We are also considering MasterShield. Do you have any photos of the completed installation? If so, would you mind forwarding to me (cpotter3@sbcglobal.net)? Thanks in advance for the help
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Ken, when not just post them here so all can see? Also have you any real rain on them yet?
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
I'll take some pics but it won't be until this weekend sometime. The more I look at the installation the more I think I'll call them out to clean up some areas. For one, they had to lower the gutters but on a couple they didn't shorten the downspout so now the gutters are no longer flush against the fascia board.
We have had a couple of days of rain, not really hard, but they seem to work as advertised, especially with pine needles. After a rain the house is now surrounded by a perimeter of pine needles whereas before those would have been caught by the gutters.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
I have had Mastershield installed for three years now and it is the worst investment I ever made. Moss grows all over them and the water overshoots where ever this happens. They are terrible with ice and snow. Even after snowraking the top as was recommended, the snow melt from the roof just drips right over them all winter long. They have a money back warranty which would be impossible to ever make good on because it only covers the inside of the gutter clogging, which is impossible. The warranty in no way covers the performance of the product. If the filter clogs and water does not go in, not covered. If snow and ice clog it, which happens all winter, not covered. I have to either have this removed or deal with the icy steps, walks, and driveway all winter long. I paid over $5,000 for this system and could have paid someone to clean the gutters the rest of my life for less and not had to deal with risking life and limb just to walk out my front door in the wintertime. My recommendation is to save lots of money and even more aggravation with this terrible, overpriced product.
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Not to start an argument but don't you spray moss killer on your roof every year or so? We do it here to extend the life of the shingles. It grows like crazy in the shade with all the year-round moisture and cool evenings.
So far we've been happy with ours, they certainly keep the fir needles out, but winters are an unknown. We'll know soon but we probably don't have the ice problems that are in CT (last year was pretty bad but it was really unusual).
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Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them
Ken, I did not realize there really is a moss killer. Then we have rain but not the same and amount of it or shade you do. You can see a little but not much of an issue here. Do you have a recommendation on brand?
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