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 12-08-2009, 16:03 Post: 167344

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

Originally Posted by Beaner | view 167342
I had new gutters installed with the Mastershield.

Sorry to keep bugging you but would you mind saying how long they were installed before this stuff started growing on them? Ours has been on for about four months and has no sign of anything yet but I wouldn't expect anything in that short a period. It could also be that the moss kill and zinc strips we use will keep it at bay, dunno about that.

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 12-08-2009, 19:46 Post: 167351

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

They have been on 3 years, I would say this started growing after about a year. The first time it happened they came out and cleaned it for me, but it comes back pretty quickly. I think the reason it comes back so quickly is because the underside of the filter can't be cleaned, but I am not sure. It is really hard to clean off, and scrubbing with a brush only hits the top side. This stuff has grown right through the tiny holes and is on both sides. I hope your zinc strips keep it at bay for you, I would hate for you to go through my experience. I called today to ask about lichen but the number was out of service. I have about given up on this anyway, it is just an aggravation at this point. I don't mean to make you feel bad about your purchase, I really hope it works for you.

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 12-09-2009, 08:35 Post: 167357

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

OK, thanks for the information. I'll have to keep an eye out for that problem. So far we really like the product but a year or two will tell. The rocks around here don't have much lichen on them so maybe that's a good thing.

Good luck with yours and if you find a solution please post it Smile

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 12-09-2009, 09:24 Post: 167358

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

Originally Posted by kthompson | view 164172
Also if the issue is at the down spouts you can often use a leaf blower to force air up and blow the down spout and any leafs from the top of it clear.

All this talk of gutters, I just noticed that my downspout/gutter on the 50 foot ladder side of the house (never been cleaned in 12 years since we don't have any trees that close to the house) is clogged. KT your idea, once we dry out, might do the trick with the blower ( if I can get the the long downspout out of the ground drain pipe So Sad

Thanks for the idea!


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 12-14-2009, 09:03 Post: 167477

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

Check this link out. Tim Carter from Ask the Builder has apparently been reviewing gutter guards for quite some years. You need to read this and watch the video. He defends this test he did as scientific even though the guards were clearly subjected to totally different conditions. When asked at the end of the string if he is being paid for his endorsement, some guy named Ralph totally dodges the question and refers "Larry" to the disclosure policy. When I have time later, I am going to invite Tim Carter to come shoot a Mastershield video at my house and see if he will post this video along side his "real world test". Keep watching this link, it should get pretty interesting to find out if Tim Carter actually got paid by one of the parties in his real world test. Everyone should post a comment asking Tim to disclose if he is being paid by Mastershield for his subjectivity.

Link:   Click Here 

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 12-14-2009, 09:41 Post: 167480

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

The disclosure policy linked to does say he does not get paid for endorsements but may get paid a commission when people link to a manufacturer site from his (which is a fundamental way web sites generate revenue). He also states that he will disclose when that occurs.

Whether that is accurate in all cases is another question.

Regarding testing, it can be very difficult to come up with apples to apples tests in many circumstances. Just read Consumer Reports sometime to see how there tests are done. They are often very easy to pick apart.

Link:   Tim Carter Disclosure Policy 

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 12-14-2009, 10:45 Post: 167481

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

The endorsment thing reminds me of the "Cool Tools' thing on the DIY channel. Are the Cool Tools really the favorites of the guy on the show or the favorites of the DIY channel that get the biggest financial "Incentive" from the featured tools?
Kinda like the "Real People", "not actors" on the TV ad. who get the amazing amounts of big money for their scrap gold they have sent to somnebody and are junping with joy over the big check they got.
I sure have had my outlook on things changed, like used to believe that all big corporations, banks, credit unions etc. and especially politicians were honest and to be looked up to. I won't even watch the national news on TV anymore as I firmly believe the sponsors tell the "Anchor Person" how they want the news read, or hit the bricks buddy.

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 12-14-2009, 11:25 Post: 167482

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

Frank, I'm as cynical as you are.

When the guy came out to show me these gutter protectors I fully expected to find them to be crap and decline any offer. But the product itself impressed me. I couldn't shove a fir needle through the mesh and holding a piece of the material under a faucet running full blast I was amazed to see how much water it let through.

It looked like big leaves might block the mesh but we don't have big leaves anywhere near the house so that wouldn't be a problem.

So we bought. I never considered that stuff might grow on them and block the water path. We haven't had that problem here (yet) but if it happened to one guy it clearly happens. I'm crossing my fingers that we don't get bit by the same problem but so far the protectors are working out well. If that problem happens, well, I'm hoping that spraying moss-kill or lichen-kill or whatever will take care of it and doing that is sure easier than cleaning gutters.

Regarding cynicism, how about global warming? Smile

Seriously, in the mid 80s I worked in a business where it was a major pain in the butt to get accurate temperature measurements. We had three NIST certified mercury thermometers that didn't always agree. I'm sure these days the atmospheric and weather people always use electronic sensors and there are many ways those can give inaccurate readings. First, they have to be calibrated. What do they calibrate them against? How can they know that the calibration reference standard is correct? Then they have to assume that *all* components in the circuit (thermistor or current source temperature sensor, analog to digital converter, all resistors in circuit) give a linear response AND that they meet manufacturers specs (yeah, those never have mistakes). Then they have to assume that all the components give repeatable response in all ambient temperature conditions. Then they have to assume that the performance won't change as the components age. Then they have to assume that the sensor is located in a location that won't be affected by outside influences (here they found a few that were located in the exhaust path of roof air conditioner units!)

Give me a break!

And they claim to be able to accurately tree rings and ice cores and derive temperatures from a thousand years ago. Yeah, right. That has to be about as accurate as reading tea leaves.

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 12-14-2009, 11:43 Post: 167483

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

My chuckle for the day on Saturday was the ten o'clock local TV news showing a bunch of college kids in Iowa City demonstrating for the Global Warming, thing at Jokenhagen, It was below zero, freezing their butts off, these are our future leaders?

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 12-14-2009, 11:54 Post: 167484

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 Master Shield Gutter Protection - Anyone have them

I had a good laugh too, but it was a clip of an airplane towing a banner over the conference area, it read "Stop global warming now!". It was paid for by one of the big 'environmental' groups.

I wonder if anyone ever told them that one small airplane puts out about as much pollution as 20 or 25 cars? Wink yeah right

Maybe it's just another case of do as I say, not as I do?

Best of luck.

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