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Woodburning Stoves
Trust me to forget another critical thing! ALWAYS have an opening to the outside when burning ( we have a cat door) and a carbon monoxide alarm (along with your already installed smoke alarm) if you are sleeping in the building. Also have 2 or 3 fire extinguishers spread around the building. This is plain, simple, common-sense advice to prevent family tragedy. Have very strict rules about the handling of the stove, such as loading etc, with children etc. It is better to be safe than very, very sorry. AND another thing, make sure your stove and chimney are shielded and that nothing combustible is within 3 feet.
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Woodburning Stoves
Chief, You can run the stove without the catalyst but is is not as effiecient. When I removed the fireback on the stove and checked the catalyst it fell apart. So it was working to some extent before that. The next week I used it without the cat and a stainless steel pot, filled with water, that we keep on top of it for moisture was half full/empty in the morning. Usually it is about 2/3 empty in the morning. No scientific study but there was a difference. The previous years of chimney cleaning also prove that I only have to clean it once a year. And it's not bad when I clean it. I hate heights! It's our primary heat source. The heat is much better than the forced hot air that is our back up. My wife doesn't mind the mess and I like huffin' the wood. It may sound strange, 70 degrees is 70 degrees, but the heat is so much warmer in many different ways. I hope I'm not sounding like some eco-nazi wuss, I'm having a double Seagram's VO on ice in your honor, it's Saturday night.
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Woodburning Stoves
And indeed an honor it is!!!! I am a Capt. Morgan rum man myself. I'll have one in your honor as well. Sounds to me like you are on top of your wood stove heat game! I didn't get alot of time to cut wood this year and am kinda rationing. I usually go thru 4 or 5 cords a year. Got my own log splitter and just got a John Deere 4410 to pull logs around with. Take care and enjoy.
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Woodburning Stoves
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Woodburning Stoves
Catalytic converter stoves do two things. They combust unburned gases that would normally go up the stove pipe. They take the extra btu's, and boost the heat output of the stove. On my wood stove, their is a cool air intake duct in the front that runs under the fire box, up the back of the stove, and across the top of the fire box, just above the catalytic converter, and out the front of the stove. When the catalytic converter gets bright orange from burning the gases, the air in the duct above the catalytic converter gets super heated, and flows out the top side of the duct, sucking cool air in the lower duct inlet. After 30 minuets my stove is blasting out hot air like it had a big fan running. The air is so hot that you can't hold your hand in front of it for more than a few seconds. For my stove to really put out the heat, the catalytic converter needs to stay bright orange, and the stove pipe temperature needs to stay over 400 degrees. If I run the pipe over 500 + degrees very long, it could damage the pipe. Well, that’s the way I got it figured any way.
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Woodburning Stoves
Jeff, What kind of stove do you have?
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Woodburning Stoves
It’s a Kuma K-400 free standing wood stove. Not the prettiest stove, but heats my 3000 sq. foot two story house with ease. But the winter temps here in Fresno, Ca is 38 degrees average. It drops down in the high 20's at times. Here’s a link to the web site:
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Woodburning Stoves
I run my defiant at 450(side door therm), then I shut the damper and the cat runs between 1200 and 1400. Those high temps are what burn off the gases. Wet wood will definetly kill the converter as well as over heating at start up. Try to avoid letting the open flames hit the converter directly. I like to place a log just below it. I have an adjustable air opening on the side of my stove for the converter. It allows me to adjust the air intake which gives me my 1200-1400 temp control in the converter. During the season, if you have some kreosole build up, you may have to give the valve a slight turn in order to increase air flow to the converter. just my 2 cents.
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Woodburning Stoves
I have the Vermont Castings Defiant it is my only heat sorce. Had it since I built my house. I have pushed at least 35 cord maybe more through it in the last 5 years. Yearly cleanings were all it needed still has the original catalyst. However it is time now for new gaskets. The glass doors do get sooty(black) when I run it at cooler temps(550d)and I only do this at the beginning and end of the burning season all winter it runs at 700d. When running at 700d the soot turns into a white ash that easily comes off with windex. My house is an open design with cieling vaults to the second floor which permits me to run at 700d without over heating any one room. These are all griddle temps.
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