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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Kid: With all your multiple posts lately, you seem to know how to fix a lot of things; so how about fixing your keyboard's shift key so that the "i" works? This isn't junior high texting . And how about using spell check too--what the h--- is a "hafe"?
EW, as smart as you are can not believe you missed the obvious here...what is his user name? Think.
"jdkid" right? he is very honest there and you should expect such from a child who is still green.
One day he may mature into "orangeman". Think "blueman" is already taken.
I trust that did not offend either jdkid or EW. It was too good to passs up.
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Well since neither made any comment guess they either were so offended they could not or they miss it.
Wait, they could still be rolling on the floor.
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Is there no shame? Maybe I'm wrong but should not there be a sense of properness or correctness when writing something that is there for all the world to see? After all, isn't it a reflection of ourselves and dare I say it...our education or lack of (sorry Kenny I had to say it hahaha---got ya!!) ? I heard a pastor say, "You can be stupid. But don't open your mouth and prove it."
To take it one step further: if using improper grammar and english becomes more acceptable, is not the next step backward ebonics? Then grunts and chest-beating?
Ugg. Ugg.
But I am just saying.
Kenny are you still "having" me for dinner? And what you have heard is true: I do have good "taste". I'm the other, other white meat. tehehehe Gobble you later!
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Ole EW, just quoting part of your comments: "if there no shame?" very little, I still claim you.
As to your real question or comment, I agree we should always seek to do our best. Yet not making excuse for anyone else my eyes don't pick up some fonts as they use to and it seems easy to misread some very simple words for me. Could be my brain as been away from the factory long enough it needs a rebuild but not from rust but work. At same time it is very good we are not all good at the same thing. So let me nominate you as the keeper of Grammer at TP! See you turkey. Have a great Thanksgiven. Take a few minutes and really realize how you have been blessed. We each one need to. kt
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
It would be great if everyone could construct proper sentences with perfect spelling and punctuation but many people for various reasons don't have that skill. If posters can fix cars, tractors, hydraulic systems, etc. and have advice to offer we need their contributions here. It has been a little slow around here lately and often questions go unanswered.
That said, the abbreviated abominations that "texting" has created are destroying the language!
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Is there no shame? Maybe I'm wrong but should not there be a sense of properness or correctness when writing something that is there for all the world to see? After all, isn't it a reflection of ourselves and dare I say it...our education or lack of (sorry Kenny I had to say it
Jeff, it's a real chuckle for us who live in a place where "English" is spoken to read even the 'proper' spelling.
Bear in mind, after the US war of independence, the government of the day set about to re-write the english (little 'e') language to correct what they saw as 'problems' with it. Mostly it was a rebellion against the 'high language' used by the aristocrats who were primarily all loyal to Britain.
That is how you ended up with so many 'missing' letters in words.
Best of luck.
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Murf: Is Canada still a US suburb? That's what we used chide Canadian engineers coming over here to work.
I know what you mean about "proper" english--I have run into a few black Trinidadians/Nigerian nationals who speak better than we (us?) because they were schooled in the UK. Of course they call it the King's english. But taking that one step further, if memory serves, the King's english isn't pure in and of itself either since it is a culmination of several languages up to that day having its roots in the translation of the Bible.
KW: I understand your point about fixing things. However, can you really make a blanket statement that that is true? In other words, would you trust someone who doesn't have a firm grasp on the english language to repair something when they can't read and understand a service manual or a torque wrench?
Anecdote: When I was a technical automotive writer, in our draft copies we used to make up torque specs that were not provided to us by the engineers that went something like: Tighten until it breaks then back off 1/4" turn. The joke was we were getting paid very well to publish stuff no one reads.
I have worked with some pretty smart guys who are not formally educated, myself included (not the smart part) who at a certain point are beyond their scope of skill or education level that should not overstep that boundary for whatever reason.
Kenny, you're being very quiet. How come? You have only one nerve left and I'm standing on it?
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
KW: I understand your point about fixing things. However, can you really make a blanket statement that that is true? In other words, would you trust someone who doesn't have a firm grasp on the english language to repair something when they can't read and understand a service manual or a torque wrench?
Well my friend you trust them to cook your food more than you know, they are from Mexico, Central American and South America. At same time you trust them to build your machines. Maybe not preferred but yes I have trusted them.
As to being quite, looking for the turkey, think I have him found!
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
Where are you my little snow covered grammer checker? Come on out little EW.
Jump on the Thread about cold starting problems on the gentleman from GB about his English. Bet you Yank can get him straight.
You know, EW there is not one who I rather listen to then a good Scotch as he speaks his (is it English), at times even wish I could understand him. (there is one I talk to right often with my work. About every third word I catch. he might as well be from Michigan I tell you.)
OK, you guys that talk funny and can not spell words as many different ways as I can, don't whip up on me.
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Snapping noise in front and rear ends
I still stay in touch with, and visit with, my distant relatives in Ireland.
I've spent many happy hours 'translating' their 'english' into English for people who can't make out a single word they're saying.
Best of luck.
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