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Welcome SanGerLa
Please Welcome SanGerLa to TractorPoint. From: Western NY. Interests: Alpacas. Equipment: Ford NH 1620 w/ 7108 loader. Property: 20+- Ac - Alapaca Farm
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Welcome SanGerLa
Make your self at home. Some great people here. Do you raise the Apapacas for profit or just fun? How long have you been at it? kt
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Welcome SanGerLa
Thanks for the welcome.
My wife started us in the Alpaca business about 4 years ago. We're in for profit but it's a lot of fun along the way. Find use at alpacanation.com search for SanGer-La Alpacas
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Welcome SanGerLa
Neat web page. Can you make money other than selling breading stock? Are they cold weather animals? I had considered meat goats but have since unconsidered them. Not sure about the goat meat market being a good sale here. Really rather not raise a meat animal. Based upon some previous reading they are easier to handle than Llamas and are smaller if my understanding and memory is correct. Prediators is a concern if memory is correct. Any idea what prediators are a problem for them? What kind of fence do they need? kt
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Welcome SanGerLa
Wow let me try to answer some questions real quick Yes, we sell their fiber, some call it wool but most people think of sheep. Alpaca is a fine fiber more along cashmere. They love cold weather, siting outside the barn covered in snow. They are real easy to raise, for the eight that we have, my wife spends 15 mins in the morning (grain, "alpaca chow" and hay, 1 bale per animal per week) and we spend maybe 20 mins at night, grain, hay, water, and poop cleanup. The best part is that they go in the same spot. 1 wheel barrow a night for the 8 animals. neighborhood dogs might be the biggest predators, also maybe a coyote. We have a 5' high wire mesh fence around an half acre pasture right now. I've just cleared another 3 acres and need to fence that, that's why we hay them year round. Most people say that you can put 8-10 on an acre. I could go on and on and on but.. Find a farm close by, call them up and go visit them. You'll find that they will talk your ear off,that's what we did.
Or you could always stop by our farm if your in town.
Good luck and keep me informed
Start here at the National Alpaca & Breeders Association
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Welcome SanGerLa
Thank you. I will work on this. When growing up I was blessed for my family to raise a wide selection of animals. Really would like to do so for my grands. kt
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