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Why is there no toyota diesel
Turd(ra)?? Was that a freudian slip?
Anyway back to more serious matters.
Ever since the "7/8's" issue was raised I have been parking my Turdra... whoops I mean Tundra.... next to other American pick-ups when ever possible and eyeballing along the front and rear bumpers. (Yes I meant to say other American pick-ups, my truck was made right here.......)
Anyway, if there is any significant difference in overall length or width I can't see it: Maybe an inch here or there, if that much.
Who ever did those measurements and the 7/8's calculation must have been using an American tape measure on one and a chinese tape measure on the other.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
My understanding is that the '04 Passats will have a 2.0 TDI putting out 134 hp. My brother now has a chiped '96 Passat TDI. His vanity license plate reads: FAST MPG.
I guess that we can only hope for an AWD option. I vowed that my next vehicle would be diesel and 4WD...thus the '98 Ram w/Cummins.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
My 00 ram only has the limited slip. I like a little south for much snow. I was thinking of a Benz diesel wagon, my family in a little large for the Jetta.
My concept is to get a diesel tank on the farm and buy bulk. If I get a diesel car then the only gas I would need would be for the chain saw and trim mower.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
Huummmm! I wonder if bulk diesel deliveries come in dyed and clear flavours? Could be that 4wd would have been good for evading DOT revenuers. No suggestion of advocation or intend here on anybody's part of course.
I know, I'm off topic. I just have this image of trying to hide a truck in Peters's pawpaw grove and hoping the copperheads scare off the tank police.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
They will deliver what is requested. The road tax is already paid. Off road would be good for the tractors but the amount I use it would be better to use on road for the tractors than let the fuel sit for years while I try and use it up. The only think that you save is the cost of the station adds.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
One of my co-workers used to haul fuel. They often just add the off-road dye when delivering the fuel. It can be the same product, just with a little rouge.
Here in eastern PA, landscapers were being investigated very closely about three years ago for off-raod fuel violations. The DOT boys were show up out of the blue one morning, demanding the landscaper's fuel records. Tax is 55-cents a gallon in PA. The DOT doesn't like cheats. Rumor has it that fines started at $10,000.
I prefer to pay my fines in 55-cent chunks.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
I am sure if they build one it would be a good one BUTT, I sure couldn't bring myself to ever buy a minute rice truck..good grief, All the new Tractors have rice grinders under the hood, and now trucks, yikes. I know, I know, that Duramax of mine is really a Isuzu, snort, spit, But at least it was made is the US, well, partly... Hey I really don't care what the hood emblem says or what giant corporation owns it, as long as its made with US steel,with a US Diesel, made in the US assembled in the US... Ok Ok I conceed, I am just waaaay too old, some one please put me out of my misery...
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Why is there no toyota diesel
I am not sure there is a lot of steel or iron in the Duramax. Al block, Al heads, Al pistons?
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Why is there no toyota diesel
The stamped body panels are probably all japaneese steel, as far as the aluminum, I always wondered where all those empty bud cans go I shove into the machine at the grocery store, heck I probably paid xtra for that !
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Why is there no toyota diesel
Not to change the subject, BUT. I have an 81 Toyota diesel pickup. I started surfing for forums So that I can address some problems I have been experiencing for, oh, I'd say 8 or 10 years. Does anyone know a good q and a forum for me?
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