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Why is there no toyota diesel
Very good question gottoski!!! The very same thing that I am searcing for. I just acquired an '83 Diesel. If you get an answer to your question PLEASE post the location of the forum!!! Also, what is your fuel mileage? "My" truck currently belongs to my exin-laws but will belong to me in time. I have begun restoration (of sorts) and really enjoy driving it. I sure have a lot to learn about it though. Did Toyota actually manufacture the diesel engine? Lots of questions I have. Thanks.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
Toyota diesels ? -
Have you guys ever heard of the truck company "UD"? This is an industrial / commercial truck division of Toyota Trucks. In the NPR market, many users rely on the UD's for longevity, 300,000 -400,000 miles on the toyota diesel engines, easily. Other benefits are most mechanical systems on these units are double built,ie: two sets of brake pistons on each wheel, double brake shoes, double everything as anything can go wrong at anytime, these trucks especially the newer ones have system warning/failure indicators that identify when a system has experienced a fault...however will be carried over to the other set of mechanicals already built in. Anyway, UD is the Toyota diesel, they cost abit more at first, but what some of my customers say is that they really really keep on going
Willie H.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
I think that UD is a Nissan product rather than Toyota. Hino trucks have some relationship to Toyota but I don't know if they are wholly owned by them or not.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
Close...they both sound the same. Not in the truck biz, maybe my feeble mind got them mixed up.
Willie H.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
My son just sold his 1982 BJ 42 Diesel Toyota Landcruiser.
To find forums just type in Toyota Landcruiser and look for cruiser clubs in your area for any info you need about Diesel pickups. ( search engine like Google )
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Why is there no toyota diesel
I never noticed this thread before. Getting back to the original question. When I was stationed in Honduras, I saw Toyota diesel pickups all over the place. Just about everything was diesel. I think it was preferred there for its reliablity, durability, and cost of fuel. I think a big reason you don't see these compact pickup diesels is EPA requirements and the intial cost. Alot of people have a hard time getting past the 2K - 4K price addition to the total cost. When the crappy Ford Taurus finally gives up the ghost (knock on wood, not for a few years more yet) I am eye balling a VW TDI for the wife.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
"Why is there no toyota diesel"
Diesel trucks are sold for different reasons than diesel cars. The truck shopper is usually looking increased capabilities. Diesel car owners usually want one thing, mileage.
The average American diesel pick-up truck shopper isn't going to look at a Toyota or any foreign truck for several reasons. Not knocking the Toyotas but if you think about it, the diesel shopper has specific things he is looking for.
1. towing capacity
2. payload
3. big vehicle
These things are what the U.S. trucks are known for. Toyota would have to redesign the entire truck not just drop in a diesel.
Also a large % of the diesels are full size crew cabs with 8 foot beds and duallies things Toyota doesn't offer.
Toyotas are great vehicles but I think there best attributes don't fit well with the current diesel truck shopper. The Toyotas seem to offer a great combibation of carlike ride, longevity, good price for the guy who needs a truck sometimes and a car other times. The U.S. diesels are trucks meant to be used by people who need a heavy duty truck most of the time.
Alright I'll tell the truth...we're all rednecks and won't buy Japanese 
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Why is there no toyota diesel
I have an 1989 4x4 4runner that I put a toyota turbo diesel into also has an automatic tranny, As with many others I could not find my ideal vehicle so I am buiklding it.
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Why is there no toyota diesel
I had a Toyota Landcruiser diesel pick-up for years. 3.6L engine if I recall. The payload was 1 metric ton or one tonne - 2204 lb. Great truck, tough as nails pity about the right hand drive though (no good for the US).
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