ManePoint New Horse Site
Do the wild horses that ate ALL of my apples this year count?
I guess I would have to be a horse borrower instead of am owner.
Dennis, should you decide to start a shooting sports/reloading site apart from the hunting site..... I could get excited over that.....
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ManePoint New Horse Site
We will have categories for Sport Shooting and reloading on BarrelPoint.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
My user ID is not in the Mane Point system. Are you still adding member profiles to the data base? The Mane Point sytem requires 6 letters or numbers and my user ID is 5. I registered temporarily as Chief4.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
How does your advertising work. If I run an ad again on TP does it automatically roll over to your sister sites?
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Yes it does, probably for the first year of ManePoint, and also the soon to be BarrelPoint.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
I'm looking forward to "barrelpoint". I'm sure many of us from TP can make good contributions in the discussion of weapons of all sorts.
Don't know much about horses although my sister in-law's family is heavy into show horses, boarding with arena's and a training pool. One of my renter's is a seamstress that works for a store selling riding apparel. She has done outfits for the Rose Bowl parade.
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ManePoint New Horse Site
Like the way you figured the number of horses a certain size tractor owner should have. Which brings up a point that normaly creates thought and that is how many horsepower is a horse? Following that line how does hyd HP compare to gas or electric HP?
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ManePoint New Horse Site
I wasn't sure how the number of horses was assigned. I don't think it is figured by the size of tractor. I think maybe by previous experience and expertise in this area?
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