The end of horse_farmer
Well folks, when your spouse doesn't see the marriage as a life-long covenant, baaaaaad things are bound to happen. Bottom line is - the horses/farm/Kubota are history. I'm moving to a small propety where my 4.5hp Murrey push-mower will be more than enough to take care of my landscaping needs. At the very least I need a new user name.
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The end of horse_farmer
From the bottom of my heart I am sorry. It is sad and will affect more than she realizes.
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The end of horse_farmer
Been there, done that, the T-shirt DOESN'T fit very well!!
My deepest sympathies.....
Hopefully your son (and any other children you might have) is old enough to realize it is no reflection on him.
Be strong...
Best of luck.
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The end of horse_farmer
Thank you guys. Thank God, my son is less than 2 and has no clue of what's going on. He's the happiest thing in the world and it wrecks my heart to think that I was partially responsible for screwing up his life. At this point all I can do is pray a lot that my sins aren't visited upon him. Truly, "the wages of sin is death" and our conduct catches up to us, whether we be believers or not.
On another note, I will be posting under my name and last name initial (DenisS) since this site is great for landscaping (and politics, of course )and such which I can still do on a 100x50 lot which is probably gonna be my home for the foreseeable future.
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The end of horse_farmer
I was listening to a radio program recently on step families and how the biggest loosers are the children. I have family that recently went through divorce and it is so true.
Hang in there (more ways that one) for your son. Let him know you love him and will always. Children need both Mom and Dad. Sadly so many don't think so.
As to your gardening, raised beds?
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The end of horse_farmer
Sorry to hear about your situation.
Need to ask a real dumb question, did you try to say sorry and bite your tongue and reconcile? You don't need to post an answer.
Good Luck to you and be sure to hug your kid every chance you get.
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The end of horse_farmer
This may help.
It is a Dad's job to fight to protect our children. If your son was threaten by a bear you would risk life and ling for him and use all your tools and weapons.
This is not a battle to be fought with guns, hurt and such but be sure you fight it with all the love and tenderness of heart possible.
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The end of horse_farmer
good question, the answer is yes and the reply was no.
My gardening interests are mostly in Rhododendrons - we have a love-hate relationship. I love the flowers and they hate growing for me.
As far as step-families are concerned - that's one area where I'm not going to venture. My responsibilities right now are strictly for my child, until, God willing, he's off to college. It would be nice to find another mate, but that means having step-siblings and that's just not fair to my son. I want to make sure that on my part there are no added stresses on my son that step-families tend to bring with them.
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The end of horse_farmer
Am also sorry to hear about your situation.
Make the best of it by go forward and don't burn any bridges behind you.
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The end of horse_farmer
At age 2, the memories and problems should be less than for older children. I should know. One of my earliest memories is of the sheriff coming over because the parents weren't getting along. Mom threw dad out and he deserved it. Do your best to be civil and avoid speaking badly about his mother in front of him or where he can overhear. To him, that's his mom and won't understand why you speak badly. So just don't.
Be civil, let your son know you love him and do your best to be there for him. When you say you will be there at 4 to pick him up, be there at 4 or earlier. When you say you'll go for ice cream, go get that ice cream. Be happy about it.
My brother and I still carry the baggage from my parent's nasty divorce and always will. If your kid starts acting up, therapy is ok. Or talk to him, get him to say what is bothering him. Don't let him keep it bottled up inside.
Just my thoughts from my personal experience.
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