KW Schumm, how you holding out in all the rain over in your part of the country? I was just reading about landslide warnings for Yamhill CO.
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There's flood warnings all over and Highway 6 between here and the coast is shut down due to mud slides. It's a bad time of year for massive rainfall since the falling leaves clog all the storm drains and the water backs up. Here we're not having problems - I'm happy to live way above flood zones. The only trouble is the satellite internet keeps fading out when the rain is heavy. That and I'm sure trees are falling over right and left. At lunch today I heard on the radio that they were predicting another 8-10" of rain before midnight! I'm not sure I believe that, but it was pouring on the way home tonight.
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Ken; Looks like you will have the moss growing on the side of the house. I remember the storms like that in the west coast. One year I was taking a group of college students skiing to Whistler in a storm like that. I had an old large Jeep Cherokee with AWD, one of the first. Anyways at one point we got stuck behind stopped traffic on the Squamish Hwy. I got a bad feeling about sitting in the area so because I had unlimited traction I went into the other lane and passed all the stopped cars. When we got home that night we found out a rock had dropped off the cliff were we were stopped and hit a car. More precisely it was the size of a car and had crushed the car down to about 10 inches high. Two girls were killed. They said the rock had been lossen by all the rain. It rained last night heavy all night, the kid were talking about all the rain. In the rain coast it is not uncommon to rain that way for weeks. In fact in some of the mountain valleys I don't remember it stopping. I remember being locked out of the woods one summer for it being dry and in the high valley, summer show, that we were working in I could not keep my boots dry and the rain gear off.
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Yup. Most people assume all the rain forests are equatorial.
They are surprised to learn there are northern rain forests all the way up the coast into Alaska.
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Glad you are alright, that is alot of rain.
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DRANKIN, Ever walk the rainforest on Kodiak Island? You wouldn't think an Alaskan Island is a rainforest.
But even by the Northwest's standards, that is too much rain. Ugh! I remember the summer after I left Northern Minnesota, the town got 10 inches of rain in something like 4-6 hours. Flooded the whole town including the house I sold.
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Kodiak, in my experience is fairly open and somewhat dry.
Next door on Afognak Island it is a different story. That is serious hip-wader/drippy forest country.
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In my experience it is valley to valley. Some areas get 500"+ a year. Cassier has the worlds record for snow with more than 100 feet.
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Thanks for the good wishes, folks, it's drying out a little tonight before starting up again tomorrow. Moss is a regular feature around here, I have to spray the north side of the roof and shady areas of the drive every year. The zinc strips don't cut it unless you put them about every other course on the roof. It's nice in other ways, though, since it makes it easy to get your bearings when you get turned around in the woods on an overcast day with no visible sun.
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glad you said something my wife and I thought the Moss had a rustic appeal. I may have to spray now.
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