TP up on New server OK to Post
If you are readin this messsage you are on the new server. The new server has the Fall leaves next to the logo. It is possible until the Domin name servers get settled that you might get back to the old site with the snowman at the top.
Lwt me know if you have any problems.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
OK, where is the "Top Posters" of the week? Am I missing something or did this go away? Did I cause this to happen?
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Also, this server seems to be faster than before. Nice.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Thanks NCR,
I missed that its back now.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Definately faster, despite my relatively slow connection speed.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Dennis are the discussion page heading suppost to be the pool bottom blue? I thought they matched the classifieds or the posting page.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
I changed the colors on that page as you see it now. I did not think of it as pool bottom blue though
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Well I am not a designer so I don't know how to name colors. I worked with a bunch on commercial wall covering for a while and you had to laugh. They could come up with 100 different names for the same shade of red.
My daugher painted her room near that color. I think the paint can was called bubble gum blue. I thought she would run screaming out of it after a week or so, but she has lasted 4 years or more. Most people think it looks like the bottom of a pool, therefore ...... Sorry.
It is easier on the eyes now, thanks.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Hoped but did not solve my Zone Alarm issue, still causes some problems. Hoped the new server might solve it. The problem seems to be Zone Alarm and can not get it set to like TP all the time or some other sites. The new server does seem slightly faster.
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TP up on New server OK to Post
Believe it or not I have still been making some fixes to the site since I migrated it to the new server. If you notice something please let me know.
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