Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
Just read an article that says that Google's Chrome has passed Firefox in the Browser market and is just number 2 behind Microsoft's IE. Just started using it myself again. And for those of us that want to stay ahead of our spell check guru EW, you may want to check out Chrome or Firefox that have spell check built in. Nice feature no coding on my part
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
Dennis, have you read any articles about privacy concerns with google chrome? Google has proven its ability to disregard consumer privacy concerns so I have been a bit reluctant to use it.
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
No I had not... I have become an increasingly bigger fan as Google continues to make things that work well for me like my Android phone. I did find this article below from TomsHardware which discusses Microsoft's Privacy Argument. MS used to have a 95% share not so long ago, so they are not very happy.
Microsoft has hit out at Google's Chrome browser, claiming that it doesn't respect users' privacy.
Microsoft recently posted a video called "Google Chrome Steals Your Privacy" to its TechNet Website. The video explained why Microsoft didn't trust Chrome's privacy and used Internet Explorer 8 as a comparison.
The video has since disappeared but not before Ars Technica saw it and dissected the accusations made. Ars reports that the main accusation Microsoft makes is that Google's move to consolidate both the search and address bar means more of your information is being sent to Google. IE8, on the other hand, keeps these separate and sends less of your information to the search provider.
"As I start to type an address into the address bar, Fiddler [a Web debugging proxy] shows that for nearly every character I type, Chrome sends a request back to Google," Ars cites IE product manager Pete LePage as saying. "I haven't even hit enter yet to load the website and Google is already getting information about the domain and sites I'm visiting."
Next LePage shows us how different things look when you do the same thing using Internet Explorer 8. He begins to type the same address into the URL bar and sure enough, nothing is sent to Microsoft until he presses enter.
Ars Technica's Emil Protalinski writes that the way LePage worded his first argument presents a problem.
"LePage makes an important mistake in his accusation against Google: his statement should not be "Chrome sends a request back to Google" but it should be "Chrome sends a request back to the search provider." He makes this distinction with IE8 but does not with Chrome. The information is being sent so that the search provider can help the user choose a query right in their browser."
Protalinski goes on to say that after downloading Fiddler, it became apparent that Chrome could also be set to send that information to Bing. Not only that but the same "sending information on every keystroke" behaviour is only true for the address bar.
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
Watts ol dis tok aboat EW an spel ling gooroo???
(Me bets ol' Kenny can't see any errors)
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
On my 4th day using Chrome, takes some adjustment, but so far liking it!
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
I may give it a try. It came preloaded on a new notebook but I switched to Firefox right away due to familiarity. However, Firefox has been crashing on ebay views for months now, and they don't ever seem to fix it, so I may see if Chrome behaves better.
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
Ole Jeffery looked like your normally spelling.When I read it sounded just like you talking there!
Funny thing is happening in the insurance industry, two of my biggest companies, must access their sites dependably, are only IE compatible now. Think it might be due to the Federal Health care bill requiring so many changes.
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
... Funny thing is happening in the insurance industry, two of my biggest companies, must access their sites dependably, are only IE compatible now. Think it might be due to the Federal Health care bill requiring so many changes.
That or Microsoft lobbyists.
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
That or Microsoft lobbyists.
surley MS would not try to influence someone to use their product only, nah.
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Google Chrome and Firefox Spell Check
So far only one occasion where I had to switch back to IE to view a PDF file from my Telco's site.... their site is poorly designed though...
I find that I organized my bookmark bar better since switching to Chrome and I am a bit more efficient.
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