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 04-04-2006, 07:23 Post: 127143

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately

I purchased a new Dell computer toward the end of January and am so frustrated, don't know how to deal with it.

My problems began when I purchased it in January and with my busy workload didn't get to set it up for about a month. (Your get about 28 days that it can be returned) I had my other engineer load my AutoCad and other office software and get my internet links for several business websites up and running. He had it all set and ready to go, all we needed to do was plug in the printers and engineering plotter.

Wouldn't have guessed that Dell decided that we don't need parallel printer outputs anymore. They have USB's but that is all. Every computer that I've ever seen has parallel outputs. I called and told them to send me one and they wouldn't. They have this automated answering service and you can talk to Tech Support from someplace in India I guess. If you hang up and call at various hours of the day and night you may get someone that can atleast speak some English. After a couple weeks of hassling with them I got one installed on my own. Some techs originally told me that my printers are outdated and should just buy new ones. Ya, right, a new engineering plotter printing color and 36" wide paper is several thousand dollars. Another Techie told me the mother board wouldn't accept a parallel card. Another Techie told me to just buy a USB to parallel conversion cord. Nobody stocks one of those in any of the computer box stores. Was also told that a USB signal is weaker and won't drive a signal 20 feet like I need. I share plotters and printers with my other engineer.

Now my e-mail don't work and it won't recognize my addresses and passwords. The McAfee Security Center can't be uninstalled nor will it turn off. If you reboot or turn off your computer at night, it turns everything back on. The security is so high it won't let me talk with my customers sending me drawing files, etc.

So then, I decide to reload my Outlook Express. Dell doesn't give you your CD's anymore either. If you need them you are supposed to go to "Support.dell.com/pcrt" How are you going to do that if everything on line is screwed up and you can't receive e-mails.

The only guy that is willing to help me (I've talked to dozens of people) works from 10am-7pm central time. So, I'm going to miss most of the day again. He wants to possibly send me a new hard drive. Do these guys ever get it that I may have a business to run and need my computer now! Do they understand that I've spent several days loading all that software and getting all my menus, drivers, files on this piece of crap!

The computer itself cost just under $800.00 and it looks like I need to throw it away and get one that works. I am told that I can dispute the charge on my charge card. Maybe that way I can finally get their attention.

I've always had Dell's without any trouble and generally purchase one every couple of years on my own charge card either for me or the business (for myself, my other engineer or my daughter).

I've heard that I'm not alone with problems lately with Dell's and their service is terrible since you can't get hold of anyone. I have on-site service for one year but they will never send anyone.

Today I'm going to tell them they have until tomorrow 11am to get me a service man at my doorstep or a new computer at my door. Will see how that works!

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 04-04-2006, 07:35 Post: 127145

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately


Parallel is fast becomeing a thing of the past, they are clow and cumbersome and everyone is making a change to USB.. Yup! you have been mowed under by progress.
Go to Staples and buy the adapter, it will buy you more time.

If this link don't work, go to staples.com and under technology there will be a white box at the top for searching, type Parallel board and it will appear. $39.99
Good Luck

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 04-04-2006, 07:49 Post: 127146

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately


I went back and reread your post. You may buy the USB cable adapter at staples.
You also may uninstall McPhee but you best have an alternative in place if you are going to email..... Trojans, worms and viruses will put you out of business faster than your current problem.
You DO NOT need a new hard drive, what fool told you that? If you needed a hard drive you wouldn't be getting anywhere with the computer it wouldn't even boot up. Damn, some one has hired a moron.
Is the computer you replaced still working? if so you need to transfer some files from the other computer to this one and then your addresses, favorites etc will all be ok.
I go here and get alot of my answers http://support.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.aspx it is a Microsoft Newsgroup and I have posted many questions and there is bound to be someone who will answer you quickly and with the right info. Just be sure to pick a title that best fits your problem and post. Good luck.
To compare what you are trying to do and don't get me wrong, it can be done but with mods.. You are doing an old Johnny Cash routine, you have a new car and you want to replace the head lamps with ones from a 59 Buick and the tail lights from a 56 Caddy and the grill from a DeSoto, yes! you can do it and what I am saying is technology is changing, Industry standards are shifting and DB25s and Parallel ports are becoming obsolte with the newer Firewires and USBs etc etc. Sorry, don't shoot the messenger.
If you want to uninstall anything, go to START PROGRAMS and then find the folder for your program and see if there is an UNINSTALL UTILITY for it and then use it, if not go to START CONTROL PANEL ADD/REMOVE SOFTWARE after a moment or two the list of programs will appear in the white box, be awful careful here, you could easily uninstall something that is required by your comp, so if not sure, don't do it. Anyhow click on the program title and in the bottom right hand corner click on Uninstall/remove and then reboot and continue the process for as many programs as you want to uninstall.
You will need to copy your old Favorites folder over to the New Computer for all of your computer Website addies, and there is other data you can copy to regain your Passwords etc.
Good lUck
I am at work on win 98 but will try to help you the best I can. My XP system is at home.... Everyone has them jerks from India and most everyone gives you your Program recovery files on a different partion of Drive C it usually is Drive E (virtual)

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 04-04-2006, 08:09 Post: 127151

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately

1. Staples, OfficeMax, Best Buy, Circuit City and others do not carry that conversation adapter in any stores. You can special order it or get it from an on-line retailer. They recommend that you also buy a booster. I bought the actual card for about $39.99 and installed it. That part of it now works but at my cost of $39.99 that should have been on it to begin with.
2. If you go to uninstall as you stated, McAfee does not appear there.

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 04-04-2006, 08:22 Post: 127153

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately

There are some free utilities that can be used. Right now, McAfee has control of my computer. There is no way to uninstall it unless you erase files. That is bad because as you have said it may take something important with it.

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 04-04-2006, 08:29 Post: 127155

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately

I have only purchased one Dell and that was about a year before yours. It will be my last Dell also. For such reason as has been noted. My lap top will not allow you to change the size of the fonts on the screen and I bought their top of the line lap top. Same type service problems as you are saying with mine. A thought that might not work and yes I can not understand their support people either, buy their high price add on warranty that gives you support at your site.

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 04-04-2006, 08:37 Post: 127156

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately

I'm told that USB ports are bad for massive data transmission as in hugh engineering files going to plot mode, especially if they are driven a distance.

I could have linked my computer to the other engineer's and we could share the printers and plotters through our network. I'd have to turn his on in his absence and also go without when the network drops out. All my cables are hung and have been for years.

If you look at any computer sold in the U.S. today, you will find all have a parallel port except Dell.

Dell asks you if you want a 3 1/2" drive or any other accessory. Why don't they ask if you want parallel? I'm sure they dropped it to cut costs like not giving you your CD's or force you into a new printer. They give you a power cord which I don't need since I've gone through lots of computer over the years. They give you a free "AOL" Cd and also load wordperfect and some other useless stuff.

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 04-04-2006, 08:55 Post: 127157

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately


You said you went to uninstall and McAfee wasn't there. Did you go to START PROGRAMS and search there? It has to be on the computer, I got it with mine and uninstalled it and replaced it with Norton System Works. You may also try going to START PROGRAMS ACCESSORIES and then use WIndows Exploer or My Compurter to search the Directory tree and see if you can find it that way, when you locate the folder, there should be an uninstall utility for McAfee and then just click on it. I have given you three ways to get to it and I am 100% positive one of those ways will do it.
Nothing Bad happens aother than your system is no longer protected against Viruses, Worms and Torjans that can get into via Internet and destroy your files. I really don't know what you mean by control. You can also click on the McAfee icon in the bottom right of your screen, try right clicking and go to OPTIONs. Read the options and if there is anything about monitoring your programs while not connected uncheck that.
I know time is wasting money for you and I have no control over that. You may need to call a Computer geek to come over, pay him a few hundred to get you up and going and have him show you or one of your computer guys how and why he did what he is doing. I don't see any other way. You are henpecking thru the sytem and it sounds as if you have already been given some ill advice and that still hasn't solved your problem.... Go to the Yellow Pages and give a call to someone to come and do it for you. Some one will say right off the bat, that Yes it can be done. If they give you any negative impression, call someone else.
Good Luck

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 04-04-2006, 09:06 Post: 127158

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately

Yikes. For my engineering business, I own nothing but dells. I have about a dozen of them in my office building, all purchased anywhere from 5 years ago to 6 months ago. I also plot to a 36" color plotter that has a standard paralell port. I used to use a usb/parallel port cable, but I switched to an EpsonNet external print server for $44. This plugs into your paralell port and all your PC can print to it via your ethernet network. I buy most of my misc. items at provantage.com - search for epsonnet at provantage and you'll see what I'm talking about. They also sell the usb to parallel cables for around $20 - $30. Theses work just fine for all my parallel needs. While having a parallel port is nice - 99% of business and home users don't need them anymore, so I can see why dell has ended installing them - afterall, there are 100's of aftermarket solutions to solve the issue.


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 04-04-2006, 10:08 Post: 127163

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 Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately


Not a computer expert but have a thought and if it has been covered forgive me...network. Are your printers network ready? If so that might be your best option. If they are not and the type of machines they are, they probably have that option to buy.

I have a printer plugged in directly to my Dell on USB and the main printer is on network and it works very well. This is a very simple network with no server and each printer and computer plugged into the network router.

WW, it was YP who was wanting to remove McAlfee. I was able to cut it off on my Dell and did so and used Norton. Have since left Nortona and now use Zone Lab or some such name. YP, if your McAlfee is the trail version which my was it will take care of itself.

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