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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Yooper; I set up a new computer in the fall. The McAfee firewall conflicts with the MS one. The e machine I bought had all three, Norton, MS and McAfee and all on. It acted like a bucking bronco for a while. I just shut off the firewalls and then the system straightened out. I only use the Norton one now. My advise is to check and shut them off. Sometimes it takes on or two attempts as I find they don't always seem to register. Incidently I found this bug on the Compact I bought the year before.
There are still bugs in the MS software. I have on on the old HP. If I use the internet it always tries to dial me in. I have everything shut off but in does not seem to register. My daughter uses it and her second account does not have the problem. Why? MS faulty logic I guess. I wish I had some money every time I have written a note to MS to debug their software. I would be a rich man.
Concerning the parallel port you had me guessing as I never used it on the E machine although I have two printers networked through that system.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
I've bought five Dells, the last about 18 months ago. I was about ready to buy another until Michael Dell proudly stood at a podium and announced shipping 20k jobs to India. Now I don't know what to buy. HP sucks ever since Carly Fiorina ran them to ground. IBM sold out. Gateway's been having support problems longer than Dell. I'm amazed eMachines products even work as poorly made as they are. I really need a dual core laptop as a development machine for running vmware. I gave up on getting good answers to tech support requests from any company years ago. By the way, you can still get parallel ports from Dell but maybe not the base models. At least that's how it is with their laptops. If you order online you often have a choice of getting the product CDs for no extra cost but they don't ship them by default.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Yup! you can build your own or buy a locally built one and when you have a graphics card that conflicts with this or that and or this burns out or that does, and the local guy gets sick of trying to teach you about computers and that this is not under warranty because it was the other manufacturers component that created the problem so you will have to call them, and them won't help you because you have it in a hodge podge of this and thats. Nope! I would NEVER build my own or go to local chop shop to do it. I want the warranty.
With HP I have had a problem twice in the last 5 years, one was with a power supply, they shipped me an empty box, I had it in one day and I put my computer in it, less the hard drives and shipped it out, I had itback wiith a new and bigger power supply in three days. Yeah! they have ALL hired out contract support, due to their profit margins being so small. In order to be competive they need to have the price people want to pay.
I have had 3 HPs and each one was Custom built by me on their website and I have not paid less than $2100 for any of them. The last one I got the 19" LCD monitor FREE, a FREE upgrade to 1 gig ram, a FREE upgrade to a 160 GIG Hd which I replaced with a 200 GB. I was able to pick my processor, and all of my add ons, I have a single tuner and a Nividia Graphics card. I bought the warranty with it for 3 years. The first thig I do when I get them, I uninstall al software I will not be using and then I run system checks, defrags, CCleaner to clean it up.
For you guts that have the autodial prblem, that is a XP charteristic and not a Computer maufacturer one. Go to google and type in Computer autodials on start up and go to the system registry and make the edits as well as the advance dial up options.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
I've built dozens of desktop machines all the way up to high end servers with quad processors, multiple NICs and RAID drive systems. It's not that hard but for me it doesn't make much economic sense anymore. If you have specific needs that can't be satisfied with an off the shelf machine I can see the need but at today's prices it doesn't seem to save much money. Then there's the warranty issue - drive manufacturers pointing to controller problems, video manufacturers pointing to MB problems, everyone pointing to config or assembly problems, etc. It's easier to source it all from one place.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
You have a above average computer knowledge and you are porbably capable to troubleshoot and diagnose your own problems, most people can not. I can not even begin to tell you how many hundreds of hours I have on the phone trying to solve problems with average people who wanted to save a buck and add this or that or change a mother board or whatever and then when it didn't work as the magazine said it would, ringy dingy Hello.....
It is best IMHO to go to a site where you can have a manufacturer custom build your system the way you want and get a warranty that will cover it all. The manufacturer will only install what is compatable with the other hardware being installed. I prefer that and I have had excellent luck and very little need to call the Dog Meat eating, lipstick in the middle of the forehead support lines.
I have gone to http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp.htm and you can find the auto dial solutions or go to http://support.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.aspx find a thread that best fits your request or thru General Discussion which has a lot of traffic and post your questions, your solutions are only moments away.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
This thread mirrors the discussions we have here about cars and trucks and Yoopers computer/printer problem reminds me of my rants about how I can't buy a 4wd pick-up with a stick and manual hubs anymore.
Everyone gripes about the "big three" that are (pick one): trash, going bankrupt, over priced, under engineered, etc.
There must be a Toyota in the computer world.... perhaps Sony?
That said, I have had four Gateway units in recent years and the only real problem I had was the lap top I bought in '99, which survived a drop on a concrete floor and finally just wore out in 2004..... but 5 years on a laptop is not too bad.
And yes..... the Gateway laptop I am typing on right now was made in China and half the Gateway tech support people cannot speak a version of English that I can understand, but that seems to be our version of a brave new world.
Half the guys who built my new roof last year and all the guys who did the painting spoke no English at all.
Doesn't leave many choices.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Maybe the alternative is a MAC. Apple announced today they're releasing some software that will allow their PC's to run windows XP. (Personally, I'll pass on that experiment.)
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
I wonder how ram will be used to keep the program converter in place and then add the memory for XP and the application and what will the new minium be to operate without freeze ups?
They had a Mac to PC program convertor years ago, this one will be good until Vista comes out and is it compatible with all prior Windows pre XP???? I haven't read anything on it, have heard tidbits here and there.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Wingwiper, I have two HP computers and 3 printers at the moment. I know that the problem with the HP is XP. The only problem I have had with that 6 year old unit is trying to keep drives in the first bay. I have had no problem with the Compaq except. The initial fire wall conflict.
Ken, Emachines is now part of Gateway. The machine I bought is a gateway clone. I different colour switch in the center. I agree with you there is a cost disadvantage with building your own now, even with recycling many of the parts.
I bought and set up one Sony for my mom. The system has had few problems beyond software. One case is not a good base line for statistic though.
My experience level with computers tends to be cyclic with demand over my 28 years. I am sure many of you know more than I at this point. I have had reasonable success with Dell and HP at work over the years. I am too cheap to buy them for home/office as I can ussually find a better deal elsewhere.
The latest PCWORLD talked about extended warantees. They said 77% recommended them. Then in the fine print they said they only had enough respondant from Dell to be significant. No exactly sure how I need to read this. 77% of the time the extended warantee is necessary with a Dell? Dell and others are make a lot of $$ of the extended waranty. I normally don't have any problems beyond the burn in period.
Personally I was leaning toward an IBM laptop and then it was sold.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
IBM hired 1200 programmers overseas. My experience with IBM was EVERYTHING was an EXTRA and you had to pay for what everybody got as included in theirs.
I knew you were referring to Software problems versus Hardware, I buy extended Service Contracts and have had good luck. Yes! the company makes a profit if you don't use it, but then again I paid $300 for a replacement no matter what warranty thru HP and if my Motherboard fried, that would be a bit more than $300, so muy investment as well as someone else's would be used to make mine good again.
I have gone to hpshopping.com and they have a refurbish section, you know where stuff was sent back and replaced and then HP woul dbringit back to New condition... I have bought a cou[ple of Photosmart printers, a Camera, a two scanners that way and they are still working flawlessly and I paid less than 1/3 of their orginial price. One of my Western Digitial 250 gig Hard Drives was purchased the same way thru WD for $89 and that was a year and half ago, it is only used for a backup to my second drive.
There are ways where people can save money and still get decent quality. Just need to take the time and look.
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