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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
yooperpete, do they still use plotters? I thought they had ink jets now that were less. I have a son in law who draws house plans and he was able to go with a large ink jet for less than plotter is my understanding. Have not seen his printer as it is not in his office so it may not handle large enough paper for you. He is using like 2 by 3 feet sheets I think for house plans. kt
A point on Dell I did not know and do not like: I had an extended warranty on a Dell with Dell. Called by Dell and was placed on my Dell charge account with all paperwork showing Dell. So the extended warranty was Dell right as that is who I called and they handled the claim and so forth. Turns out was not Dell's extended warranty. They sell the rights to others to call their purchasers using Dell's name and charge accounts and so forth. I did not like that at all. To me that is terrible misleading. Ended up causing a major problem for me as the warranty company who then contracted with a local tec (read not an employee) had no control over what he did or did not do. Allowed who I thought was a Dell employee to take on work he was not qualified for that cost me a lot. To which Dell said sorry and so did the warranty company. As I told them each of your present all of this as Dell to me which Dell told me they understood but it was not all Dell. What bull crap. No Dell for me. kt
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Yes, the proper term of the plotter is an inkjet printer. Mine inkjet printer plots from either 24" or 36" roll sheets. The term plotter which was used in the past is still frequently used to describe a wide format printing device used primarily to plot engineering drawings.
There is nothing wrong with the unit but no longer being software supported since this is a through away society were nothing should last nor be used beyond a couple of years.
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