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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
I have only purchase to refurb systems but have had mixed success. I bought a Compaq and it was supurb.
I bought an NEC laptop and had nothing but problems. There was an intermitten fault in the start switch which was wired onto the motherboard. I had the system less than a year and returned it once. They claimed it was just a loose board. I had to start it a dozen time until it would finally catch. It finally gave out and I could not get it to started. I had a couple of tech look at it. I had it open so many times I could do it in my sleep. A new mother board for it was more than a new system. Naturally NEC did not want to admit they had not found the problem after they warantee was out.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
It seems this has grown to include my question now, any body had any experience with Vision Computers? I think that nameis correct.
I have only heard of them on talk radio.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
It seems this has grown to include my question now, any body had any experience with Vision Computers? I think that nameis correct.
I have only heard of them on talk radio.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Well one guy at Dell, his name is Sean Alvarez (sp?) is good to his word. He did send me a disk for loading music for some reason, haven't figured out why (sent it next day via DHL).
He did send a new pre-loaded hard drive. It was supposed to take about 3 days. Well this morning(next day) a local guy called and picked it up from DHL at the airport and came to my office and replaced the hard drive. He works for an agency that has the Dell service contract for the Eastern half of Michigan. Turns out I knew him from a previous job about 15 years ago. He was a shop lead man on night shift at this company that we both worked for.
So, I got a new hard drive. I have to reload everything all over again. Still working on that, it will take a day or so. He took the old drive with him. This is the first time I've had a problem with a Dell and I've purchased atleast a dozen or more over the past few years. Remember, one awe shXt wipes out all atta-boys.
The conflicting firewall thing is a real problem. McAfee actually has two of them and one Microsoft. I turned off the Microsoft and dance around the McAfee thing that comes up every reboot to load itself. You can't get rid of the McAfee since it turned itself on all by it self. You can't remove it since it is embedded in the computer's security system. So what happens after 90 days? Do I crash and burn!!
I can access websites and write on TP but still can't receive or send e-mails. Dell thinks there is a problem with our host but the Dell 25 feet away with my web addresses, etc. is working (sending and receiving)fine.
I'm also interested in JasonR's comments of his engineering staff. Are you using AutoCad or some other software. We're thinking of going to either SolidWorks or SolidEdge for modeling purposes, particularly to read customer's files mostly Unigraphics files. For my work, 2D has always been enough. Some customers have SolidEdge and others Works. Don't know if they will read each others.
I've got several customers that use only modeling for their castings, etc. It is hard to come up with the tooling fixtures. Just got an aerospace job to fixture a large detail from a Unigraphics model. We're trying to get .dxf files readable in AutoCad.
If anyone out there in the TP world is familiar with either of the SolidWorks or SolidEdge programs I'd like your input.
Thanks for all your previous help and comments.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
I also have a Sony Vaio notebook with 16" screen, 2.4Ghz, 30GbHD with 512MB SDRAM and Radeon 32MP graphics chip. I've had it several years now and it works great. I never get away from work so it goes everywhere with me.
I once had a locally made computer with all the latest stuff and it was a dog and always errored out. Something was conflicting and they could never get it right.
My Dell is a dimension 5150.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
"I would NEVER build my own or go to local chop shop to do it. I want the warranty." - wingwiper
A warranty is nice yes. I built my last desk top for less than $300. Where as if I would have bought one from Dell or HP would have been around $1200. And all name brand stuff. I went with an AMD processor instead of Intel but that is it.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
You can't even buy a GOOD power supply for less than $75. Inexpensive motherboards often cause problems down the road. Many of the connectors are only rated for only one or two insertions - plug in and remove a card or connector a few times and you've worn the entire micron layer of gold off and introduced an intermittent problem. These days the entire system has be engineered for thermal performance too. Cooling and airflow are critical. Lack of cooling can cause all sorts of trouble - even ethernet chips can dissipate 600 mw and that heat has to be removed. Not doing so can cause strange lockups and more intermittent behavior. Let's not even talk about RF emissions.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
Putting a PC together is not rocket science. NON skilled workers plug in parts all day that someone told them to plug in. Most of the time they work.
I would not build one because I do not have the time to research what will work with what. And I sure do not have the time to deal with a non english speaking check list reader that is gonna send me parts to install and hope that it was right and if not they'll send me more, SIGN HERE and RETURN...
Yup you can buy it cheaper from the lowest bidder and get what you get, software and all.
Or you can have it built locally exactly the way you want, with only the software you want, by someone who speaks English, lives and pays taxes in the community and barring a vacation is avaiable to trouble shoot any problem with the thing, anytime. Drive by, at break time, drop it off shoot the bull for a couple of minutes and pick it up on the way home.
Might as well get rid of our local tractor dealers and only have 1 or 2 brands and have parts shipped to us. SIGN HERE...
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
My thoughts exactly. I buy all my parts from the local guy. As to power supply i have used the same one fro the last 4 that I built as well as the case CD/DVD burner drive and floppy, as well as the 160 gig hard drive for the last two. Only real new thins are the board, processor, ram , video and sound cards.
O.k. so I only really "built" it once but I "upgrade" every six months.
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Has anyone purchased a Dell computer lately
kthompson, if you are using XP your problem maybe a rights issue. If you happen to be logged on as a user, you can't change your desktop. You need to log on as power user or administrator.
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