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Tuff Cop
Maybe I am wrong..Today my wife and I took a little trip. We decided to go to the Casino Near Green Bay, Wi. for lunch and some fun. The day was very nice and we had a nice lunch and lost our play money.
We were on our way home and were following a hay truck which was moving slow and everyone was passing him. A pickup in front of me and myself started around the truck. This is open country roads, 2 lane, and fairly well traveled. We both had plenty of room and so started around him. No yellow lines in either lane. not a no passing lane.
Just as I was pulling back into my lane behind the Dakota in front of me, not following too close, On a side road to my left was a police car getting ready to pull out, I was watching him just to make sure we were back in line before he pulled out. We were in our lane before he started to pull out, but he immediately pulled over to the gravel on his side like we were going to hit him and as soon as the hay truck passed him, he did a donut and turned on the siren and red lights.
Well I kept going just to see who he was after, the hay truck, me or the Dakota in front of me. It was me he wanted, so I pulled over as soon as I could safetly. He pulled up behind and so while he was doing whatever they do before getting out, I got my liscense out and had it ready.. He approached my vehicle and asked if I knew why he had stopped me.. I said, not really, I may have been over the speed limit when passing the hay truck. He said no, but for passing in an intersection. I said to him that there was no yellow no passing line and I was back in my lane before the intersection. No hostility or shouting, I am a pretty easy going guy.
I honestly thought I would get a warning . He came back with a court date and a $195 fine. When he told me what it was, I said, you have to be kidding, not in a fit of rage, just like what? you have to be kidding. He immediately told me to shut up and put my hands on the steering wheel. I said, can't we talk, and he said one more word and you will be arrested and taken to jail. As he said this, he was backing down the side of the car and his hand went to his side.
I was dumbfounded. My hands were in plain site on the top of the steering wheel. My wife was scared to death. She had ahold of my arm and was shaking. I can't describe how we felt at that moment, it was horrible. He then asked if I understood. I just looked at him and nodded my head, I didn't know what to do. Believe me, I was not hostile or antaganistic in any way. My wife said after we drove away, she was afraid he was going to shoot me, I don't know, but something was not right here. I do think this young cop had a problem and I was the fix.
I am not sure what I will do now, but I think it might require an attorney. I have had one speeding ticket in my 40 years of driving. If he had said you were speeding I would have taken it like a man, But.....so what do you think? I am still befuddled by his actions.... JohnJ
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Tuff Cop
Imediately go the the police station and file a complaint.
Tell them you want this on record and want a copy. You can even print one up, sign it and turn it in to the station where you live and ask them to fax it to that police station. Get an attorney regaurdless! It will be worth your money and time over the length of your possible insurance increase. If you can remember if you saw that hay wagon pull into a farm somewhere maybe take a road trip and ask if he remembered you doing anything wrong?
(The last one may be extreme but you can give the captain of that police station a line of shit anyway and tell him to go check with the farmer, tell him he will come to court if you ask him to cause you know the guy. I highly dought the station will check it out.
There is no way in hell I will ever accept a ticket again with out fighting it unless I was really really wrong! My last ticket was about 15 years ago and was out of town. I did not follow my advice I just gave you and paid for it for 3 years! That ticket sounds like a chump ass citation.
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Tuff Cop
That definitley sucks. I was in a situation like that one time in my life and it was definitely terrifying. I had a swat M16 pointed at my head. They were performing a drug raid on the entire block I lived on (was a pretty bad neighborhood), and it turned out that the people who rented the front unit (I was in the rear unit), were dealing drugs, and two cops were arguing over whether to shoot me or not. The one cop that wanted to shoot me, pulled a baggie full of drugs out of his pocket and threw it on my kitchen sink, and then said to me "see how easy it is?"
I found out later that that particular PD had a brutality problem. I moved to another city, and 20 years later I still avoid that neighborhood like the plague.
There are some retired cops that frequent this site. Surely they can give you some good advice on the matter.
You should not delay in writing 'everything' down as you remember it and have your wife do the same.
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Tuff Cop
I would file a report. The cop was acting in avery goofy and confrontational manner. Definitely unprofessional, especially the way he backup and made as if to grab his weapon. Especially since you kept your hands on the wheel. It sounds like he has a problem and maybe shouldn't be having a gun and a badge.
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Tuff Cop
Was it a "tribal" cop? Were you on the res? Where in relation to GB was this? Definately file a report on the cop and take it to court. Your wife makes a great witness.
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Tuff Cop
{The cop was acting in avery goofy and confrontational manner. Definitely unprofessional, especially the way he backup and made as if to grab his weapon. Especially since you kept your hands on the wheel. It sounds like he has a problem and maybe shouldn't be having a gun and a badge.}
Unprofessional yes, but as for the rest of that I think the jury would still be out. Remember {this is for everyone out there} when you get stopped, dont play games or fiddle around with your hands looking for anything! Two things to think about.
1. This officer does not know if you just robbed a bank,conveint store or maybe just killed your girl friend and just happened to stop you for a traffic violation. Hence they need to always watch everymove no matter what you think. It has happened before where a officer stops someone and that person thinks they are doomed cause they done something else, maybe on probation ans will go to jail for a long time, those stops are deadly. That is one reason for being careful.
2. you dont know if he had just got a call or heard that they are looking for a white,male,5'10" with a mustache and a funny hat. If you fit that bill and the call was for you are possibly armed, you make a wrong move and even though he (the police man) may be wrong, you may be dead. so always listen to everything they say whether you think he is wrong or right.
I remember seeing a flier back in 1983 or 84, My dad brought it home for me to see. Out in NY city the latest craze was policemen stopping a suspect, telling them to keep their hands on the wheel in plain veiw. With you left hand slowly open the door. (The officer would be positioned along side the edge of the car or just behind the passenger side like they are supposed to be, gun drawn) You think your in total control till the door cracks open an inch or two and the suspect pulls a trip line with his foot, which fires the double barreled shot gun that is inserted in the door and now pointing right at you.) That is scary. So yes, I think he was wrong for the attitude as described but as for covering his weapon and backing up slowly?? NOPE I think he was being cautious and to tell you the truth maybe even just wants to make sure he goes home everynight.
I have the utmost respect for policemen, you could not pay me twice what they get and do that job. NEVER! On the other hand there are always the few that let it go to their heads and have the barney fife attitude.
I feel you done the exact right thing, but asap I would document what happened and make a report. You dont know? Maybe there have been other complaints about this guy in the past and if you dont tell your side and complain this will continue?
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Tuff Cop
Definetly file a complaint. This shows a lack of professionalism. A "Street smart" cop is one thing but this man sounds/appears to have his priorities wrong (to put it mildly).
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Tuff Cop
I once got pulled over, the cop called for backup and two cop cars were there. Cop asked me if I knew what I did, I said no, he said the gas station I was just at said I left without paying. They made me lean over the car, frisked me, etc. I told them I paid - told them how much the gas was, and how much change was in my pocket. They said they were taking me back to the gas station to pay the bill - I said I would not pay because I already had paid.
They put me in my car, got behind me and in front of me, and we proceeded back to the gas station. Then they pulled me over again - I thought they were going to beat me or something. They got out - told me they called the gas station, and the person at the station no longer was sure I was the guy who didn't pay. The cops told me I could go, and never apologized.
Now I never pay cash at a gas station. I always use a credit card because of this story.
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Tuff Cop
Many years ago I worked third shift in a gas and grocery store as a partime second job. The funnest times of my life I think watching all the drunks come in. (now I know what I used to look like) Many times we would have drive offs AND WE HAD NO CAMERAS BACK THEN. Now a day in many places your covered by that fact alone. You never called in a car unless you were sure who done it not to mention when the car takes off you still have all the "payers" there. That gas staion attendant was way out of line. Good thing your on it with the change. When paying with cah one should always ask for a reciept.
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Tuff Cop
First, thanks for all the input.. I had decided not to do anything and just pay the fine because I thought it would be paid in the area where I got the ticket, Onieda Nation, and I didn't want to deal with them. My wife told me it would be in a different town, Appleton. I decided to photocopy and mail in a not guilty, and then they will set up a court date. Last night I basically copied and sent the letter I posted here along with my wifes written take on what happened to the Chief of police, Asst. chief of police ,and Lieutenent of the police dept where the officer came from. As of now, I have not got a response nor do I expect one. I will take a copy of the mail to the judge at my hearing. I also looked into Wi. road laws and found the ticket would be valid inside city limits, not outside town unless clearly marked. I also found where if the officer had pulled out into traffic with vehicles coming from either direction, regular right lane toward him, or car passing another car in his lane as I was, toward him, he would be at fault, not to mention possibly hurt or killed. I went back and took pics of the intersection and absolutly no kind of no passing zone, only Hy. sign of road. Just a half mile closer to town was another intersection, and it was marked clearly with a no passing sign and double yellow painted lines on road and a hy sign. I totally think this is a wrongful ticket and hope to beat it. The real bother is from the officer and the way he acted and treated us, this I would like to see stopped before he meets up with a hothead who won't just shut up to get away from him , but who really confronts him and gets really hurt by this rogue... thanks again for all the input, it helped greatly to quell my fear and anger ...JohnJ
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