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Tuff Cop
I was not going off, I hope you did not take it that way. It sounded like this was going to go down the road of gang banging the police. I dont do that. Yes we are at their mercy on the roads but like Archdean said, you take it to the courts and see what happens. My guess at worst you get it knocked down and at best its gone. A lawyer would seal the deal but then you have that added cost. The way insurance payments are though it may be worth your time and money. IMHO I think it will be worth it. I swore I would never eat a ticket again in my life after the last one years and years ago.
I was traveling just south of Madison Wi. On 94. It was 2:30 Am (I was sobor too!) I was going to my land up north with the wife in the car sleeping. It was raining to beat all hell and I was doing 80! (back then limit was still 55 on I-94) For what ever reason (I think she woke a bit) I slowed it down to 74. Wouldnt you know it there he was. He stopped me and told me I was getting a ticket! What did I want? Speeding at 76mph or driving to fast for conditions? I told him I was doing 72? He said, ok that seals it your getting too fast for conditions. I thought great! Wrong try 4pts and $96. Here was my bitch. On one ticket he put speeding 74 in a 55 and anouther he put DTF for cond. One was the court hearing and the other was the actual ticket. Of course I did not fight it would of cost me a lawyer or a day off work. Big mistake! Insurance found out about it and I paid extra for the next 3 years. I was wrong but he was a PUNK! There were NO cars ahead or behind me for atleast a mile! I admit it, I was wrong but he was a PUNK! I was ploite couteous and had no record of tickets and really at 2:30 how many guys would be sober that he would stop anyway? 
Thats my story and Im sticking to it!
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Tuff Cop
Brokenarrow... Heck no, we are just stating experiences , good or bad. Some funny, I was coming up hy 57 in Illinois, a cop was in front of me doing about 5 mph less than speed limit, I followed him for about a half mile, others were passing him, I was not. He turned on the lights and turned over his shoulder and motioned for me to pull over,, I did and he got out and walked back to me.. He said, what is the matter? you afraid to pass a cop? You afraid I will give you a ticket just for passing me? Other people were passing me, I didn't stop them.. So why didn't you pass me.. I said, my turnoff was just ahead and I figured I would just follow till I got there.. He said Good day , turned around , got into the car and we both turned off at the next off ramp..JohnJ
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Tuff Cop
The first ticket I ever got was for doing 68 in a 65 zone.
Yes, that was 3 mph over.
The CHP signed the ticket C.S. Jones. That said it all.
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Tuff Cop
Did he put the cuffs on you?? =-)
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Tuff Cop
I feel for you!
Right now (last fall) my buddy told me about 4mph is all that is relatively safe to exceed the limit by on hy 27. by my place. Alot has to do with how much pressure is on to slow the traffic down IE:write citations. Since he patrols that part of the state highway and is a state patrol I trust his words. ! He said that you can get away with more but you are asking for trouble and depending on the work load or his assignment it is very risky to exceed by more than 4mph.
I have not asked or checked in a few years but the last time they raised the cost of fines here in our state (and I am going on memory) If I remember right if you get a ticket doing 66 in a 65 mph zone, it was around $111! That was about 5 years ago (If I remember right anyway)
I believe if your going 56 in a 55 it was less. Same amount over the legal limit but less of a citation.
All I can say is that I either have been aweful lucky or just plain old got smarter the older I got. I religously speed and many time it is well over the limit since I put on 25K miles a year I may be just picking the right times and places on the highways/feeways. One thing I do not do is speed in town (too much anyway) and I definately do not speed on the smaller highways that are posted at 55. Those doggies are just money makers around here!
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Tuff Cop
"Did he put the cuffs on you?? =-)"
No. 1969, I was 19. He acted like he was giving me a break after committing a felony. It left a deep impression on me. I hated bullies then and have less time for them now.
15 years later when they gave me a gun and a badge, I still remembered how that felt. I never wrote a speeding ticket unless they were doing 10+ over and then it was usually dependent on passing the "hello test".
I have done the math and I know that if some bozo at a tire store sells you what they are overstocked on rather than what you need, it can create a 5 percent or more error in your speedometer.
If fact, I remember several times stopping people with out-sized tires and issuing a warning which included getting back to the correct size tires.
All that is not to say that I didn't do my share of pissy little tickets, in fact I did a thousand of them. But they were for public excretion, drunk in the roadway, drinking in public, disorderly conduct, lewd behavior(don't ask, you really don't want to know), littering, trespassing and the like.
An old fashion foot beat cop and 12 square blocks full of drunks, whores, homosexual book stores and drug dealers. What can I say?
More info, I am sure, than you really wanted.
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Tuff Cop
You are the type of cop I could appreciate..Just doing your job and apparently doing it well where it was really needed....
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Tuff Cop
I did not know you were a officer at one time. My hats off to you! More job than I would want. You may appreciate this little story that I was told by one of my dads old partners. he said, " I remember the first year you dad was on the force. We just arrested a guy for assualt with a weapon. When we were processing the guy back at the station the guy told your dad that when he got out, he was going to (I dont want to post what he said but it was all kinds of things to my mom and also to his kids)
%^&^&*% to his family. Your dad had never heard this kind of talk in his life and did not realize that this was a common occurance after an arrest." He said, "your father threw the guy out the first floor window (At that time the building was kinda like a bylevel house and the window was only 5 feet off the ground and it was a window that vented open, so the window was not broke, just the screening was)
He told me that they had to actually put my dad in a cell till he calmed down, he was going to kill the guy!
That story came from a partner of my dad and was retold at my dads funeral to my sister who had never heard it before. (I heard that story before because we used to deer hunt together)
This is why I give policemen all the repect I possibly can along with the benifit of the dought most of the time. They have to be above the rest of society now a day and show more restraint and profesionalism than I ever could imagine myself haveing. If my father would of done what he done back in 1958 today, he would lose his job or worse. The restarint shown by most officers is unparreleled by most of today's society.
Like I said, I tip my hat to you for doing a job that is so drastically needed yet many times is publically insulted by folks that do not know what the job really involves day in and day out.
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Tuff Cop
One of the things you learn about police work and modern cars is how really small the back doors are.
When you have someone in cuffs and you put them in the car, usually their right ear will rub on the drip rail, sending the signal (unless they are well and truly shit-faced) that they need to dunk their head down to get in the car.
Usually the kind and benevolent patrol officer waits patiently while the message penetrates their dim little brains and the neck muscles respond to the stimulus and the head dips down, or he prompts the response by gently pushing the head down as he guides them to their seat..
But sometimes, the kind and benevolent peace officer is on the 16th hour of his 10 hour shift, and he hasn't had lunch yet and he is 3 hours overdue to take a leak.
On top of that, he only got 5 hours of sleep after the last 12 hour/10 hour shift because he had to go to court at O'dark thirty to testify against some genius he caught red-handed passing dope to a school kid.
And just as he escorts the latest candidate for Time's Man of the Year to the car for the ride to jail for beating a 6 month-old with a vacuum cleaner hose...........
The rocket scientist in question sez something to the effect of "I know where you live and what hours you work and I am going to go to your house a cut your wife a new *****."
Sometimes, well sometimes, I guess we are all human, no matter what standard we aspire to.
His right ear healed up just fine, eventually.
Nobody ever bothered my wife. Good thing. She would have shot their most precious possessions off, after she put the first four in the boiler room.
Thank God neither of us are in the center of that stream anymore.
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Tuff Cop
If this really happened like you say it did, that cop needs to get reeled in! This just happens to be my profession and we all can have bad days but if I ever treated someone like that..............WHEW! As a cop, if you give an as_ chewing, you don't give a ticket and vice versa.
Was this some guy with "little man's syndrome" or did he have an eternal chip on his shoulder? File the complaint with his superior and if you have to, get an attorney and get this guys complaint history......maybe there is a BIG problem here!
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