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 02-18-2005, 20:25 Post: 106421

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 Tuff Cop

I'm glad to hear you're fighting it, and I hope you win!

Cops work hard and face danger, but a few of them get this power-trip thing going. Then they threaten to haul off to jail every jaywalker who looks at them funny.

Don't know about Wis, but in some states you can have the hearning moved out of the little redneck town court into a district (real, professional) court. Otherwise you know your case will be heard by the cop's poker partner or in-law.

Try asking for a reduced penalty. The last ticket I got was also under stupid circumstances. In my case, a few words with the prosecution's rep, and they dropped all the points and lowered the fine/penalty. Maybe in your case they'll lower the fine or something as a compromise? $195 is %^&* highway robbery.

Best of luck to you!

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 02-18-2005, 23:12 Post: 106431

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 Tuff Cop

I can't say this would be the first time I've heard of poorly trained "tribal" cops getting overzealous. You are doing the right thing. Problems like this should not be ignored.

Best of luck! Please keep us in the loop on your progress.

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 02-19-2005, 20:33 Post: 106465

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 Tuff Cop

Fight it to the hill. I got pulled over in new jersey for a "stop sign" in a rest area that didn't exist. I never(knock on wood) got a ticket and when the NJ State Trooper told me I ran a stop sign I laughed. He started to get crazy on me with the hand on the .40 cal and I asked him to walk over there with me- there was no stop sign. He refused and said if I argued with him he would lock me up. I went along with it and took the ticket. I had to go back the following week and took my camera. I took a roll of film of the "stop sign" which was about 50 feet away for a parking lot exit not the main ramp. I also snapped a shot of a NJSP cruiser doing around 90 on the same corner. The car was leaning so bad you could tell from a still he ran the same "stop sign" I sent it to the court and also told them if I did not get justice I would inform the Governor of NJ.

NJ troopers are the biggest %&#$%#$% in the nation. They are always in trouble for racial profiling and they just got a rash of turd handed to them 2 weeks prior. I claimed they were trying to revers the ratial profiling by targeting white males from out of state.

Send lots of letters. They do not like letters going to the governer or news papers. Make sure you aren't confrontational but stress the dope cop was over agressive.
They will throw it out.

I legally carry a pistol in my state. I will NEVER again tell a cop I have it on me. I was rear ended one time about 10 years ago. The other guy was 100% at fault. 2 State troopers from CT showed up. As a gesture of good will I took my wallet out, gave them my license and pistol permit. They threw me on the hood of my car and frisked me. They took my gun. The cop had no idea how to unload it- I had to tell him how. They then threw me in the cruiser and called it in to find out I was legal. They then took the gun apart and stuck a part in each pockket and threw my bullets in the trunk. This was 10 years ago and I was a lot younger than I am now. I am so pissed at myself I didn'ty go after them then.

Most cops are good and decent but the handfull of bad ones I'd love to meet some night off duty and kick the crap out of them. These are they type that were losers their whole life and then they get a gun and become mr tough guy. Fight this dirtbag to the end. He shouldn't be wearing the badge.

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 02-19-2005, 21:02 Post: 106466

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 Tuff Cop

It is really sad that these guys have so much power and don’t know how to use it wisely. Not all of them are idiots some do have sense. I work at a Collage where they get their certificate to operate a vehicle and carry a weapon. And you would be very surprised what graduates from these classes. Officers are in need so they pass them right on though the classes. The worst of it all is, they have three chances to pass to get their certificate, In my opinion that is BS because I only had one chance to pass my refrigeration journeymen license or I had to repeat the class over again and PAY FOR IT. But I did have a Sergeant tell me some time ago “you can’t wear a vest around your head” so you do have to be civil to who you pull over.

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 02-20-2005, 13:59 Post: 106488

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 Tuff Cop

Police make mistakes, no dought about that, they are human and in many cases under a hell of alot of stress and pressure from all angles. If they use any force at all on a minority the video cameras start rolling. If they use too much force they are under suspition. If they dont use enough force and have a weapon took from them they are dead,wounded or wrote up for letting this happen. If they stop you, they were wrong, you didnt do it, if they dont stop the guy infront of you, they were wrong. If they are going to a call with out lights and sirens (for obvious reasons in some circumstances) and they pass you or turn on his lights at the stop sign and blow thru it, then the idiots say," he is abusing his powers probably late for supper. If they shoot some one for ANY reason they are under investigation and on desk duty till reviewed. If they even pull their gun, they are reveiwed . (Thank god for pepper spray eh) If they are on the side of the road doing paper work, then folks say," they are sluffing off" If they stop too many, then they are assholes. If they put their hand on their gun (for their safety) then they are intimidating or over using his power. When off duty if he steps in to break up a fight, folk say he is throwing his weight around. If he does not step in on a altercation off duty then he is not holding up the honor of the job. He arrests someone and is told by the cuffed crimminal that when he gets out of jail he is going to rape his daughter, screw his mother, slice up his wife etc etc. But god forbid if he makes a mistake.
One thing we all need to remember is that a very high percent of these guys just want to go home after work. Yes there are a few that feed on getting involved, that is the exception to the rule. How many of you would like to be able to lose your career, (Not your job but your entire career) if when off the clock you dont do something right or worse yet, you make a wrong decision trying to help someone else? Just about NONE of us here have any idea what kind of pressures theses guys go thru day in and out. Every time you stop someone you may DIE! EVERYTIME! You have no idea what this guy just done that maybe is the reason he is passing a car and speeding. You stop him for this and he thinks your stopping him for the crime he just done.
Yes it's easy to rip on the police, if your car is getting broke into and you call and they dont get there right away, or your wife hears something downstairs and calls 911, cowering in her bedroom hoping they get there imediately. Funny how the only time we like the police is when we need them.
Not saying you are not right in this instance, I am saying that all of a sudden the topic has took a turn towards bashing the police and many of them are bad. Remember that the next time you see lights turning on and off in your house from the street and have to decide if you want to go in there and stop this guy yourself or if you would rather call that cop that dont know what he is doing and took that test 3 times before he finally passed?
Tom Lukawski

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 02-20-2005, 14:27 Post: 106489

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 Tuff Cop

I have never had a problem with a cop in my life, My Brother in Law is NOW a Deputy , Another brother in law was a constable for many years, a brother was in security for years. I at one time thought I would like to do this work, but decided I didn't have the balls for it.... I do not think all cops are bad, on the contrary, Most of them I know have been just regular guys, The Sheriff lived across the road from me and we got along fine. I flew with another at our flying field in town.. Most are upright guys. Something was definately wrong with the one I met up with. would I call him if my lights were flickering as I came home, dang straight, He would probably do a great job, if he had the attitude he had with me against real criminals, When you enter a house that has been broken into, with the person or persons still inside, it requires a different attitude than pulling an average guy over for a traffic violation, This is what makes a good cop, adapting to the situation, it may be what he needs to do. He might be one of the reasons Green Bay is one of the 10 lowest crime areas in the U.S.A... But...he had a problem of some kind that day, and he was wrong to treat us the way he did.

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 02-20-2005, 21:23 Post: 106516

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 Tuff Cop

On a side road to my left was a police car getting ready to pull out
Was this the state, city or sheriff?

The guy might not even had jurisdiction to pull you over much less the authority to issue you a ticket.

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 02-20-2005, 22:04 Post: 106520

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Deputy Sheriff for that area

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 02-20-2005, 22:19 Post: 106522

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 Tuff Cop

We can't begin to understand the motivivations that are involved here , that is what Judges are paid for to exercise common sense and we all hope they are able to maintain the impartalitly to render the same!!

Take it there and presents the facts as you know them , nothing more - nothing less and you will be vindicated if your facts outweigh his!!

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 02-20-2005, 23:15 Post: 106523

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 Tuff Cop

Since I told a bad experience story about cops, it's only fair I also tell my good experience story with cops.. Trouble is, I didn't realize it was a good experience at the time.

I was in the marines, home on leave, and driving my pickup truck through Palos Verdes, Ca. at about 3am, highly intoxicated. This was 25 plus years ago and attitudes have changed considerably towards drunk driving since. But as I passed the police station (drinking makes you smart), I got pulled over. As I was pulled over, I drove up on the curb.

He gave me a sobriety test (have no idea how I did), and it turned out I had a failure to appear traffic warrent. So off to jail I go (about 150 yards away).

Im told that to get out I have to post bail. It's an odd amount (something like $74.86), and I don't have exact change. I'm told they don't have change, and can't accept $80 because that will mess up their books.

Well that pretty well pisses me off (but I keep that to myself). Shift changes, and none of the new cops have change. About 8 hrs later, the janitor comes in, and lo and behold he has exact change to break my 20, and I get to bail myself out.

Well I was pissed about that for years and years, but it was only many years later, that I realized the not having change thing was a ruse, just to keep me in the pokey long enough to sober up.

The guys didn't wnat to bust the marine with DUI, but they weren't about to let me drive anymore. So, they wouldn't let me make change for 8 hrs or so, long enough to sober up.

It sounds like a small thing when I write it down klike this, but it makes me smile everytime I drive past that police station. I'm pretty grateful in hindsight.

Regarding hothead cops, I always thought that 21 was too young to give a guy that much power and responsibility.

I saw a lot of guys (MPs) get just ruined in the marines. You take an 18 year old, give him a ticket book and a gun, and it seems to just jack up the personality of about a third of them.

I always thought that it would be good if the minimum age to become a cop was thirty. By then, they start to mellow and have a bit more perspective and maturity.

It's a highly stressful job, and it changes those who have it. Especially those in high crime areas (like the cops in the first story I told where the cops were arguing whether to shoot me or not).

I wouldn't want the job at all, (unless it was one of those bicycle cops at the beach), but I'm really thankful they exist. In the USA, we have pretty good ones by and large.

I have had several friends and a couple in laws who were cops,. All of them were slightly off (especially the undercover one), but I can defintely understand why.

Their divorce and suicide rate kinda says it all. How do you turn that stuff off when you get home?

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