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Dumped Dogs
Yes, it seems little attention is given to teaching children respect for others and when they grow up guess what happens.
Chips in animals can be monitored by using a scanner. Some Vets and agencies that handle animals have the scanners now and vets and animal pounds that do can insert the chip.
The court/lawyer system is a joke. the perps keep getting arrested and going to court to support the lawyers and judges. If caught in the act of a crime they should go to jail not have some lawyer weasel them out of it with a helpful judge. Prisoners should break rock all day in a quarry. I bet most of them would not do crime again.
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Dumped Dogs
You might be getting a little off topic with your last post or you may be 100% on it. I think you are 99% at least on topic there. It all has to do with attitude.
I wish you well with raising your children. It is greath when (yes many years later) they tell you they understand so and so you told them years before.
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Dumped Dogs
This is getting off the topic a little, although it all has to do with repect for people and throwing your troubles on someone else.
The question is how do you instill respect in citizens for the public property and others personal property. Needless to say dumping your dog on someone elses door step is a symptom not the root cause.
What I said eariler is that you need to have young people take ownership of the public property and neighborhood. The extreme is having the students spit and polish the school like they do in Japan. The moderate is having the students clean parks and road in the area around the school. In this country if I went to deface a public monument like mount Rushmore everyone would be up in arms. If I walked through the area and throw my trash no one would likely say a word. Yet both actions are defacing the monument.
I am not convinced tougher sentencing is the answer. We now have per capital 6 times the incarceration rate of the next industrialized group 7 country, yet the rate of crime is similar to other industrialized nations. The only number that is out of wack is the murder rate. (stats Nationmaster.com) Again I think it is trying to correct a problem after the fact. I think it is better to prevent problems. Like the problem dog, it is far easier to correct the problems of a puppy than after the dog is mature.
With the education system we have now the problems are dumped on the military, penal system or work force. Unfortunately the system in some areas and States is so bad that the good kids are moved out to private or homeschool, therefore the system gets worse. That said I have my hands full at the moment educating my own 2 and their friends.
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