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I love my wife but
As stated above, I do love my wife, but there are times taht push limits. Last night it was the microwave. See, the microwave is one of them over the stove types. So, hypothetically, if your wife leaves the microwave door open while you are squating down to get a pan you will seriously brain yourself when you stand up. I still have a red mark on my head from the impact point (baldness highlights head injuries). In fact, I still have a dull headache and the top is tender. I'm glad the baby isn't able to repeat words yet. She'd have gained some serious new vocabulary!
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I love my wife but
I dont know why the toilet tissue has to be kept in the lien closet and not by the toilet. The female products are always close at hand. Is it just me.
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I love my wife but
if that happened to me, I'd get yelled at for almost breaking the microwave. 
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I love my wife but
My biggest grip is the pack rat gene. I have built 2 houses and 2 kitchens over the years for my wife. The current kitchen has nearly 100 square feet of counter space with cabinets below and above. She also has a large pantry cabinet. After a few years of use every square inch of the cabinets and cupboards in full. Often much of the counter top are full of plants etc.
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I love my wife but
My wife is squeezing me out of a 30x60 foot basement. I had declared 1/2 the basement was mine when we moved in. Forget it. Maybe I'll move my tiny shop into the cold garage.
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I love my wife but
I'm sitting in "my" office in the new house. We have been here since November 21. The barn (which was going to be Man's World) is full of my wife's horses. My workshop in the basement has been pushed back to a small corner since the kids need a place to do messy crafts. The closet is long gone. I'm spending as much time as I can in the office, knowing that at any moment it can become the scapbooking room...
But hey, she never touches the tractor and always encourages me to buy more stuff that I "need" for it...
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I love my wife but
That last sentence you posted? Hmmm Was that "JUST" in case she reads the post? (nice save).
I can post one gripe a day for the next two months. (she can post two gripes a day about me I suppose) BUT, Since she doesnt read or post or use the computer much, what the hell I will do it anyways.
1. If I take anything off, leave anything on any surface that is visable, it will be put away with out my knowlege in the new designated space that it should of been in in the fisrt place
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I love my wife but
Oliver, I originally had an office on the first floor which was an unused bedroom. I had my desk, computer, bookshelf all set up. Then the wife wanted a single bed in there just in case. Then the laundry rack arrived. Well you can figure the rest. Now that the kids have left I moved my office upstairs. My wife argues with me on how I want my office set up! I think I lost control, lets say 25 years ago, as of next weekend!!
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I love my wife but
Peters, I worry about that gene. My mom-in-law has that gene very bad. So I live in constant fear of it being passed down.
My wife isn't too bad overall. Except she can't throw away the empty cereal boxes or empty milk jugs. I can't say why. They just sit on the limited counter space until I toss them.
My head still hurts from the microwave incident and I'm on day 3.
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I love my wife but
I think the trick, or at least the trick that has worked for me, is to just set hard boundary lines. Not just physical ones either.
I'm not "allowed" to come into the house with outdoor foot wear on since she cleans not me, fairplay, she's not allowed to use my office, since I earn the bucks not her, etc.
When she declared that I was not to use 'her' garage for 'my' stuff, that's Ok, I took all of 'her' gardening stuff out of 'my' shop and put it in 'her' garage. It's full now, so full she can barely get her Land Rover in it.
The toilet tissue thing she still has problems with though. I did however make some progress when I put one of those magnetic 'child safety' locks on the cabinet in 'my' bathroom, she now remembers to refill the roll in 'her' bathroom. Especially after I was 'unable to hear her' from the office a few times when she issued commands from the throne after finding she was a little shy of paperwork. ;-}
Best of luck.
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