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 04-06-2006, 10:46 Post: 127304

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 Sick and Tired

Ken; How was Hawaii aquired? How was Washinton and Oregon aquired? Who was the majority of the population in the Louisiana territory? Did they have a say?

The native population was primarily agrarian from the gulf to southern Ontario. In the Canadian Shield and plains the population was never very large as it had to rely on hunting and gathering.

In 1500 before contact with europeans there were an estimated 3 million natives in North America (some estimates as high as 12 million). Most were killed by small pox etc. although a significant number were killed by war and extermination like in California. In 1900 cenus recorded about 300,000. We now have about 3 million again. More than 1/3 of which are in cold Canada.

In the first 100 years in the US there were some 1 million deaths due to war in North America, not counting native deaths which were not recorded. Some how I doubt that the native population killed 10,000 people a year in the small raids they did between tribes with spears and arrows even before decimation by disease.

I find it interesting that we focus on the violence of the tribes and forget the violence of this nation.

I was definately better to be of color than native in the US. At least you were worth something as a slave.

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 04-06-2006, 10:56 Post: 127305

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Your report on the movement of the American Native American has some leaks.
The Tribes of this NAtion crossed by way of the Bering Starit many thousands of years ago. There is NO record as of yet who was here if anyone prior to that. There is another beleif that this entire Continent broke away from Europe and has been moving Westward. You can almost fit the Americas with the coast of Europe.
Anyways, many of the Plains Indians were pushed Westward and Eastward by early explorers. Tribes that were once Plains became Forest. None were arghricultural some may have planted Maze but none would be considered Farmers.
White man forced them to different areas as in the LONG WALK and the TRAIL OF TEARS. Many were buthcered from moving trains strictly for the thrill of watching them die. The WHite man from European roots showed the Indians how to scalp and used scalps as proof that their enemies were killed and paid the Indian a ransom for the scalps. The Native American has No word for Hate. We were just good teachers.

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 04-06-2006, 11:28 Post: 127306

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you mistakenly mentioned KT as the one who described the migration of indians through the Americas. I was the one who addressed the point. I go by archeological and paleontological data. Based on that data (and I'm not an expert, only an informed amature, so if anyone has more precise data, please correct me) the migrations occured around 20 thousand years ago from Asia. The age of the migrations is confirmed by carbon dated artifacts. The fact that American Indians are of Asian origin is confirmed by cultural and anatomical similarities between themselves and the current inhabitants of the far east. The fact that migrations occured in the matter I described (with successive displacements) is again indicated by archeological evidence where cultural artifacts similar to thouse used by the tribes that inhabit South America can be found in Alaska, showing the rout that the South American tribes took to their current homeland. The bottom line is, the history of America's prior to the arrival of white man is steeped in conflict and warfare. White Man brought nothing new to the continent other than gunpowder, horses and superior military skills.

Your point that Americas separated from Europe (and Africa for that matter) is correct, except that occured tens of millions of years ago and prior to the evolution of mankind.

About your point on "hate" and scalping, I think you're probably joking, so I'm not responding to that.

Having said all of this, killing of indians outside of legitimate warfare was obviously a heinous crime and the folks that did the needless killings are burning in hell as we speak.

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 04-06-2006, 12:36 Post: 127308

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You expect me to be able to remeber details such as who posted what?????
I wasn't kidding about Hate they have no spoken words for Hate. Scalping was actually taught to them by the Europeans. Scalping was proof to the Europeans that the White Colonist was killed and ransoms were usually traded for the scalps.
Were you aware of the MORe accurate dating using Wood versus Carbon? They have been able to use wood found in Old Pueblo Dwellings etc and found at other sites and crossed the growth rings with wood from like the Sequoias and the Bristle Pine and have been able to obtain an extremely accurate timeline using Wood, accuarcy within one season.
Yes! there is much Asian influnece in the American Indian and there is some South American such as the Ranchero, Hopi, Zuni, Navajo and even Apache that show that influence and similarities to the Mayan and Aztec.
I do hope the ones who killed for sport and because they thought the Red Man was a savage are burning in Hell. I am part Sioux, Cheyenne and Cherokee and the Cherokee in the Carolinas are NOT Native of that area but from further West. Same for the Cheyenne. One tribe who has NEVER signed the treaties live in the Swamps in the Everglades, the Seminole. The tribe at the base of the Grand Canyon, the Havasupi were at one time Plains People and were driven until they sought their refuge within the walls of the Canyon. To this very day permission to enter the Canyon floor has to be granted by the Havasupi in advance. It is lush and green. Take a trip to the bottom sometime and meet these great people.

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 04-06-2006, 12:48 Post: 127309

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speaking of Grand Canyon,
Didn't FDR have a plan for filling it up in one of his psychotic hydroelectric dam plans? Good thing it never happened.

but I'm off the topic completely, so have a nice day!

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 04-06-2006, 13:10 Post: 127310

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He wanted to fill the Grand Cnayon with a Hydro Project???? I guess, natural walls to hold it, but wow! that would make for a Short Donkey ride.

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 04-06-2006, 13:13 Post: 127311

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So I recon destruction of natural wonders for the sake of energy is not your idea of good land stewardship?

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 04-06-2006, 13:35 Post: 127315

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No that would be a bummer.....
I have thoughted about putting paddlewheel type of things along our Coast lines and let the POUNDING SURF generate some power for us. Hell the surf is always pounding and there are plenty of areas that you can't put nothing else in its place, so why not? Just think of the possibilities, Storm tonight brings a brighter light. or some dumb log...

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 04-06-2006, 13:51 Post: 127318

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No that would be a bummer.....

Well, then I put the attempts to suck the last remaining drop of oil out of the ANWR in the same category. Considering that those reserves would be a mere drop in the bucket of total US oil consumption, I see no economic or political benefit for developing those oilfields and destroying one of the last remaining wildlife areas in the WORLD in the process. The oil will be sucked out and gone in less than 10 years, but the tundra will not recover ever. I think the protection of ANWR is the only good reason for the existence of the democrat party.

Speaking of renewable energy. If we could only harvest all the hot air coming out of Washington, we could probably heat the entire North East the whole winter.

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 04-06-2006, 13:55 Post: 127319

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 Sick and Tired

The best I remember the Cherokees and others did not live in moveable houses or teepees, rather stationary houses.

No tribe ever took land fron another? That could be true due to how much land with the population. But if they were willing to kill each other, take prisioners, take their children, take their food but they respected the land so they would not occupy it? Wow. Shame they did not respect the person that much.

Now, I have no idea how correct some of my thougths on these points are. I could be remembering way wrong. THose of you who remeber so well since you were there, I appreciate your correcting me. Laughing out loud.

If it is important I will take the time in the next few days to find out.

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